Atlantis is under attack! Taking in the Warworld refugees also means taking possession of the deadly Warworld tech they brought with them, and holding that much power makes the undersea kingdom a threat to the rest of the world. Can Superman move fast enough to prevent all-out war? Doing so may mean taking the power into his own hands…Meanwhile, some of the escaped Warworld prisoners have found the Fortress of Solitude…and along with it, Lois Lane!
In our second feature, Midnighter has gone deep into the Trojan compound and found a very unexpected guest whose path he crossed in Future State-none other than Mister Miracle!
Midnighter has gone gone deep into the Trojan Complex and has found an unexpected guest. What is he to do! It gets truly awesome and it has a heck of an ending too! Well done! Read Full Review
The surviving warriors attack Thao to remind her of her mission. Then they face off against the other warrior present ... Lois Lane!She doesn't care why Thao was there initially. She knows that know Thao is one of the family. And so she will defend Thao. Great cliffhanger. Wonderful image of Lois.And please ... please ... I hope the creative team has Lois say what this weapon is. Read Full Review
While Superman has a new lead character, Action Comics continues the adventures of Kal El as he deals with the fallout of Warworld. This is a worthwhile comic to pick up, as the entire Superman line of comics has not been this intriguing in a long time. Read Full Review
Ideally, we could get a Jonathan Kent Superboy title and not have to ditch Superman off planet. Johnson is making that new status quo make sense from a character perspective and it seems poised to work for a while at least. Read Full Review
Warworld Rising Part 4 keeps the reader at the edge of their seat with escalating stakes and a story that is both epic and profoundly emotional. Midnighter packs gritty action and existential questions about the value of humanity into one gut-punch of a story. Together, they make Action Comics one of the best books on the stands today. Read Full Review
While Superman has a new lead character, Action Comics continues the adventures of Kal El as he deals with the fallout of Warworld. This is a worthwhile comic to pick up, as the entire Superman line of comics has not been this intriguing in a long time. Read Full Review
Action Comics #1033 is another wonderful issue. Both the Superman and Midnighter stories have built over the past few months into simply fantastic comics. Interestingly, the both do a lot of the same things well while at the same time being completely different. These stories will obviously end soon, but right now they are combining to make Action Comics one of the books you should be reading. Read Full Review
While Johnson is down to one Superman book right now, he's packing enough thrills for two into this title. Read Full Review
Action Comics #1033 is a fun comic. Johnson has built an interesting Superman story. Hes been doing a great job on the Superman books so far, and this issue keeps that up. Samperes art is outstanding and compliments the story very well. The backup keeps things going and is a lot of fun. This comic is a wonderful read, even if it isnt reinventing the wheel. Read Full Review
Action Comics #1033 continues to further the Warworld Rising story arc. The writing and art here really go hand in hand to present a stern Superman who takes a more firm approach with the Atlantis crisis and even discussing Warworld with the Justice League. Readers are given a little more detail on the brutality of Mongul and Warworld's culture, especially as the warlord starts to put his plan into action. Not too much is revealed here but judging by the ending, it looks like things will go into high gear in the next issue. Read Full Review
Sampere delivers some beautiful art throughout the issue. All of the characters look amazing and there is a great level of detail across every part of the story. A great looking issue from start to finish. Read Full Review
Overall, it's a solid issue that pushes the story forward while revealing just a bit more in terms of detail. Read Full Review
Action Comics, while making some weird choices is still a pretty interesting read that looks great. I just hope that we get more information about both the Warworld refugees and the genesis object because both aspects are still so mysterious that I'm not sure what to make of either, but they're definitely more enjoyable than the Midnighter backup which continues to offer pretty much nothing. Read Full Review
Action comics - 9.5/10
Midnighter - 9.5/10
I hate seeing the Bendis League, but otherwise a great issue. Batman seems kind of naïve to underestimate Mongul's agenda; Bruce has always been the kind to prep contingencies for any kind of invasion, and I feel he would definitely be skeptical of a bunch of "refugees" taken in by Supes as well as Mongul's so called "losing" an ultra powered macguffin like the Genesis Fragment.
Having power in such a situation can be felt throughout in this issue. Superman knows that there is a huge threat coming. His struggle to be the thing to give people hope feels genuinely tense. That's especially in regards to the Fortress' guest who is only just coming to learn what hope even feels like. But when different sides of a conflict are ready to blow down the doors for some form of dominance; what will Superman do to resolve this?
Good A story with Superman, the DC Universe politics both terrestrial and cosmic, and watching Superman command a room. Warworld and Mongul feel like a threat more than they have been in recent years.
I always just skim the B story just so I'm caught up, but the art just doesn't do it for me at all. The final splash page was pretty egregious in my opinion.
This continues to be a solid Superman story that touches on international politics and a refugee crisis. And while that setup has the potential to enslave itself to heavy handed left or right ideologies, PKJ isn't playing it that straight.
I liked the politics at the beginning of the issue. I'm just like it way more than punching, for some reason. It's my hobby, I guess. The latter half of the issue isn't quite so interesting to me, hence the lower rating. I just find that part of it... The Warworld part... pretty boring.
Main story is okay. The backup is just horrible. That "art" is just laughable.
I'd have to say this has been Johnson's best issue yet, but it doesn't mean it was great. I despise Aquaman's current look. It's even worse than the one he had in the '90s. One question, when Superman left the meeting why did he float out of the room. He seldom does that. Is he too good to walk on his own 2 feet now? A minor matter, but worth noting.
The art seems to be improving. I can't say I'm fond of this new possible Kryptonian, because I'm not. There's just something unlikable about her. Maybe it's the attitude. But I am also sick of new Kryptonians popping up. It's been done to death over the last 12 or so years. How long has it been since Superman was actually Krypton's soul survivor?
Sadly as usual this issue just offers the same stale storytelling Johnson has given since he replaced Bendis. And that's just too little to keep my interest. I'll give them till the upcoming Warworld saga then if I see no improvement I'm done with Superman books (Or should I say "Book since he now only has one regular title?). more
Ugh...In case you forgot Lois is "A bad ass" A fact that they like to beat the reader over the head with in EVERY SINGLE issue. What a "Filler" issue. Save your money kids.