"MULTIPLICITY" part one! The New Super-Man of China has been taken! The Red Son Superman of Earth-30 has been beaten! And who knows what's happened to Sunshine Superman! Someone is collecting Supermen across the Multiverse-this looks like a job for our Kal-El as he is joined by Justice Incarnate in this multi-Earth epic!
This was such a fun issue and I loved it. Tomasi and Gleason still continue to impress me with how well they can write a Superman story. Prado and Reis' art is beautifully awesome and I love the action in it. I can't wait to continue where this multiverse story goes and I'm excited to explore different Earth's Supermen. Read Full Review
Superman's new story arc is off to a strong start that works on many levels and ties into Rebirth's biggest and boldest themes. Read Full Review
What is Superman? Not who is Superman, but what is he? He is a hero, of course. He is the Last Son of Krypton. But what else? How exactly does this Superman, who was not originally a native of the current timeline, after all, relate to the reality in which he and his family find themselves? Peter Tomasi and Patrick Gleason launch a new story arc in Superman #14 aimed at investigating this question, which they touched on earlier in the Superman Annual #1. These two, particular Tomasi, have always been among the most respectful writers of DC's greater universe, and to explore the meaning and identity of Superman they reach out to one of DC's most creative and eccentric creations, the Multiversitysaga of Grant Morrison. I mean, if you have a 52 Earths just sitting around, why not use them. Read Full Review
Writers Tomasi and Gleason kick off the Multiplicity storyline strong in issue #14. I don't want to give away specifics about where the story gets really interesting, but it involves quite a few alternate takes of super-heroes from other Earths (5, 11, 18, 20, 23, 30 and 36) . In particular, I won't reveal what happens on the last 3 pages, except to say they're what really sold me on this storyline. Despite my reservations about the continually rotating art team, the writing was strong enough to ensure that I'll be back for next issue. Read Full Review
Tomasi and Gleason deliver another compelling installment of Superman. Read Full Review
Clearly, if any creative team can carry on the Multiversity legacy, it's this one. Read Full Review
Get out your Earth number guide, because the multiverse is back! This issue kicks off the series with plenty of clues, questions, and immediate threats to tantalize. Read Full Review
The start of the new year brings more threats, more insane scenarios, and more often than not… more surprises aplenty for our heroes. Superman delivers on that wholeheartedly with no signs of letting up. “Multiplicity” begins with an interesting premise that connects old work with the current state of Rebirth, and if that doesn't show what the line has been about this entire time… I don't know what title does it better. Read Full Review
A truly bombastic, enthralling trip through the Multiverse. Read Full Review
Multiplicity will be the Superman story of 2017! Read Full Review
Superman #14 opened at full speed and never let up. Peter Tomasi and Patrick Gleason continue to work their magic on this series by introducing the multiverse to the readers. This opening chapter of "Multiplicity" did a great job using The Multiversity mini-series as a foundation for the story without ever making things confusing. That foundation made for a strong launching pad for what feels like a big event, which is only made to feel bigger thanks to Ivan Reis and Joe Prado great artwork. If you have yet to pick up Tomasi and Gleason's Superman comic book this is a great place to start. Read Full Review
Yeah, this is a big bad issue with the promise of a lot of stuff going on in the future of Superman comics (at least for this arc), but with that though this is purely a setup issue that gets our Man of Steel on the trolley of what's going on in the Multiverse. Now, with that out of the way, I'm still totally excited for what's to come from this and can't wait to read more of what Tomasi and Gleason have for us down the pipe. Read Full Review
We finally got a Cap'n Carrot I could support only to have him reduced to a plain old bunny. It kind of depresses me. But the overall issue thrilled me. Can't wait for more. And now, off for some research. Read Full Review
What can I say? I have always loved parallel Earth stories, and it's good that DC is once again bringing out this staple type of story. And where parallel Earths are involved, it almost certainly must tie into DC Rebirth. Read Full Review
Tomasi and Gleason are heating things up with a bigger threat than we've seen lately. Bringing in the concepts of Grant Morrison's Multiversity is an intriguing move. With Ivan Reis, Joe Prado, and Marcelo Maiolo, we're in for a treat with the arc. Too often the beginning of a new story ends up being a little slow with all the set up. That isn't the case here. The story hits the ground running. You won't want to miss out on this. This arc has the makings of a definite must-read for Superman fans. Read Full Review
This isn't a terrible book by any means but it again is not the best. If you have some extra money and want to pick up more Superman then sure it's an alright start to a new arc that will hopefully get better. Read Full Review
Put Ivan Reis on this book permanently
Multi-verse Supermen will either end amazingly or be one of the most random and nonsensical DC comics that has existed, and I am gravitating to a bit of both. I hope that this arc also explores the reason that Superman is so different that all the other Supermen, as well as what happened to the previous one. Overall, it has continued great storytelling and great art that matches the action needed for this type of comic.
[ART: 9.5 | STORY: 9 | WRITING: 8.3 | TOTAL: 8.9 (~9)] I absolutely love the concept of this issue and it's done very effectively. Reis' art is gorgeous to look at. Tomasi and Gleason just get this character and every issue is a delight to read. Fantastic issue full of a great story, great writing and great art.
I was really looking forward to this arc and I wasn't disappointed at all. Even if this issue is mostly introductory, it's very enjoyable to witness the encounter between our Superman and the characters from The Multiversity. It's not a surprise, but Reis' and Prado's art is fantastic and Maiolo's vibrant colors are beautiful.
This was a fun, well-paced issue, entertaining from start to finish. It was nice to see the different iterations of Superman from throughout the multiverse. Great start to the new arc.
Comic Book Review (7.5/10) "Good"
*A great jumping on point as this is the start of a new story arc.*
Superman #14 "Multiplicity"
Writer: Peter J. Tomasi/Patrick Gleason
Penciller: Ivan Reis
Plot: While Clark was driving around in Hamilton County, he comes across the Red Son Superman who is being hunted by a being called the "Prophecy" and his minions called the "Gatherers." It seems these Gatherers are rounding up Supermen from different universes for their diabolical plans. With the help of the newly appearing "Justice League Incarnate," a team made up of super heroes from the different universes, can Superman and the Justice League Incarnate stop the Prophecy before he takes more Supermen and Kenan Kong, the S more
oh how i hate to hear myself say this... i usually love Tomasi's writing.
but this really reads like a dumbed down version of Multiversity!!
except missing the charm.
in a way this actually reminded me more of DC's 'Convergence' main title, and that's NOT a good thing!!!
I'm checking in to see Morrison's Multiversity concepts return. This is big, splashy, and decompressed like most of what you'd expect from the Big Two. I hope the whole arc isn't as light and breezy as this issue.
Big introduction to Spider-Verse!
The familial aspect of the title really miss me...