The League members in the ancient past catch up with those in the present, and the whole future is at stake! The League thought they had beaten Rao, at great personal cost, but his final solution for the people of Earth is far more than even The League can stand against.
This was a series I expected to love - and this Bryan Hitch written and drawn version of the Justice League of America certainly started out strong - but it sputtered, fell way behind schedule and, with this issue, finally limps across the finish line. Read Full Review
Does this issue wrap things up and set up an element or two for future stories? Yes. Does Batman come up with a killer plan that's intriguing? Yes. Does the entire production feel hastily put together and the villain given a unsatisfying end? Oh ya. Altogether this is a fun issue that's good, but not great. Read Full Review
That final showdown feels extremely rushed and unsatisfying, and practically begs for a few more pages to wrap up this prolonged saga on a more emotionally fitting note. Read Full Review
Overall the issue was okay, the art was a little wonky and I felt like the story was too easily wrapped up. Read Full Review
While fun for a quick read, Justice League of America #10 is a boot to the face of a dying man. This series has been on life support for half a year, barely registering a heart beat, and while it is a relief to finally see it stop suffering, it is nonetheless disappointing to see it go in such a way. The artwork fails to capture the spark that made this book stand out, and the rushed story contains several gaping holes that make it impossible to salvage. Finish it for closure, if you've been reading it. Otherwise give your attention"and your money"to something better. Read Full Review
JLA is finally over and I'm happy as hell because this series has just been nonsense. Even though I'm happy it's over, I have to say that this issue just keeps up the whole "nonsense" vibe going with its quick conclusion and the complete lack of any answers to the questions that this series kept throwing at us. The only real positive thing I can really say for this issue is that we finally got to see Aquaman do something with his goddamn Trident of Poseidon and that the art wasn't bad. Read Full Review
The series started out pretty good and continued to do so. But the delays really hurt it. Not a bad book, but nothing special.