Wonder Woman #48

Writer: Meredith Finch Artist: Jonathan Glapion, David Finch Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: January 20, 2016 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 2 User Reviews: 13
3.5Critic Rating
6.0User Rating

A mysterious illness that could affect all of Olympus strikes its first victim: Baby Zeke! Can Wonder Woman find the cure in time? Its the start of a new quest that will redefine the God of War!

  • 4.0
    Weird Science - Eric Shea Jan 22, 2016

    We start off a new Wonder Woman story with this and while I'm happy that it introduces a re-imagined Dr. Poison to the series, this first issue just leaves me wanting more because nothing that really went down here felt right.  Motives are weird, our hero is weird and the dialog at times is just awful.  It's been a rough go with Wonder Woman lately and I just hope that this story arc straightens itself out because I want to love Wonder Woman again. Read Full Review

  • 3.0
    IGN - Levi Hunt Jan 21, 2016

    In Wonder Woman #48, our hero takes on the growing threat of terrorism and....it's just about as awkward as you might think. Maybe even more so. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    JBL Reviews Jan 23, 2016

    Fine. Not nearly as bad as the reviews.

  • 6.5
    Supes' soups Jan 21, 2016

    Is it just me or has the last few issues been so random, the title now feels disconnected? I had to go back to issue #47 to figure out what was going on, only to find that issue 47 had nothing to do with issue 48. Issue 47 might as well have been a one shot. Also Diana's new costume must take forever to wash at the dry cleaners because it's disappeared for 2 issues and now she's back in her stripper outfit. I enjoy David Finch's pencils but if this title doesn't correct itself soon, it's really going down the toilet. Issues #41-46 might not have been an amazing story arc but at least the issues felt connected. It's interesting that the only DC books I consider must-reads have had the same writer since the new 52 inception: Batman and Justic more

  • 6.0
    JV Jan 28, 2016

    Short and sweet. I don't mind the grounded story line. I like when the hero's take it down a notch sometimes. The art is always good from Finch. My only complaint was the lack of consistency. In th same scene, but different panels, Wonder Woman is wearing blue boots, then she is wearing red boots. This may be more a colorist issue, than Finch, but someone should have caught that. Also in the scene where Wonder Woman is being attacked by the mob, she loses her lasso to Maru, however in the very next panel WW has her lasso back on. Yes, she could have picked it back up, but really.... if any Villain ever had the lasso in their hands, would they really drop it and run?

  • 4.5
    Vancha Feb 16, 2016

    This reads like some combination of a filler issue and a propaganda comic from WW2/the cold war...Even the dialogue was suitably cheesy to fit in with a bygone era of comics. Once again David Finch (sort of) saves the day, by making the comic at least pretty to look at, but I'm baffled why he's gone back to drawing Diana's old costume. It only really serves to make these strange stand-alone issues we're getting feel even more detached, as if we're viewing flashbacks or something. That said, if I were to imagine the last couple of issues as back-ups that were written months ago in case one of the Finchs got sick or something, they'd suddenly make a lot more sense.

  • 4.0
    Alan Jan 27, 2016

    This is another unremarkable comic from the Finches. Like 47, this is a one shot comic. It reintroduces Dr. Poison, one of Wonder Woman's oldest villians but does so in the worst way possible. First of all, Doctor Poison is originally a Japanese woman who disguises herself as a man, in this reinventing she's turned into a blonde and blue eyed Russian in generic evil villian lady military garb with an axe to grind with the US. Only... her reason doesn't make sense. Her parents were Russian scientists who were approached by US spies with offers to work for them. Her parents refused and their government rewarded they're loyalty by, locking them up in a Siberian prison and torturing them to death. So why isn't she mad at Russia instead? more

  • 4.0
    Shiva Jan 21, 2016

    The only reason I gave this issue a 4 was because of the art. If I was judging it only by the story it would be given a 1. The art is really good, but the story is so bad that it drags down the visuals. But hey, maybe I am being overly harsh, because if this was a story published under a Justice League animated banner, it would rank as a 7. It is the type of story where Meredith Finch literally spells out everything about the new villain named Dr. Poison. And it is a really cliché origin. Disgruntled daughter of wrongly convicted Russian scientists who die in prison. Girl grows up resenting America and plots killing the president with poison. Uses a drone to try to drop poison on the President. WW stops it. WW then chases bad girl throug more

  • 2.0
    Briton Jan 30, 2016

    I used to love WW and still look in now and again to see if DC have sorted things out. Not on this evidence. The comic is an incoherent shambles. It's the worst issue of a comic I have come across in some time. See you in another 5 years Diana!

  • 10
    John Pomoli Jan 12, 2023

  • 10
    Hilbut Jan 21, 2016

  • 7.5
    Spider-Woman06 Jan 12, 2023

  • 7.0
    Monné Oct 5, 2017

  • 5.5
    DXO Feb 8, 2016

  • 4.5
    Redeadhood Jan 27, 2016

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