Like father, like daughter! Apex Lex has given Lobo the power to control Crush, and together they're going to take down the Teen Titans! Try as she might, Crush struggles to resist Lobo's influence... but to her horror, she starts to enjoy the madness! And finally, after all this time, it's time to meet... the Other!
I will treasure this run for years, especially as I get the horrible feeling that it'll be coming to a close soon. I rate Glass, Chang and Maiolo as the greatest Teen Titans creative team since Marv Wolfman and George Perez, and those are words I never thought I'd ever type. Read Full Review
I love this series, it's constantly challenging itself to become more shocking, bold, artistic and ultimately believable. The art is consistent and represents all the facets of Glass's writing perfectly. Teen Titans #36 was a great issue, and it left us with an almighty cliff hanger! I cant spoil it, but next month we'll be treated to massive reveal. Read Full Review
I love this series, it's constantly challenging itself to become more shocking, bold, artistic and ultimately believable. The art is consistent and represents all the facets of Glass's writing perfectly. Teen Titans #36 was a great issue, and it left us with an almighty cliff hanger! I cant spoil it, but next month we'll be treated to massive reveal. Read Full Review
This issue ends with a solid cliffhanger and the promise of a long awaited payoff. So fat Glass and Chang have made this Titans downfall arc better than expected. Hopefully they can keep the hot streak going. Read Full Review
Teen Titans continues to be one of the freshest, best-written comics on the stands when it comes to character-driven superhero drama. This issue is no exception! Read Full Review
Teen Titans has struggled from a lack of direction and team cohesion for a while now. Thankfully, it seems like things are starting to clear up as various plots progress, and even as the team is fractured, they seem to finally be coming together. Lobo works as the driving force for much of that in this issue, by creating a reason for the remaining titans to rally. With creative art, lots of action, and balance in the story, this issue was enjoyable and set the stage for some really exciting things to come. Read Full Review
With some great art we see our heroes take on a mind controlled Crush, which is cool and leads us to a really interesting cliffhanger, but sadly we don't spend enough time in dealing with the fallout of Roundhouse's betrayal or Djinn's banishment......... which would lead to some great drama and where this book really shines in my mind. While I would have liked some more personal developments, this issue is still fun and I can't wait to get the big reveal next issue. Read Full Review
Artist Bernard Chang does some solid work with both Lobo and Crush though, and that final page is definitely worth talking about, but for now this books needs to find some ways to let the light in before it can really hit its stride again. Read Full Review
By the end of Teen Titans #36, it seems we're about to see the reveal of the identity of Goth Leviathan, aka The Other, but he's been such a side note to this story that it barely matters. We're not invested in the plot, we're not invested in likable character, so what's driving this book? Read Full Review
Pretty weak issue.
Having just done the previous issue, I'm concerned about how this issue will go down especially since we've got three villains in the spotlight.
The Good:
Nothing really. Maybe Roundhouse's confession but there wasn't much this issue.
The Bad:
Lobo's (effectively) mind control of Crush isn't interesting and just serves as something for the team to do.
Likewise, Lobo basically does nothing.
We finally see the Other and boy, that was lacklustre.
Look, it's an alright issue but there isn't anything to say why you should read it which is concerning for any form of media.
Meh. I don't care about these characters. Just kill them all, I say.
Someone should tell The Other that the cat got at his costume.