World's Finest #16

Writer: Paul Levitz Artist: R. B. Silva, Joe B. Weems Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: October 9, 2013 Cover Price: $2.99 Critic Reviews: 4 User Reviews: 2
6.0Critic Rating
7.2User Rating

Can Karen go on after she loses her powers while trying to defend Huntress from DeSaad's attack?

  • 8.0
    Supergirl Comic Box Commentary - Anj Oct 15, 2013

    I wish I could explain why I have a warm feeling for this book which certainly hasn't rocked me with its stories. Perhaps it is my lifelong fondness for Huntress in all her incarnations. Perhaps it is that this Power Girl was Supergirl and has some qualities I like in Supergirl. But I never am truly let down by the issues which are consumed and enjoyed as simple fare on the comics market. I hope that we seem more straightforward adventures in the book, moving away from the 'search home' angle. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Razorfine - Alan Rapp Oct 17, 2013

    Although Power Girl is able to hold it together for the issue's fight with a New 52 villain who isn't named, it appears the story of the hero's wonky powers is going to continue for at least the next few issues. Given Karen's issues, Huntress carries the bulk of the story well on her own, even if the bad guy gets away. Worth a look. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Comic Spectrum - Bob Bretall Oct 20, 2013

    It's really hard for me to even put my finger on specifics, if I had to try I'd say the art going from a softer edge with more curved lines on the lead characters to a harder-edged more angular style is just rubbing me the wrong way. But that's totally subjective. Comics are art+writing, if the art is making it hard for a reader then they need to move on. I'm taking my own advice" Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Weird Science - Eric Shea Oct 9, 2013

    Just when you thought Worlds' Finest was getting good.  Ugh.  This issue was just a couple superheroes who seem to be really bad at being superheroes.  The art was fun, but the story was boring as hell.  Power Girl was better in Suicide Squad, and she was barely in that issue.  I don't know it just seems like these two heroes have given up, and we're stuck with Apathetic Girl, and Clumsy.  I just hope that the series gets decent again.  The problem with that is, it wasn't decent very long, and now we're back to bad. Read Full Review

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