Sales suggest otherwise...
“The Warworld Saga, Part III.” Everything has changed. After the heart-stopping events of Action Comics #1037, Superman and the surviving members of the Authority see a side of Warworld they never knew existed. In the lower catacombs, Superman finds another survivor of the lost Phaelosian race of Krypton, a scientist turned enslaved gladiator with much to teach Superman of his new home, including how to survive…and maybe, in time, how to escape. Meanwhile, Superman’s quest to turn the hordes of Warworld against their masters begins.
Action Comics #1039 is terrific. Johnson is creating a once-in-a-lifetime epic, and Federicis art is the perfect complement. The backup is heating up, and things are getting interesting there. Aldridge and Melo are doing an excellent job with Martian Manhunter. Action Comics has truly reached the next level. Read Full Review
Melo's artwork is a great fit for Martian Manhunter. Along with Hi-Fi's coloring, this would be a firm creative team for a Manhunter ongoing series. Read Full Review
Someone needs to make a film out of this Action Comics run sooner rather than later. Read Full Review
So nothing but praise for this issue. We start out with a tremendous action sequence. And then we get, in essence, a lot of exposition. But it is presented in a way that we are shown and told. The wonders of this saga just keep heaping up, like the layers on Warworld. I didn't know I needed this story. But I'm sure glad I am getting it. Read Full Review
With great art and great storytelling throughout the main story and the backup, Action Comics has become what feels like one of the biggest books that DC Comics is putting out. There's drama, heart, and impeccable pacing that makes sure that the new concepts for Mongul and Warworld feel important throughout, not to mention a deep dive into continuity with the backup that is trying to bring to light the villains of Martian Manhunter that we barely ever get. Read Full Review
If there was a Black Label Superman tale, it probably wouldn't look much different from this, but what's impressive is that Johnson manages to keep Superman's inherent character even amid the most brutal of situations. Read Full Review
Action Comics #1039 shows the new life of Superman on Warworld. The comic shows Superman fight to survive and endure the brutal environment he's in. Phillip Kennedy Johnson delivers some interesting world-building of Warworld, which goes hand in hand with the artwork from Riccardo Federico and Lee Loguhridge that characterizes the planet as a cruel and soul-crushing place waiting to grind Superman into fuel. Read Full Review
Superman continues to learn about this wildly different version of Warworld. The creative team combines their efforts to weave a tapestry, making this a captivating read and an engrossing Superman epic. Read Full Review
I am admittedly not a huge fan of "The Warworld Saga" arc, but even though it's not my cup of tea I can recognize just how solid Philip Kennedy Johnson's writing is this issue and just how well he understands Clark Kent. Read Full Review
Character is the strongest element of the Superman story in Action Comics #1039. Johnson nails this page after page, even if Superman's not quite fitting into a John Carter of Mars story as one might expect he would. The Martian Manhunter story continues to build up with an interesting reveal. The art across the issue is at a high level, Melo is great on J'onn J'onn, but Federici is exceptional on the Superman tale. All in all, this is a step up from last issue. Read Full Review
Giving me gladiator vibes and I love it!
Federici's art was a nice gift and johnson did such an amazing job expanding the mythology in this issue
Cannot recommend this book enough
Great story and great art. In this issue, the story is getting deeper and we're seeing the consequences for Authority. Superman is adapting and the final made me very curious. Incredible issue!
This is becoming such a great comic. It feels like PKJ was just gearing up for this one since the run started, and everything that came before this was necessary, yet not quite so exciting reading. I appreciate it in hindsight. I would rate this even higher but the Martian Manhunter backup is really not engaging with me.
Incredible art, PKJ's top-notch worldbuilding makes Warworld feel three-dimensional, and how these characters act on the society and how it acts on them is endlessly compelling. PKJ's run has had its ups and downs, but since the team left Earth he's really been in his element.
"I promise, if there are any more of your kind out there among the stars, that I'll find them... and that I'll protect them as I failed to protect you."
Best book of the week.
Absolutely adored the Superman POV + a breather issue going deep into the lore and mysticism deep beneath the Warworld. Riccardo Federici did a spectacular job, bringing a new energy to the book that leaves me so hyped for the rest of this run.
Great art great pqcing amd a good story so far
A good background story for the Warworld.
It’s ok that about sums it up for me. There is a certain penache that Superman has that he doesn’t have here. It’s not his powers, not his hope. The writer to me keeps missing. The whole Superman needing training for Warworld fighting just came out very un Superman. I mean he’s not Batman detective qualities of intelligence but Superman knows people period. He’s supremely wise. I don’t care about him being depowered but I do when it come to being unwise just to advance a plot. Again if this was a book report and I was a teacher C-
Truth, Justice and the American Way. Come on, PKJ, you're not a lefty who hates America but pretends he doesn't, I know that, say it after me: Truth, Justice and the American Way. Nothing to be ashamed of, believe me.
Putting that aside, this is an ok issue, as is this run so far. Ok, but nothing especially great. I usually like Federici's art but here I feel like he didn't have the chance to really shine. Also, how does Superman know the writing similar to the one on the Genesis Fragment runs upward? He just... knows that but has no idea what it says or just anything about it, kind of a weird thing, if you ask me. Also, you can let some pages just with Federici's art instead of writing dialogue in mongulese or whatever that stup more
I don't know what this is, but it isn't a Superman book. It's long, boring, and I stopped caring about this story arc 3 issues ago. Just when you think they can't possibly get any worse and they have hit rock bottom, they find a way to dig. Action Comics is in a lull right now, I'll be surprised if any of this story arc resells for anything more than cover price. This entire run is a "Filler" run.