Arkham Manor #6
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Arkham Manor #6

Writer: Gerry Duggan Artist: Shawn Crystal Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: March 25, 2015 Cover Price: $2.99 Critic Reviews: 6 User Reviews: 5
7.2Critic Rating
6.4User Rating

Batman discovers whos been murdering the inmates of Arkham Manor, but how will he be able to bring him to justice if hes trapped inside with them?FINAL ISSUE

  • 8.0
    The Batman Universe - TBU Contributor Mar 25, 2015

    What are Dr. Arkhams reasons for lying to Detective Bullock about Jack Shaw?I think that the playful Mr. Freeze moments in this book will end up being the most memorable part of this series for me. I know that the characterization was largely pretty divisive but I found it refreshing.Dr. Crane is a Shawshank Redemption fan apparently.  Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Spectrum - Shawn Hoklas Apr 1, 2015

    Given more time on this title it feels as though Duggan and Crystal could have done so much more. There's potential inside the walls of Arkham Asylum no matter what building it's housed in. Hopefully DC will revisit the Manor again post Convergence, but even if they don't, these six issues provide a wonderful story and excellent art to revisit over and over again. If you happened to miss these issues as they were coming out, do yourself a favor and pick up the trade when it's released as you'll be able to get the whole series in one single volume. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Dark Knight News - Ryan Lower Mar 27, 2015

    I enjoyed the run of this story but felt like it ended on somewhat of a whimper. Not much happened this week, and we are in the somewhat same position as we were 6 months ago. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Batman-News - Elena Carrillo Mar 26, 2015

    Arkham Manor finishes stronger than it started both in terms of the writing and the art–so much that it's a shame to see it go. We get one last dance with this slightly bizarre concept when Arkham Manor: Endgame hits the stands, but otherwise it's time to say farewell to Gerry Duggan and Shawn Crystal's stint with the Dark Knight Detective (and his alter ego Jack Shaw). Without having read the Endgame tie-in, it's hard to judge whether the overall story is a success. It certainly leaves more questions than answers and a number of major things (like the ownership of the Manor itself) are still unresolved. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Newsarama - Pierce Lydon Mar 30, 2015

    I'm left wondering if Arkham Manor ever really had a chance. Duggan clearly had some farther-reaching ideas that we didn't get to see play out. But was the concept ever really strong to begin with? I think the world of story made for a ton of potential to see some interesting relationship dynamics amongst a bunch of characters that we know but maybe that hewed too close Arkham Asylum for DC's tastes. that said, the execution was still similar to that seminal work, in that Bruce shows up to Arkham and has to get to the bottom of everything. Despite a real lack of a hook, Shawn Crystal's art helped buoy the series and hopefully, this isn't the last we see of him. There is room for a lot of different kinds of books within the Batman/Gotham City dynamic, but Arkham Manor is further proof that you need an airtight concept to really succeed. Read Full Review

  • 5.5
    Weird Science - Eric Shea Mar 30, 2015

    This was a very anticlimactic ending to a very strange and short series.  I don't know if this series had always planned on being six issues but for as abruptly as this ended........ I kind of hope not.  This has been a decently fun series throughout, I just wish this ending brought a little bit more to the table. Read Full Review

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