Spinning out of the events of a world where a single choice by the Flash affected the entire DC Universe, find out what would have happened if Barry Allen had not put things right. In a world where the Flashpoint reality was never undone, where Thomas Wayne still haunts Gotham City as the Batman, and the Amazonian and Atlantean armies still prepare for war, will the Reverse-Flash embrace this darker, deadlier world and finally eclipse Barry Allen’s legacy?
The Tales from the Dark Multiverse series of stories are creative twists on familiar themes. If you love comics history, and maybe enjoyed The Twilight Zone, then you need to check out this book! Read Full Review
Tales from the Dark Multiverse: Flashpoint is yet again a fire tie-in to the Dark Night's storyline. Do you need to read it? No. Will your life be better if you do? Hell yes. Read Full Review
This is the best one of Tales From The Dark Multiverse books that DC has done. It is very good indeed. Read Full Review
Currie and Hanna put together an action-packed adventure that keeps pace with the fast-moving adventure Hitch put together. Read Full Review
It only gets dinged a little for the somewhat noncommittal ending, but this was a surprisingly strong read for the week. Read Full Review
Tales From The Dark Multiverse: Flashpoint #1 continues to surprise and impress, with a superbly illustrated issue that digs deeper into the themes of the series. Read Full Review
TALES FROM THE DARK MULTIVERSE: FLASHPOINT #1's thrilling, alternate Flashpoint event will be remembered as a work of genius. Read Full Review
Tales From the Dark Multiverse: Flashpoint is a technically brilliant issue that would likely only appeal to those who are familiar with the original. Read Full Review
Tales From the Dark Multiverse: Flashpoint does a solid job of revisiting Flashpoint and taking it in a logical direction that's not just annihilation and war. There's an intriguing idea behind what Bryan Hitch has created and where the story leaves it. It also creates some intriguing possibilities for the future and Thawne's character. Like so many of the other "Tales From", this is a "dark" world I wouldn't mind revisiting and hope we get to see more of it. Read Full Review
I had a really good time with this one! Parts of it reminded me of the limitations of Flashpoint " really, what can you do with Wonder Woman and Aquaman " but it's not like this is a story about them anyway. This is about Reverse Flash, his need for control and supremacy, and what happens when his nemesis is taken away from him. Give this a read if you want a "What If?" that knows what it's asking the audience " and has an answer that's disturbingly satisfying. Read Full Review
This is an exciting story that shows off the powers of a speedster without inhibition and but doesn't get stuck showing off that power. The narrative finds a thematic angle that it successfully mines to make an impact on the reader. Read Full Review
This is a very solid entry in the Dark Multiverse story book, and one I recommend. The moral here was that Thawne learnt, with Barry's death, that moving fast didn't actually mean you were actually going anywhere. Move fast to escape the past, but slow down to build the future. Read Full Review
This oversized one-shot is sort of a speedrun through the entire Flashpoint world, as Eobard encounters Thomas, the evil Aquaman and Wonder Woman, and the emaciated Superman who has been held prisoner his whole life. Read Full Review
So, when all is said and done Tales of the Dark Multiverse: Flashpoint #1delivers an entertaining, if not completely even tale. I enjoyed my time meeting these alternate versions of characters, even if the narrative they inhabit has a few stumbles to it. Read Full Review
There are some problems with the setup to this story with it not matching the actual Flashpoint continuity it's based on and some of the motivations of our main characters here feel off at times and counterproductive to their actual goals but even with these things, there's some fun to be had in a story where Reverse-Flash can make a doomed world into anything he sees fit. Read Full Review
An interesting take on "Flashpoint" speeds quickly along, providing an unusual look at an Eobard Thawne without Barry Allen in the process with the help of talent from the Dark Multiverse and "Flashpoint" both. Read Full Review
The art from Bryan Hitch is great. There are some great visual moments throughout. I just wish the story were as strong as the imagery. Read Full Review
Bryan Hitch brings his trademark writing and art styles to this unique take on the Flashpoint story, which features the traditional highs and lows of his work overall so your mileage will vary. Read Full Review
Extremely disappointing, I was hoping that this could be something special. Sadly, it's run of the mill fare. Read Full Review
Surprised by the reviews because I loved this. It's like the perfect alternative sequel to Flashpoint from RF's perspective
It is much easier to read these ones I am familiar with. The twist here is very interesting and the execution is very well done. I like how Thawne was written and the ending of this all is a surprising one. Like Hush it is good and it is nice to see good issues of these Tales.
Making a Dark Multiverse nightmare analogue out of an already nightmare alternate reality like Flashpoint doesn't make a lot of sense to me, but I guess "Barda is" so who cares.
This isn't amazing or anything but at least it's kind of clever in the end, which is more than I can say about a lot of these one-shots.
Thought the overall plot was interesting, though the end felt flat.
My problem with a lot of these Dark Metal one shots and stories is that they show an individual character, such as the Flash, and show them as SO POWERFUL AND UNSTOPABLE, but everywhere else they aren't. So there's a disconnect.
This is just so boring to me. So inconsequential. Whatever I don’t care.
Bryan Hitch is not a good writer, but he nailed the Flashian navel-gazing brought on by Geoff Johns so well. Lots of overwrought monologues, lots of digressions on the nature of hope. Damn, this was a slog. By the time there was some action toward the end, I was beat down and just ready for the book to end.
The art was middling to poor.