Melmoth has summoned the Monster League of Evil from the depths of the Multiverse to serve as his minions and destroy the Gotham City Monsters. Dracula, the Wolfman, the Mummy and...Frankenstein?! It's Frank versus Frank in this showdown to save the Multiverse as we know it!
OverallSteve Orlando has set things up beautifully for next month's final issue in which we will see Melmoth ultimately defeated, but the how of that remains to be seen given that the closing page of this issue stacks the odds a tad more in Melmoths favor. Either way. I'm looking forward to seeing how all of this ends. Read Full Review
Gotham City Monsters#5(Orlando, Nahuelpan, Mulvihill) edges closer to its conclusion by carefully blending horror-action elements with deeply personal character work. Read Full Review
Steve Orlando… you have our attention! Read Full Review
For those who like a little bit of horror mixed into their super hero books, Gotham City Monsters #5 is a great chapter in an overall very solid series. Now is the time to catch up before next month's finale. Read Full Review
Gotham City Monsters #5, the penultimate issue of this horror-themed miniseries has done what few comics are able to " take a group of C-to-Z-listers and make them a compelling team. Read Full Review
Gotham City Monsters #5 is just the refresher the series needed, a return to some of the early charm that somewhat diminished along the way. Read Full Review
If you're looking for the monster brawl promised in the last issue, Gotham City Monsters #5 is for you. It's all the fun of slasher films, and classic creature tales rolled into one. While much of this series pushes these characters away from their stereotypical uses, this one plants them right back in there. We'll have to wait for the finale to see whether the monsters have a bright future, or whether they must settle for their lot in life. Read Full Review
If you can overlook a cluttered script, the art and personality of "Gotham City Monsters" #5 is intriguing. Read Full Review
Even though the big promised fight from last issue's cliffhanger didn't measure up to my hopes or expectations, this issue still managed to be pretty fun, even if the dialog still kills me most of the time. We got great art here and a interesting cliffhanger to a story that leads us right to the final showdown between Melmoth and our Gotham City Monsters and I can't wait to see how it ends. Read Full Review
Gotham City Monsters #5 is a bloated mess. Worse, its a bloated mess being published by DC Comics, a company that just celebrated its 85th year of publishing comics this past week. Editorial at DC should have known better than to let this go to press. Read Full Review
Perpetua being a part of this book definitely took me by surprise. Orlando is working well with canon in this book, but the story itself is a bit empty and crap.