"Target: Batman" part two! When a hyper-crime crisis strikes Neo-Gotham, Batman flies in to save the day. But why is the local news bashing him for his heroic deeds? Stranger still, why are the very people Batman saved suddenly turning on him with anger and almost uncontrollable violence?
Jurgens and Conrad effortlessly honor the twenty year legacy of Batman Beyond with one of the single most entertaining issues of the year! Read Full Review
The ending is a cliffhanger that whets your appetite for more. It's quite a book that's been consistently great. I can't wait to see what happens next. Read Full Review
Batman Beyond is definitely a must for fans of the original cartoon, but it's also a fascinating exploration of what might happen after Bruce hands over the identity to an eventual successor. It's great to see DC continuing the story. Read Full Review
The artwork for Batman Beyond has always been clearly defined and it never changes directions of style. The futuristic look is very sci-fi but also kind of believable, in its own way. The new suit still looks awesome and seeing older versions of all the characters has been fun. The Jokerz in this issue looked particularly good " you can see the Harley influence in a couple of them as well, which surprisingly helped to enhance the effect. Read Full Review
I admitted being disappointed with the previous issue, but this issue wasa return to form. Seeing Terry McGinnis hunted by the GCPD worries me as much as it does him, so I'm eager to find out what (or who) is behind his latest dilemma. Batman Beyond #21 was a thoroughly enjoyable read. Read Full Review
A solid story with some plot twists that complicated things for our hero, this is a good, classic action story that has a deepening mystery at its center and some interpersonal drama that promises to make things very difficult for Batman going forward. Read Full Review
This is onlythe second installment in the latest story arc, so theres not so much meat onthis bone. Building blocks of the overall story, but I trust Dan Jurgens. Hesa proven professional who can deliver a quality story. And Batman Beyond is worth staying tuned for. Read Full Review
There's nothing ground-breaking about ‘Target: Batman' but so far it's been a handsome and intriguing piece of escapism. If you like to see several characters attacked just when they're reaching turning points in their lives, this could be the issue for you. Read Full Review
After a very strong arc, the series seems to be backsliding a bit, with very little advancement in many plots and a lot seeming to go in circles. We still don't know what's causing this plague, either. Read Full Review
I'm not sold yet. The art doesn't help, either. It's not very dynamic, and it's a victim of the modern illness where too-small hatching starts fighting with the color, producing a bizarre texture that's not very pleasing to the eye. Read Full Review
A simple but visually appealing and fun read that keeps an interesting story moving along smoothly. Read Full Review
This isn't the worst the series has been, and the smooth line work and bright colors keep things moving quickly, but it's certainly been better. Read Full Review
There's not a lot going on in this story and while I think the concept of the arc is fun, the execution leaves a lot to be desired. I enjoyed the art in this issue, but we've got repeating scenarios and repeating conversations that really don't go anywhere except for a cliffhanger, which this series seems to excel at.......... and that's about it. Read Full Review