"Lost Daze" continues as Batman's battle with the Splitt reaches a fever pitch, but the Dark Knight isn't getting any support from the Batcave. The normally reclusive Bruce Wayne is too busy lavishing cash all over Neo-Gotham to care that his protégé is in trouble. Does this out-of-character behavior have something to do with the strange goings-on at Arkham Asylum?
The whole package is really great. Jurgens works so well with Leonardi, it's fantastic. This is another fine storyline in a well crafted comic. I can't wait to see where the creators take us next. Read Full Review
We've gone from one dire situation to another. Batman Beyond #32 perfectly expanded on the growing drama from the previous issue. Nothing is certain, and with names from the 1960's popping up as a character's last line, we can only imagine what's to come. This revelation has set up what looks to be another strong story arc. Read Full Review
Jurgens has been writing Batman Beyond for over 30 issues. It's refreshing to see that kind of commitment to a title in an era when comic creators rotate among titles so rapidly. I genuinely hope he continues to apply his skills as a storyteller on the book indefinitely. Read Full Review
VerdictDan Jurgens has managed something unique with Batman Beyond. He has given us a series that seems both connected to the wider comics universe while also feeling like a continuation of the cartoon as well. Never before have we seen such a complete merging between the DCU version of a series and its counterpart from another media, pleasing comic and cartoon fans alike. Read Full Review
Batman Beyond #32 features an excellent mystery begging us to answer the question, "What in the world is wrong with Mr. Wayne?" Read Full Review
Which brings things to the last point: we're dealing with False Face while Bruce is stuck at Arkham Asylum. We haven't seen Bruce's face in the prison yet, but Dan Jurgens made it fairly clear as to what's going on. While the stuff with Splitt has been good, A Bruce Wayne-False Face switcheroo has the making of an intense chapter. Read Full Review
Ultimately I thought Batman Beyond #32 was a pretty good read with solid artwork all throughout. I think there's enough moving pieces at play with the story that make you wonder what will happen next and how all these separate elements will connect as well as what that will mean when they come together. Read Full Review
Rick Leonardi does a good job as the new artist on Batman Beyond #32, but overall the plot lacks the punch of the recent Joker arc. Read Full Review
Its really nice to know that there are still issues like Batman Beyond #32. Its the type of chapter that could have appeared in just about any similar Marvel or DC title going back to the dawn of the silver age. But without anything more to offer in the deliciously attractive potential of Gotham in the future, this is just another issue in the series that fails to live up to the possibilities of the premise. Read Full Review
A solid issue. We continue the story while adding to the intrigue of who Splitt is, and why Bruce is acting so strangely. Read Full Review
With some interesting villains involved and some really fun art depicting the action, there's some joy to be had in this issue........ The biggest problem I see is that our heroes aren't really interesting and stuck in a formulaic style of storytelling, where Terry has to get his ass kicked every issue to end his parts of the issue and it's been a bit stale for awhile. The villains though are really cool and I'm really interested in continuing their stories. Read Full Review
Overall,Batman Beyond #32isn't great, but it isn't bad. The art and villain alone make up for frustrating character moments and so long as this charade isn't kept up much longer, the dynamic between Terry and The Splitt is sure to give a satisfying conclusion to the “Divide, Conquer, and Kill” arc. Read Full Review
This story needs to start picking up the pace. Read Full Review
Passionless but acceptable.
Well the art wasn't much of an improvement unfortunately. No clue how long this story arc is but hope get more of the villain. They seem like they are going to have an interesting backstory but as of now I am not invested into them. Boy Matt seems extra dumb if it took him that long to figure out something is wrong with Bruce. Melanie's reappearance felt odd, why come at the aftermath of the Joker instead of staying there to help.
This series just isn't that interesting.