All stories converge as Brainiac and the Blood Moon arrive at the Futures End!
I'm so happy to say that I really enjoyed this issue of Futures End....... It's about time that I got to say it. Things actually happen and it seriously got me looking forward to what we'll have for the upcoming weeks. The solicit didn't lie when it said all stories converge here and it's really the best thing that could have happened to this series. So maybe the dark days of this comic are behind us and we can all get back on the Futures End trolley........ Hopefully it isn't a too little too late scenario for most readers. Read Full Review
Now this is what I call a marked improvement over the last issue. The story really felt like it really started to pick up with Brainiac now arriving on the scene and things are getting exciting (though I wasn't a fan of how the Engineer was treated this issue. Felt like she got the shaft after everything that has happened to her). It really renewed my interest in the book after last time and the great artwork by Patrick Zircher helped a lot as well. Hopefully, the comic can keep up this momentum. We are getting close to the end and I hate for the comic to trip up again. Read Full Review
Have you ever wondered why people approach history, and by extension the keepers of history, with fear and dislike? It isn't just an inability or unwillingness to master names and dates and chronologies, although that surely plays a role. It is because historians, records officers, librarians, curators, and the like are servants of time, and the essence of time is death. The idea of being catalogued, sealed, and placed in a cabinet or on a shelf like a box of documents or a case of archeological samples is horrifying. It denies agency and importance, turning living people into things, into mere objects of study. Read Full Review
This is a good place to pick up this series if you haven't been completely turned away from it by now. The "big bad" of Futures End is finally attacking and I'm really kind of excited, but not so much that I'm even thinking of getting my hopes up. No, if the next issue is bad, I'll revoke any good sentiments I held about this one. Good artwork regardless, though! Read Full Review
This week inched the story along just enough to get some big players back in the game, but once again we're left to wonder how much longer until we get to see the big man really make his comeback. Read Full Review
Very enjoyable issue and this issue has some staying power as scenes unfold with some weight to it unlike previous issues where it's all exposition and you forget about it the moment you finish. It's good to see Supes, Flash, Wonder Woman, and Batman in a few panels. Brainiac invasion plus Darkseid returning means the summer event from DC is gonna be a hectic one. If they pull it off right, then they'll solidify the New 52 timeline as well as marry some elements people loved from the previous timelines via Convergence in April.
Best issue in a few weeks.
"The one who saved us all."