Justice League of America #12

Writer: Matt Kindt Artist: Eddy Barrows Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: February 12, 2014 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 10 User Reviews: 9
6.6Critic Rating
7.2User Rating

A devastating battle against Despero begins as Manhunter and Stargirl arrive in San Francisco to save Stargirl's family from Firestorm's fallout!

  • 9.0
    Infinite Comix - Brandon Stines Feb 14, 2014

    With Justice League of America #12, Matt Kindt and Eddy Barrows have proven that the JLA are in good hands, and with this creative team behind them, they're going to keep winning for a long time. Read Full Review

  • 8.1
    IGN - Jesse Schedeen Feb 12, 2014

    As with issue #11, the art here is divided between Eddy Barrows (who handles the real-world material) and Tom Derenick (who handles the mental flashbacks. Barrows is at his bold, dramatic best, giving a savage brutality to Despero and highlighting the suffering of the two heroes nicely. Derenick's work is a little too lightweight by comparison, though his facial work does tend to bring out the emotion of the script well enough. R.B. Silva also tackles a brief interlude in the form of a Martian folktale. The three styles don't mesh terribly well, but I've come to expect as much from this arc. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Newsarama - Michael Moccio Feb 17, 2014

    Despite the several successes the book achieved, Justice League of America #12 still lacks a cohesiveness to make the entire book succeed. There's so much going on with Forever Evil that this loses its unique voice amongst the rest of the tie-in issues and remains average within the context of the superimposed event. On its own, however, due to Stargirl, Martian Manhunter, and the indelible hope both seem to hold on to, the book remains a well thought out story about two major Justice League players. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Newsarama - Jake Baumgart Feb 13, 2014

    Even though this issue is mired in crossover confusion, Justice League of America #12 is still a strong book about DC's leading heroes. Read Full Review

  • 6.1
    Geeked Out Nation - Mark Pritchard Feb 12, 2014

    So JLA was a bit weak this month. It's a shame, but sometimes a writer has to tread water before the big stuff happens, and whilst he treads water he tries to throw up a few things to keep us all entertained. It doesn't quite work this time. The book doesn't really give any new insight into it's two main characters, and in trying to do so actually makes them appear less realistic, or believable than before. It ends with a scene that's supposed to conjure emotion, but just falls flat. Such a shame, lets hope it's a bit better next month. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comic Book Resources - Jim Johnson Feb 14, 2014

    "Justice League of America" #12 is a "Forever Evil" tie-in that has its moments, and ends on a promising note that bodes well for next issue, but also has a lot of soft spots that hold it back from being a truly worthy extension of the overall story. It's the kind of ancillary comic that many might have expected to be a lot worse, but easily could have been so much better. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comic Vine - Tony 'G-Man' Guerrero Feb 12, 2014

    It's known that this series will be ending or changing into JUSTICE LEAGUE UNITED. You almost do get a sense that not only is the story winding down, but the series as well. There's a slight lack of focus that makes this story feel separate from the rest of FOREVER EVIL. The art is good but with three different artists, there are moments where the difference interrupts the flow of the story. The big question is what will happen next and you most likely won't want to miss it. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comic Booked - Jeff Hill Feb 15, 2014

    In other words, do yourself a favor and either skip this issue entirely (and enjoy the excellent Suicide Squad issue that Kindt put out this week) or just look at the pictures. Read Full Review

  • 5.5
    Weird Science - Eric Shea Feb 20, 2014

    While it seemed we were picking up the pace with last issue, this locks on the brakes and gives you whiplash.  The west coast is about to be destroyed, and we stop for a nice martian story about overcoming adversity.  All I saw in this issue was the bad guy winning repeatedly, and I'm left wanting more.  Of course I want more I'm an awful fanboy, but all we get is a terrible beating, and a story.  This issue does have great art, and even though there are three artists this issue, they seem to work together smoothly, and nothing seems out of place.  Hopefully I can be overwhelmed next month or even whelmed. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    DC Collectors - Wayland Smith Feb 25, 2014

    It's almost over, and we're getting more on Stargirl's history. Of course, as they feel the need to do with about everyone in the DCNU, her history is dark and painful. Does anyone become a hero because it's the right thing to do anymore, without some murder and mayhem lurking in the background? Read Full Review

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