Deadmans secret backstory is revealed...and the JLD battles Pantheon for the soul of paradise!
Missing story piece aside, Justice League Dark #34 continues DeMatteis and Guinaldo's run of excellence on the book that's been going on since issue #30. After Futures End month, the team will be bringing back a few members, and how they'll be incorporated them into the team dynamic will be worth waiting for. Read Full Review
I've really enjoyed this Dead Man-centric JLD story and it makes me really interested to see how Boston's new origin is told through next month's Secret Origins after seeing some abridged flashbacks here. Just another home run from DeMatteis and Guinaldo and I'm a very selfish person so I hope that these two never leave this title. Yeah you guys are stuck, I so will it. Definitely gotta check this one out if your a fan of Dead Man or the dark characters in general. Such a good read. Read Full Review
I like the New 52 SWAMP THING, but if you want to get into the dark, dreamworld side of DC, this is the only book you really need. The best of the current supernatural-themed books, and one of the best superhero team comicsI've ever read. Read Full Review
Working as he typically does to put the spotlight on the lesser-known characters on a team, DeMatteis gives Deadman a nice heroic quandary that resolves without padding and redeems the character from some of the New 52 tarnish. The dysfunction of the Dark team, however, is wearing a bit thin. Read Full Review
Now that Nanda Parbat has been visited and explained, I'm looking forward to what DeMatteis, Guinaldo and company have in store for readers. "Justice League Dark" #34 is a solid read that adds depth to the dark corners of the DC Universe while providing Deadman fans with as close to a spotlight issue as a team book can provide. Read Full Review
Justice League Dark has the bones of a good Deadman story with this story arc. But where this issue stumbles is in the execution. Read Full Review
I gave this book 5 issues after Forever Evil to win me back and its just a middling affair with nothing much happening featuring some characters I like.
Kinda ho-hum. Deadman gave his life in such a nonchalant way that made no sense.