I think it was the fear gas& that Dick called him pathetic. Something similar happened before Absolute Terror Pre52.
The repercussions of the cataclysmic events of BATMAN #55 continue as a scarred Dick Grayson has given up his vigilante persona in favor a normal existence. A new job, new friends, new life-all are compromised when a safehouse full of old Nightwing gear falls into the wrong hands. Confronted with a past he's worked so desperately to escape, will Dick Grayson answer the challenge by becoming Nightwing...or something else? The newest chapter in the evolution of Dick Grayson reaches its next level!
VerdictAll the pieces are now in play. The Nightwings are out there, Scarecrow has joined the fray and Ric Grayson has been forced into the battlefield. It seems clear that circumstances have taken Dick Grayson out of Nightwing, but they haven't removed Nightwing's spark from within Ric. Throw in the master of fear and a team of rookie vigilantes and the situation is ready to explode. The question remains as to which Nightwing, if any, will be around to pick up the pieces once the dust settles. Read Full Review
Yet another solid issue ofNightwing from the creative team. I cannot give this series enough praise. I know a lot of fans will still need some convincing. Pick up an issue and read it, that's all the convincing you should need. Read Full Review
NIGHTWING #55 is a very Scarecrow-centered issue. While the team of Nightwings continues to be disappointing, this comic makes up for it with an interesting villain and amazing visuals that look like they were ripped straight out of an actual horror film. Absolutely worth checking out. Read Full Review
An exciting issue that takes things to a new level! Read Full Review
Nightwing #55 is sure to delight followers of this storyline by finally kicking things into high gear. The series continues to solidify this direction for the character in an exciting and thrilling way. Read Full Review
This issue is more action packed and that's when this comic book works best. The scenes where there is no action happening go by at a crawl. But that's a minor complaint. This is a pretty decent issue with a knockout ending. It's a book definitely on the upswing. Read Full Review
When Ric does step in, if he's not wearing any Nightwing garb"and he probably won't be"Crane will finally put two and two together. Read Full Review
This issue is setting up a rather large climax in the arc where Ric may need to leave his dream, of finding his own life, behind. Scarecrow is really well done in this issue and I am really excited to see this play out. Part of me is saying, "Calm yourself Anthony. Don't let yourself get overly excited waiting for #56. You've been hurt before", but the other part of me is saying, "SCARECROOOOOOOW!!!!! MORE FEAR!!!!". I'll let you know where I am in my review of Nightwing #56. Read Full Review
All that said, Nightwing still looks incredible. Mooneyham and Brown know how to visually engage the reader, and the artwork pops off the page with the different action sequences and physicality of the character. It's a pretty book, with lantern jaws of justice and old-school smoke effects. But, like with many things about this series, I've been saying that for a while. Nothing much has changed. If you're enjoying it, keep on. If you haven't, I don't foresee it changing pace. Read Full Review
While we finally get some forward momentum with our villain of the story, our heroes seem to be waiting to jump in...... and because of that..... they're really kind of boring this issue. Yeah, there's some fun to be had and some decent art that's depicting it, but it seems that all of the action really lies in the next issue, making this..... purely setup. Read Full Review
An intriguing idea at first, the group of Nightwings haven't done much, if anything, to keep my attention held. Read Full Review
This was just all around a rough issue for the Nightwing. Hopefully it's just a case of one bad issue and not a trend for a book that's been one of the more pleasant surprises on the back end of 2018. Read Full Review
Really, every character involved in this story deserves much better. Read Full Review
The artworkfor this issue is lackluster as well, as if drawn in haste. It has a Jack Davisflair to it which I might enjoy in a less serious storyline. But here it justseems rushed and unpolished. Perhaps its time for Nightwing to go monthly, instead of prolonging the Rebirth strategyof bi-monthly. Read Full Review
I said I wanted to throw this book into the toilet and keep flushing until it turned into a soggy, disintegrated mess that got sucked down into the pits of the sewer system" How do you think I feel about this book? Read Full Review
I loved this issue. Scarecrow is making his move& it’s pretty cool, what he is doing. He puts that policewoman from a few issues ago in her place& is taking care of Blüdhaven. People criticized, that after so many issues we didn't even knew his plan yet, while I think his plan was already made clear in #50, he points his plan out again. This issue is mainly focusing on Scarecrow& shows us nothing new about Dick or the new Nightwings. I think it’s a little weird, that Scarecrow doesn’t realize, that this isn’t the real Nightwing. However he might realize it next issue, since he hasn’t really met the new one in this issue. I also fear he will be downgraded next issue in sake of Dick coming back to fight crime again, what of coursemore
I am enjoying this new direction more and more.
Still having a great time with this arc.
Finally the story progresses! Wish the art could progress with it. The art is horrendous. Still don't feel that Nightwing made Scarecrow scared of him when they were younger so the villains MO feels weird. Was hoping to get more of the new Nightwings but from the cliffhanger, one that didn't do much for me, next issue should be jammed pack with Action of new Nightwing vs Scarecrow
Nice story, better than the previous issue.
Scarecrow finally makes his move and the Nightwing cops are there to try to stop him. They are so in over their heads. But Nightwing, sorry Ric, is around so maybe he will save the day.
It might take Dr. Crane's medicine to jog his memory back. We'll see.
I just have one question. Where the heck is Travis Moore? I am not a fan of Mooneyham's art.
I really hope that these new Nightwings develop some actual character. We aren't going to get it from Ric. I think Scarecrow's obsession with Dick Grayson and his supposed fearlessness is kind of dumb. I wish that Dick Grayson would come back and maybe a good writer could take the reins and do something cool with the character. Instead of us getting Red Hood leftovers.
-Scarecrow was great, no matter how you look at it. Well written, well characterized, well scripted. All well done.
-This issue did kind of a remix of the "My name is Ric…" stuff, and it wasn't bad. Don't think about it.
-I will admit, there was a good splash page towards the end of the issue that I enjoyed looking at. It's a shame I can't say the same for the rest of the book.
-The battle between Scarecrow and The Nightwingers could be good? If its illustrated by the same artist, probably not… but if they bring Travis Moore back, maybe.
-That art! Oh god! I thought the last issue had bad art, this stuff was just abysmal. It reminds me vaguely of Fr more
Nightwing remains subpar, to no one’s surprise. However, now the art itself is of a similar quality to the writing, so what little redeeming qualities this book had are gone.
“ric” Grayson continues to be a character whose portrayal is only matched by bendis’ rogol zar in the way it can changes from panel to panel. The faster this changes end the better it will be.
Scarecrow finally unleashes his big plan, no different than every single other “plan” he’s ever had. This one reads like a re-creation of his plotline in Nolan’s Batman Begins, but this time the movie did it better.
The “nightwing” continue to just be generic people so far out of their depth the only interesting bit of this sto more
The more I read this the less I like it.
Again...Nightwing is one of my favorite characters, but this is awful. Enough of "Ric"! Let's get back to Nightwing and Dick Grayson!