What is tying four individuals around the world to the ghost of Jonn Jonzz? And will they find out before theyre torn to pieces by the unstoppable Martian Maneater?!
MARTIAN MANHUNTER is a series fans need to check out. It's highly underrated and doing something very different. It's an alien invasion story that grasps on to the horror elements and doesn't let go. This is one of the best books in the DCYou line-up that takes a lot of huge risks that are seeming to pay off. This was another amazing issue. Don't trade wait. Get on this series, month to month. Read Full Review
After disjointed early issues,Martian Manhunterhits full stride in its fourth outing. By bringing together the disparate cast, Rob Williams develops some great character moments that speak, not only to these protagonists as individuals but to the many good qualities of J'onn J'onzz. Eddy Barrows, Eber Ferreira, and Gabe Eltaeb have always provided this series with great art, but their narrative skills as a team really lend an intensity to not only the action, but the overall tone of the book.Martian Manhunteris part superhero, part sci-fi, and part-horror, and most importantly, good storytelling. Read Full Review
Martian Manhunter is a book that thrives off of its mystery and mystique, and Rob Williams is at his best when he's leaving you guessing and wanting more. Read Full Review
This series continues to be a great read, but some problems with clunky narration slowing the pace of the book down hurt this issue compared to the previous ones. The art continues to kick ass and take names in this issue, where we see all the parts to our favorite Martian realize who they are and what they can do against the White Martian invasion....... It's just hard to put this issue next to the gold that we've already gotten and not see some imperfections. Read Full Review
This book can be a bit alienating (no pun intended) for new readers, but there's still a ton of potential here. Hopefully Williams can get to the point quickly, before DC has to pull the plug on him. Read Full Review
A bit odd yet engaging and interesting.
This is getting pretty cool now that the players are coming together and the thrills are getting greater.
Completely lost interest