So they're losing the zombie thing?
There’s no rest for the wicked! Especially if you’re Floyd Lawton, a.k.a. Deadshot. He thought the mission that killed him would be his last, but now he’s been recruited into Task Force Z. But Deadshot’s never liked playing by anyone’s rules...and Red Hood and his would-be team are going to learn that the hard way!
Task Force Z #3 is the best issue of the series so far. Don't miss out, grab a copy, and enjoy! When you're telling all of your friends about it, please let them know that I made up the name UnDeadShot! Don't you dare steal it for yourselves! Read Full Review
Task Force Z is hitting all the right marks and has emerged as one of DCs best new titles. Read Full Review
Task Force Z #3 is a fantastic issue with an amazing mix of character development, action, and shocking moments. This issue brings so much together and feels like a major moment in an event before the series wraps up. Where this is going next is unknown but it's a ride I can't wait to see more of. Read Full Review
There are several surprise new players in this issue, along with a couple of ongoing mysteries like Mr. Bloom's involvement. So far, every issue of this book has been better than the previous one. Read Full Review
Task Force Z #3 is starting to shine. Taking a while to settle, the creative team is telling an excellent story. It is a comic that combines an epic concept that definitely understands its ridiculous nature but leans heavily into that chaos. There is an amazing combination of brutal killing and some really well-written character moments. Rosenbergs superb dialogue partners incredible art to deliver a scary and enjoyable horror comic. Read Full Review
Task Force Z #3 humanizes its characters while revealing more about the darker tone of its operations. The story can feel a bit slow as Red Hood lingers with characters, but overall it's a good issue. The cliffhanger will make you want the next issue even more, but you'll also root for Jason Todd even more by the end. Read Full Review
There's some big reveals this issue in not only who is behind Task Force Z, but in how Jason Todd is dealing with his grief over Alfred Pennyworth. Those two things are enough to keep me a fan of this series but the character moments, great art and explosive action scenes are just icing on the cake of this unexpected awesome series. Read Full Review
Task Force Z is a solid book. There's action, there's humor and, most importantly, there are intriguing character interactions. This isn't just a mindless zombie book. These characters have their own motives and intentions which sometimes are aligned and sometimes are not. The cliffhanger is also pretty interesting, but it remains to be seen how the creative team is going to handle that going forward. For now I still definitely recommend this comic, though! Read Full Review
Coupled with a few shocking reveals, Task Force Z is on the right path, albeit the journey there has been a bit too inconsistent. Read Full Review
Ok, well I'm glad Jason was after Bane, but what the hell is wrong with these writers' lack of creativity. First it was Jim Starlin who left it up to the public to interpret whether or not Jason pushed Felipe, later Zdarsky made Jason push his mother's addicted boyfriend, and now as if Jason were the shoving boy he does it again with Bane.
Still it was good to see this moment.
It was wonderful to see Bane fly through the air.
I quite liked the delivery. Jason was not affected by the resin of Lazarus. It was good to see that he was not indifferent to Alfred's murder and did what none of his relatives who supposedly loved him so much, Jason took revenge.
He has also discovered the guy behind this whole plot.
This series is so fucking fun, and I don't get that from a ton of DC comics.
Enjoy this instalment.
Kinda did Bane dirty, but this was the best issue of this series so far, it really comes together here
To be Matt it was not so bad, it is more I would say that even decent with everything and its oddities.
By the way. Happy new year.
Pretty good issue, though it had some faults and inconsistencies (for example, last issue Jason had no clue who Crispin will bring in to help him, but now we're told he actually recommended Deadshot). There is at least a moment here that delivers a sound resolution for a big characters' useless death. And we find out who Crispin is, though I'm going to need a big sell on that in order to buy it. I enjoyed this overall and if the whole zombie thing is going away, it should get even better.
Jason asked Crispin (interesting reveal btw) to increase the Lazarus resin dosage. The reason why he does this is very interesting. I would definitely recommend this issue to you.
I've avoided it because the zombification of bane and manbat had zero appeal for me but if they're coming back I ll pick this up and check it out.
I have also hesitated with this comic, not bad and in this issue as Merlyn says interesting things happen. What I find somewhat contradictory is Jason's expression when he bans Bane off the roof, something like regretful or dismayed and that's not very Jason to say. By the way, Happy New Year to you both. I wish you the best a big hug.
I picked this up today on your recommendation Merlyn. It looks like you're right they're hinting at restoring these characters to normal and I think that would be a great idea.
I really liked this. I've been liking this series more and more with each installment.
And the twists it has? Very good.
Jason is written well here.
In this issue, there is finally some congruence, Jason do something about the resentment has to Bane, thank you for that.
Great plot twist, fantastic art and fun story, but this lazarus resin stuff keeps bothering me...
It seemed a bit lazy to kill Jason and I just want to revive him with the resin. I don't understand what the point of doing this was.
MR take the easy way for a rebel Jason, although they can't blame Jason for murder this time.
I'm enjoying myself