Earth 2: World's End #11

Writer: Daniel H. Wilson Artist: Paulo Siqueira Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: December 17, 2014 Cover Price: $2.99 Critic Reviews: 5 User Reviews: 6
6.9Critic Rating
7.2User Rating

Mister Miracle battles Darkseid - with the fate of the New Gods and Earth-2 as the stakes!

  • 8.0
    Batman-News - Sean Buckley Dec 18, 2014

    Overall: Major changes and a stylistic overhaul that seemed long overdue contribute to the success of this issue. For the first time since this series started, I'm looking forward to see where the endgame of World's End is heading. If it's done properly, this book could live up to its promise of shaking the entire DC Universe. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Outright Geekery - Adam Normal Dec 19, 2014

    There is so much good in this issue and the only reason why the writer were able to do this because they only focused on the story in Apokolips the entire issue. Things flowed naturally into each other and it was great. I highly recommend it. Read Full Review

  • 7.5
    AIPT - Jordan Richards Dec 18, 2014

    I think it's good that it didn't stretch out a single plotline for several months and gave the issue extra focus. On the other hand, the story here felt completely rushed and seemed to skip over a lot of story elements. Then there is the whole Big Barda betrayal, which came out of nowhere; Mr. Terrific and Sandman's token appearance before they completely disappeared, the cheesy pose at the end of the book, and so much more. Though I will say the comic looked a whole lot better when one person was actually drawing the book (Paulo, while Scott did the breakdowns). Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Weird Science - Eric Shea Dec 18, 2014

    For a uber fan of the New Gods and all of Kirby's fourth world stories, this might be just what you've been waiting for with this title, but for anyone else it comes off as a bit stale.  With the exception of a on again off again betrayal and a decent revelation at the end this story doesn't really serve a purpose other than to show us that Darkseid has finally risen.  A big plus to this though is that DC has finally heard our cries and has made this issue a single story with a single artist, but I wouldn't expect it to stay so you might want to get this issue purely for the oddity of the format.   Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Weekly Comic Book Review - Loukas Dec 23, 2014

    The answers given in this issue might have been powerful and important. They still may prove to be so. But the turgid narrative and slow pace rob them of much of their force. We do not have a story here, but a set of moments. Like disconnected images in a gallery, they impress, they even move, but they do not engage. The scenes are striking, but they serve their purpose poorly. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    Supes' soups Dec 18, 2014

    Finally, it's getting really good. Darkseid is more than a mere appearance and Miracle confronts him head on. I'm a little confused on timing after Barda is revealed to be a traitor because in the Future's End title, the trio of Miracle, Barda, and Fury are still together during the assault on Cadmus so this event takes place after Future's End? But at the same time, Red Tornado/Lois Lane I presume is still alive in World's End but she is dead in Future's End after the Cadmus Island assault?? So there are some inconsistencies to say the least. Or it's possible Barda reconciled with Miracle and Fury after the fact, I really don't know. Or DC could just go into a massive clusterphuck with Convergence next year. Either way, this issue is good. more

  • 7.5
    MyNameIsNotJohn Apr 28, 2017

    Nice to see Darkseid in action; this issue had a tighter written and artistic focus which helped its quality. Only focusing on Apokolips helps to flesh out our New God characters and set the stage for the coming conflict.

  • 7.0
    JBL Reviews Dec 23, 2014

    Not bad but felt rushed and contradicted future's end.

  • 8.5
    Redeadhood Dec 22, 2014

  • 7.0
    TheRed Jan 7, 2015

  • 5.0
    mrDovydas Dec 29, 2014

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