Supergirl #26

Writer: Frank Hannah Artist: Andres Guinaldo Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: December 18, 2013 Cover Price: $2.99 Critic Reviews: 11 User Reviews: 2
6.5Critic Rating
6.8User Rating

Following the stunning conclusion of "Krypton Returns," Supergirl arrives back on Earth with a new mission and a clearer understanding of her place in the universe. But a striking new prepares to welcome Supergirl home: LOBO! What could the mysterious new character want from Supergirl? Find out as the hot new creative team of writer Tony Bedard (GREEN LANTERN: NEW GUARDIANS) and artist Yildiray Cinar (EARTH 2) launch Supergirl into the next stage of her life in the DC Universe!

  • 8.4
    Supergirl Comic Box Commentary - Anj Dec 20, 2013

    So overall I thought this was a good first issue for Bedard. He shows us all the things that Supergirl has been subjected to, humanizes her by making her react in a way besides rage or snarkiness, and adds a couple of new pieces to the board. If only ... if only ... things went up from here instead of tail-spinning into this Red Lantern nonsense. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    DC Comics News - Daren Taveras Dec 19, 2013

    Supergirl #26 delivers on nearly every aspect of the book. The artwork makes this issue stand out immensely and its clear that it will remain this way for months to come. Tony Bedards careful examination and development of Kara is engaging and thought-provoking. This is a great place for new readers to dive into Supergirl. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comics Refueled - superiorchris Dec 19, 2013

    Supergirl has found a new home with the new creative team. Bedard has brought Supergirl back to her roots of being a kryptonian without a place in the world. I can see that he is placing seeds for an adventure we will all remember. Cinar is impressive and more with Brown's colors. This series is looking towards a bright future that you should not miss! If you are looking for a jump on issue well look no further. Read Full Review

  • 7.2
    Weird Science - Eric Shea Dec 28, 2013

    Supergirl has finally made her way back to Earth, but the problems just keep following her around.  This issue gives you real insight into the emotional state of Supergirl, and even humanizes her a bit.  I'm really looking forward to what Bedard has planned for our Girl of Steel.  Check it out. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Newsarama - Pierce Lydon Dec 19, 2013

    here's not too much substance in this issue but it is a good starting point for new readers. Bedard and Cinar sum up Kara's New 52 existence thus far quickly and concisely. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    AIPT - Jordan Richards Dec 18, 2013

    Supergirl #26 is a troubled start to this new writer's run. A lot of the book is dedicated to someone else who isn't the main star and the tone is rather off putting and not very encouraging. The writing is decent overall and the artwork isn't half bad, but the book has a lot of work of ahead of it. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Razorfine - Alan Rapp Dec 24, 2013

    The new team does a pretty good job of summarizing Kara's recent storylines while jumping the character into action against a formidable (if stupidly designed) adversary. I like Cinar's take on Kara (even if I think Bedard's dialogue is a little too whiny for much of the pair's first issue). There's enough here for me to stick around to see where the new team plans to take our heroine. Worth a look. Read Full Review

  • 6.4
    Multiversity Comics - Zach Wilkerson Dec 19, 2013

    As a Lobo book, “Supergirl” #26 is pretty good. As a Supergirl book, it's more than a little wanting. Even the cliffhanger has more weight towards the latter, with the Scouge o' the Cosmos seemingly meeting his match. Of course, fans know that it'll take more than a measly Kryptonian to keep him down. It's not the most promising start to their run, but many of the necessary pieces are in place for a good “Supergirl” yarn. That is, if Bedard and Cinar can nail down the book's identity a little more neatly. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Comic Vine - Corey 'Undeadpool' Schroeder Dec 18, 2013

    Supergirls a weird, tricky character. She cant just be Superman With a Y Chromosome because it defeats the purpose, but making her fret and hem and haw every decision certainly isnt the right answer, it just turns her into Overly Emotional Superman. I feel like I may have been too hard on this particular issue because it followed a truly great run, but its hard not to be after the character made SUCH progress and development, particularly in the issues leading up to and including Cyborg Superman. I truly hope the next few issues develop her character more. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Comic Book Resources - Greg McElhatton Dec 20, 2013

    "Supergirl" #26 isn't off to a great start, but given time this could be heading in the right direction. I do wish that for a first issue on the title, though, that Bedard's script had a little more punch. He's written more engaging comics than this one before, so I know he's got it in him. Fingers crossed. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Weekly Comic Book Review - Noah Sharma Dec 18, 2013

    Bedard has seeded a couple of interesting ideas but he'll need to come out swinging next issue if he's to avoid losing readers. Read Full Review

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