All hope is lost as Barry Allen races to save his former partner, Wally West. Armed with the weapons of the Rogues who once tried to destroy the Flash, Barry plots an attack that’ll either free the former Kid Flash from the evil that’s possessed him-or end his threat forever!
Oh boy, did people not like the future of the Flash Family after what we got from the first issue of this series and if you were in that camp before, you definitely won't switch sides after this issue. That being said, I think that as bleak as this is, it's an interesting story that's told great and looks great on top of that. Not to mention that I love that this is the first part of a larger Future State story that continues on..... Dark, depressing... Yeah, but it's also action-packed and for the most part, has the voices and the feel of the characters down. Read Full Review
This was so different from any of the Flash titles I have read. Between issue one and two it was hard to hope for any kind of happy ending, but I guess that is for the readers to determine. Given the artwork and story telling, this part of the Future State is vital, especially when it comes to whatever part the Four Horsemen have to play. Read Full Review
Future State: The Flash #2 pits science against speed as Barry takes one last stand against Famine to save Wally from certain doom. Read Full Review
The freedom the Future State provides is the greatest asset to the issue. Readers can not assume the heroes always win or that everyone can be saved. This creative freedom creates a worthy issue that is allowed to wrestle with the issue of evil triumphing over good. The ending may not be satisfying to fans, but it provides DC the ability to play around with concepts usually off the table in traditional super hero franchises. Read Full Review
Future State: The Flash #2 is an utterly beautiful comic hiding a weirdly-executed story inside that is not only a complete downer, but also doesn't end properly and continues DC's recent streak of shredding Wally West. Flash Fact: avoid this comic. Read Full Review
Visually pleasing, Future State: The Flash #2 starts off promising but ends up somewhat disappointing. The action sequences show off Barry's scientific mind and ingenuity in using the weapons of his enemies to stop his fellow speedster. However, it's hard to be excited to see more of this story with an ending that doesn't stick the landing. Read Full Review
"Future State" as a whole has been quite interesting for the DCU, giving us unique takes on their expansive library, which makes it so unfortunate that Barry Allen and company seem to be on the lower side of the totem pole. Read Full Review
Future State: The Flash #2 has improved but is still disappointing. Darkness and misery absolutely have a place within superhero comics and have often been dealt with well by writers. But this comic is far too bleak. The pacing, characters, and dialogue arent doing enough to keep you invested in the plot. The art is brilliant and the fight is enthralling but the reader may find themselves tuning out from it. Fan-favorite characters have been killed off in this series but its hard to care about that fact when its almost a side note within the issue. However, the end of the comic provides some context to this world, so hopefully what comes next is worth the torment. Read Full Review
This one sadly didn't work for me at all. Read Full Review
Future State: The Flash #2 has slivers of intriguing content, but most of the issue is at odds with itself. Read Full Review
As for The Flash? After these two Future State issues, he cant return to the current timeline fast enough. Hopefully with far better results than this potential future. Read Full Review
I cannot remember the last time I was this disappointed in a comic book. With how much fun the Future State direction has been thus far it is shocking to get such an unsatisfying reading experience like the one we got in the Future State: The Flash series. The fact that this series ended without even telling a complete story furthers how disappointing this entire experience was. At this point the best thing that can happen for the Flash Family is to forget that they took part in Future State. Read Full Review