Red Lanterns #39

Writer: Landry Q. Walker Artist: J. Calafiore Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: February 25, 2015 Cover Price: $2.99 Critic Reviews: 5 User Reviews: 6
7.6Critic Rating
4.8User Rating

The rage left behind on Earth following the Atrocitus War is spreading and in danger of erupting at any moment! Guy is determined to purge the world in order to save it, but can a man looking to die stop a primal force on a heavily populated planet?

  • 8.5
    Weird Science - Eric Shea Feb 25, 2015

    While Guy Gardner fighting a baby might seem too over the top and even a little too weird to be something that you'd want to read, do yourself a favor and get over your misgivings and get this issue.  I laughed my ass off and was given a fun ride as Red Lanterns ebbs closer to it's finale.  Just a joy to read and with only one issue left, I hope it ends on a note similar in tone to this.  Go get it already! Read Full Review

  • 8.4
    Supergirl Comic Box Commentary - Anj Mar 5, 2015

    Isn't there just a twinge of hope here? Guy as a dad, walking into the horizon? This is a great counterpoint to last issue. And this would be a great ending to the title! We have one more issue with Walker at the helm. I am very interested to see what he has for us. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Blog Of Oa - Myron Rumsey Feb 25, 2015

    Red Lanterns #39 is perhaps the most offbeat issue in the Green Lantern family we've seen in a long time.  Landry Walker's entertaining scripts pits Guy Gardner against his most over the top "foe" yet while still creating some emotional beats for the reader to empathize with the poor little rage-baby.  A fun issue that sets the stage for the final curtain call of this series, Red Lanterns #39 gets four out of five lanterns. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    IGN - Mike Logsdon Feb 26, 2015

    This issue has an absurd premise as previewed by the cover, but the story itself is one that is entirely relevant to the direction Soule originally set forth for the character. In that, Walker is honoring the story that fans gravitated towards and continues to do a serviceable job with the material. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Newsarama - David Pepose Feb 26, 2015

    Easily the most bonkers single issue to come out of DC Comics in months, Red Lanterns #39 is a comic book entirely centered around Guy Gardner getting into a fight with a baby. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Gizmo Mar 7, 2015

    Honestly, I found this to be a blast. The artwork has been better, but Guy duking it out with a baby is about as crazy as you'd imagine.

  • 4.0
    GL Mike Feb 19, 2018

    Just when I thought it couldn't get any worse - it does! This issue is soooo bad. I'd give it a "3" rating if it wasn't for the fact that the art is decent. Don't even bother reading it. Only Red Lantern in the book again is Guy Gardner.

  • 4.0
    JBL Reviews Feb 28, 2015

    Just lame.

  • 1.5
    RL Nov 4, 2015

    Just the fact that this series has been taken over by one of the lamest superheroes and any Universe, Guy Gardner, And the fact that they reduce what could have been a badass Supervillain, Atrocitus, Into a third-rate nobody... Where do they get these writers?

    Give me a storyline, And a group like the red lanterns, And I would have been causing all sorts of badass havoc across the DC Universe With Atrocitus at the helm.

    They really ruined a good book.

    Atrocitus could easily be like a Darkseid, or Lex, or Parralax or Thanos or Magneto type but they turned him into a lame ass that got beat by another SUPER lame ass.

    How sad. I'll be spending my money somewhere else until they correct this error.

  • 6.0
    Redeadhood Mar 5, 2015

  • 5.0
    ed1138 Feb 21, 2023

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