A bold new era of the adventures of the Man of Steel continues as bodies fall from the sky and buildings burn around the City of Tomorrow. Even Superman must wonder how well he knows the city he protects as an unknown criminal element begins to rise throughout Metropolis.
Patrick Gleason and Brian Michael Bendis craft a fantastic detective story as Clark Kent looks into the crimes that Superman is allegedly committing. Read Full Review
So far, Action Comics in its second millennium is a book going in two directions. Superman's characterization, the mystery of the Invisible Mafia along with many of the little details feels spot on and pretty darn interesting. However, the Lois Lane subplot feels so out of place that the book would be better if it was excluded entirely. Read Full Review
The level of care and attention brought to the various corners of Metropolis showcases this creative team's greatest strengths, and makes Action Comics a can't-miss title from the DC publishing line. Read Full Review
The ending also has a bit of a surprise and I love how it's all set up. I can't wait for the next issue as always. Great stuff. Read Full Review
Thanks in part to my apathy towards Rogol Zaar and his ongoing storyline in the main book, Action Comics has quickly become my favorite Superman title these days. Bendis has a great voice for the office politics setting and Superman engaging more with regular people. It's classic Bendis in the best possible way on a Superman title. This issue was another easy winner. Read Full Review
I mustadmit, I was skeptical of Bendis run on the Superman franchise, though thatwas largely because He was such a name at Marvel. It was my fear that histenure might influence Bendis to marvelize the Man of Steel. But as of thiswriting, Im not convinced that would be a bad thing. Read Full Review
Great continuation for “Invisible Mafia” in which Supes will discover a facet of his beloved city which he ignores, what consequences for our hero will these events have? Will we see Superman imparting justice to the old Gothic style of Bats? Read Full Review
I think this current run has been incredible so far. Both the main title and Action Comics have been inspired by classic stories from the past, but have added a new twist to things. I don't want to see Lois and Clark have relationship problems as much as the next person, but it's important to let this creative team tell their whole story first before judging it. Superman is getting the Daredevil treatment where everything that could go wrong, will go wrong. So how will the most hopeful and inspirational superhero in comics deal with going through his own personal hell? I'm not sure, and in this issue, we got to see how he takes out his frustration. What I do know is that Bendis and Gleason have me excited to find out, and have me more invested in a Superman story than I've been in years. Read Full Review
Admittedly I am biased towards Bendis' style, so I enjoyed this book immensely. Counter-balanced with the cosmic-level action of the "Superman" title, "Action Comics" has a more reserved, subtle plot. It's a welcome change of pace for a powerhouse like Clark Kent. Read Full Review
This is a comic that's definitely the better of the two Superman books at the moment, but it's also suffering from a combination of Bendis' style and the scheduling. Read Full Review
Bendis is definitely taking Superman to some really interesting and unknown territory in this book. Rather than having him deal with bigger than life villains and averting global destruction, this issue and the previous ones seem to spend a good amount of time dealing with the limitations of Superman's reach in Metropolis and how his mission can be perverted by those with ill intent. Read Full Review
Let's face it. Most Lois fans have been waiting for her to return, hopefully with a good story to tell. We shall see. Still, overall this was a very solid character issue. Great Perry. Great Clark. Great Superman. And the mob stuff was solid. Add to that great art, and this was a winner. Read Full Review
It's not a bad issue at all, but it offers precious little for Superman to do. But it does manage a surprising twist at the end! Read Full Review
I'm looking forward to seeing more, but the Superman book is where I'm really excited for the moment. Read Full Review
Action Comics #1002 feels like a significant, and welcome, tonal shift from previous issues of Bendis's Superman run. The sense of humor, the Easter eggs, and the hints and teases of things to come " especially on that first page " are fun and charming little bits of storytelling. Read Full Review
Superman fans should be checking this out. Though Im still reserving judgement, Im enjoying this book so far. Read Full Review
Action Comics is sizing up to be the stronger of the two titles under Bendis pen and with Gleason and Sanchez illustrating a very grimy and vibrant Metropolis in the process? Action Comics seems to be in fine hands. Read Full Review
Decent second entry in Bendis' Action Comics run, but I'm still not 100% sold on handing him the keys to the kingdom just yet. Time will tell how history views this run. Read Full Review
Action Comics #1002 is a bit of a weird one. Its very Bendis, and its a little slow compared to the previous issue. The tone can get especially wonky in parts. That said, it tells in an interesting story, is often quite funny, and has a strong artistic team behind it. In the end, I can recommend it pretty easily. As such, you should feel free to check it out. Read Full Review
Overall, it's a decent showing, though kind of forgettable. The side characters have impressive arcs. Honestly, just give me more Maggie Sawyer and Cat Grant. Their short appearances were the strongest parts of this issue. Read Full Review
This is a weird issue. It does away with a few of the mysteries in this storyline before they could be developed more. Its entertaining, but Bendis makes some choices that are suspect for this arcs longevity. Revealing so much already raises the fear that Bendis will pad this story with his special brand of the filler: a lot of boring talking. The big reveal at the end is nice and opens up a lot of possibilities, but this is a strange time for it. The art is the books saving grace. Gleason and Sanchez kill it and elevate the material to a level that it couldnt reach on its own. This still an interesting story, but Bendis picked a strange time to lay down some of his cards. Read Full Review
This issue of Action Comics picks things up a bit for me compared to the previous issue and I'm happy as hell for that because I was really worried there for a bit. Between the characters in this issue and the art that depicts them, you get a pretty decent installment to this comic that really starts upping the ante of the story with its cliffhanger. Read Full Review
Well-drawn, with some interesting story points that sadly don't seem to be going anywhere this time around. Read Full Review
Patrick Gleason is still and always will be a wonder to look at whenever it comes to Superman. In an odd way it reminds me of the old Superman the animated series with just a tad more detail.Bendis is getting a groove into the current Superman titles at DC but seems to be forcing his puzzle pieces in order to complete a story. With more time I hope Bendis is setting up a great Adventure for Superman and the current readers. Read Full Review
While it is beginning to take shape, the current arc of Action Comics is stumbling. Read Full Review
Much like all of Bendis' work on Superman so far, this new issue is uninteresting. It's like he can't come up with anything new or worthwhile to do with either Superman or Clark Kent. Read Full Review
I really enjoyed this issue. Bendis shows he can write Superman very well. The Superman book is a different story...
I never would have picked Bendis to write Superman, and now I am surprised at how much I have enjoyed his first few issues. His takes on the Daily Planet and the city of Metropolis have been refreshing. I am not sure if I like where the overall story is headed, but I do know that I eagerly anticipate the next issue.
The art is a big part of the fun... it is superb.
• Funny
• Well written
• Various interesting plot threads
• Cliff hanger with Lois
• None
See my review video of August 22, 2018 comic books, for my full review on this book, as well as others from the week. https://youtu.be/CvFFOdDXfuo
Fun, mainly street-level story focusing on the Metropolis. Really enjoyed this one.
I really liked this one. Bendis is taking control of things very well! Ohh, we have a lot of easter-eggs here!
-Patrick Gleason's art was the take-home for me. Unique and it captured the characters well. Not to mention well-complimented by Alejandro Sanchez's colors.
-I appreciate that Bendis is making this a more simple issue, not weighed down by cliched end-of-the-world style conflicts. Definitely gives it the advantage over Superman.
-I thought the end was a good and unexpected but original twist. It leaves me on the edge of my seat waiting for the next issue.
-The surprise breakthrough of Bendis's Superman run is Perry White, who is funny, original and well-written.
-The rest of characters aren't working for me. I find it hard to like Superman as, it is frustrat more
Bendis' best issue overall since he took over the character. His take on Perry White and Clark Kent remain standouts, the new characters are interesting, the Cat Grant cameo was welcomed, and the main plot of the secret underworld of Metropolis moves along well. The characterization of Guardian was a little odd and I'm not sure if I'm supposed to take it at face value or not. The artwork is incredible, channeling Ed McGuiness and Bruce Timm equally. I'm glad the Lois in hiding thing isn't being strung out too long.
"Oh look! Tourists!"
Superman is pissed. Some weird stuff is happening all around his city (building fires, criminals falling out of the sky) and all of it is happening right under his nose, and he has no idea where to look for a cause of this. To make matters worse, his wife seems to be back from her space voyages, but she's not very keen on meeting with her husband. Tough week for the Man of Steel.
But there is a silver lining. All these shenanigans make for a great read. Bendis crafts a nice story here, that keeps you guessing and wondering "what's next?". He's doing this with a good dialogue, without any cringe-worthy lines, and some nice little humor sprinkled in.
He also gets help from Pat Gleason, whose ar more
Pacing issues hold back an otherwise great comic.
I totally agree with the review that said it is treading water. When Brian came over to DC I had hopes of him maybe doing Justice League or a single character such as Green Arrow or Wonder Woman. Now he has hinted at a team coming back but is it the Legion Or Justice Society? Don't go b me though. I don't consider this the real Superman. I don't know who he is. That series last year was confusing and I think DC made a mistake with this and it's one Rebirth figure I am surprised they are not fitting into the new changes. They could have left the original be. I enjoyed Pearl and look forward to Scarlet. Brian is taking the long view which I appreciate but I feel no connection from him to Jimmy or Perry and he acts like it. Bring the real supemore
The art looks good but not the writing. Gonna skip owning this book at full price until better writers take over. I’ll still collect because that’s what I do, but it’ll be in the dollar bin before too long and I will get it then. Don’t recommend full price for this story at all.
a good enough issue with the mildly interesting Clark Kent street-level stuff.
dragged down a couple of points by how confusing the whole Lois part of the story is, and by reminding me how awful the whole "Lois and Jon left" angle is to begin with.
@#$ them.