Nightwing #68

Writer: Dan Jurgens Artist: Ronan Cliquet Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: January 15, 2020 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 10 User Reviews: 18
6.9Critic Rating
5.4User Rating

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Being a superhero often means layers of identities. For Ric Grayson, he once had a life as a sidekick to Batman, a life he forgot when a terrible gunshot wound erased his memories. When his long lost grand-father, who is also a super-assassin called Talon, returned to his life and implanted false memories into his brain, that added another layer. Now, with Talon vanquished, Ric Grayson has to shake loose the truth. Is he the man he has created for himself, or is there still some of the old Nightwing lurking around inside his head? Even if he wanted to, could Ric be Nightwing again when four other people have put on the mask and picked up wher more

  • 9.0
    Dark Knight News - Steve J Ray Jan 15, 2020

    If any of this series' doubters, and all the Ric haters out there need a pick-me-up, then Nightwing #68 is just what the doctor ordered. Personally I've loved seeing an all-new side to the world's first, original comic-book sidekick, but I'm sure that this creative team still has a few surprises up their sleeves. I look forward to finding out what they are. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    Comic Watch - Kenneth Bowden Jan 22, 2020

    A short but sweet read that gets our boy back on the right track, if you've been worn out on the Ric concept then this is a perfect issue to get you excited for the "second coming" of Dick Grayson again. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    Lyles Movie Files - Jeffrey Lyles Jan 15, 2020

    Nightwing enters 2020 on a very positive note that gives me plenty of optimism Jurgens has the title on the right track. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Geek Dad - Ray Goldfield Jan 15, 2020

    It's been a long time coming, but it seems like the Ric Grayson era is finally coming to an end as Dan Jurgens peels back the layers of Nightwing's memories in Nightwing #68. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    The Batman Universe - Tony Hammack Jan 16, 2020

    I really enjoyed this issue and I am excited to see where it goes. Read Full Review

  • 6.5
    GWW - Nick Friar Jan 15, 2020

    All that being said, there's still some legitimate uncertainty when it comes to Ric's future. Dan Jurgens can go in whatever direction he wants. That detail and the artwork from Travis Moore and Ronan Cliquet are the best parts of the issue. Read Full Review

  • 6.5
    Batman-News - Michael Escalante Jan 15, 2020

    Nightwing #68 is the series' first spark of life in a while. Even though it doesn't mark the complete end of the "Ric" saga, this chapter makes a significant step forward in returning Dick back to his proper place as Nightwing. Read Full Review

  • 6.0 - Adam Barnhardt Jan 15, 2020

    When it comes to Nightwing #68, it feels very much like the second part of a two-part story, largely anti-climactic. Read Full Review

  • 5.5
    Weird Science - Eric Shea Jan 15, 2020

    While I was really into this story arc as it was progressing, this ending just kind of killed any momentum that this series had with its lackluster conclusion.  I did enjoy the art a lot here, but the story just fell completely flat for me and by the end it feels like it wouldn't have mattered if it was included in this series at all for how little it did.  Hopefully there are some interesting ramifications that will come from this arc and even this ending, but as is, I wanted more. Read Full Review

  • 3.5
    Comic Book Revolution - Kevin Lainez Jan 17, 2020

    Ever since the Court of Owls entered the picture Dan Jurgens started to gain real momentum around this Ric Grayson arc. That momentum all comes to a dead stop with Nightwing #68. The way things end with Ric Grayson's fighting off becoming a Talon and then clashing with William Cobb was not rewarding at all. The only feeling you are left with after Nightwing #68 is the hope that the character will return to being Dick Grayson right away. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    A7sus420 Jan 22, 2020

    A fast paced exciting issue that adds new layers to the title
    character’s current mental dilemma. The ending was sweet and satisfying. Great issue.

  • 6.5

    Nice to see we may be getting Dick back soon.

  • 6.0
    M1sf1r3 Jan 15, 2020

    This arc has been extremely mixed for me.

    The Good:
    I liked the visit through Dick's past.

    Travis Moore's art was great when he was in the issue.

    The Bad:
    Undid the last couple issues of progress too quickly for my liking.

    Gave me hope for Dick and then snatched it away.

    Don't like Bea and Ric's relationship.

    Talon was defeated way too easily for how they portrayed him.

    While it had a promising premise, The Gray Son Legacy fails at almost every step reaching it's conclusion. It undoes all the work it was doing and doubling down on what makes Ric so annoying in the first place.

  • 5.0
    RBL Jan 15, 2020

    As an ending of an arc it fails to stick the landing, but no one arc of "ric" ever managed to really take off, so this just botching the end is already a vast improvement. As a single issue the fact it fails to commit to the single change most fans have been asking for since Batman #55 is its biggest drawback. A completely forgettable read and not worth spending money on.

    While this issue was a rushed conclusion to an arc that would have been better served being longer,the conclusion was a step in the right direction.

    That said, Grayson overcoming the calculated mental programming through the single act of taking off some goggles, that is simply dumb. Besting a Talon in combat with only muscle memory left, that's a sig more

  • 4.5
    Darkseid24 Jan 15, 2020

    This issue was rushed. I don’t know why, but writers let Dick win way too easily & way too fast. He overcame the Talons manipulation as if it was nothing. Same happened with Scarecrow, with Joker‘s daugther& now with the Talons as well. If you write the villains too weak, how much is the victory of the hero worth? Nothing.
    The writers are portraying Dick way too strong & it’s quite ridiculous.
    I wouldnt be surprised, if Dick beats Joker in the upcoming issues as if he was nothing.
    The art was great though.

    + LikeComments (5)
  • 3.5
    Psycamorean Jan 18, 2020

    This is starting to feel like the clone saga. Full of false endings and a clear lack of a plan. Can't wait for Ric to be put on trial for being a murderer. How about Nightwingcide? Ooo, we haven't had our "elderly caretaker died" issue yet. When's Nightwing #400?

    + LikeComments (2)
  • 3.0
    DarePool53 Jan 4, 2021

    Issues' worth of build to just go 180 in one rushed issue.

    Dan Jurgens is one of the greats, so it's a real shame that he's been tasked with undoing the all the 'Ric' damage.

    The end of this fiasco can't come soon enough;

  • 3.0
    Spacey Medicine Feb 26, 2020

    Still extremely don’t care.

  • 2.0
    KFuqua Jan 16, 2020

    The "Ric" storyline continues to be absolutely awful and it can't end fast enough.

    Please end this torture and give us a Nightwing comic again!

  • 1.0
    BlueAndEvil Jul 17, 2020

    "The real him--the one buried below the surface--prevented it!"

    No, Condor-Red-Ex-Machina prevented it. The "real him" had no problems with murdering his friends, the Nightwings, despite the fact that murdering Condor McStrangerFace snapped him out of it.

  • 10
    wing81 May 23, 2021

  • 8.5
    ComiczLover Dec 11, 2022

  • 8.0
    Krakoa Foreva Dec 11, 2022

  • 7.5
    Radar Jan 17, 2020

  • 7.0
    Gavan Jun 19, 2021

  • 7.0
    Watchtower022 Jan 18, 2020

  • 5.5
    sebastianorellana95 Jan 30, 2020

  • 1.0
    SenpaifenixJäger Mar 18, 2021

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