What is Catmans strange secret and how will it affect this new team? Find out in the second sensational issue of SECRET SIX!
Ken is the artist on this, with inks by him and Drew Geraci, colours by Jason Wright, letters by Carlos M. Mangual, and the cover itself by Dale Eaglesham and Jason. As before, the art in this issue is really good. In typical Ken lashley style, the inks can be a bit heavy and dark, which is where Drew comes in no doubt, to soften the overall effect, and the pencils themselves are phenomenal with the free-form style chosen by Ken. And as for the colours, they lend a nice water-colour feel to the whole thing that I really like. Read Full Review
Whats also similar to last issue is the inconsistent quality to the art. I dont mean to sound so negative, as 90% of the time is looks great. It has a very dark, surreal look that makes you feel unsettled, so basically the perfect fit for this book. The transformation in the look of Catman over his year imprisonment really drives home the hellish torture hes been put through and effectively shows what mental anguish hes going through, saving Simone from having to write any internal monologue. However, There are times when it starts to look a bit rough and sketchy, and towards the end it even looks like its been done by a completely different artist. Im not sure if this an intentional artistic change or the result of having two different inkers, but its a real shame as when the art hits its stride it looks absolutely fantastic and helps to further strengthen this books unique feel and tone. Read Full Review
Secret Six #2 is a satisfying second installment of a successfully re-imagined fan-favorite. When combined with Ken Lashley's energetic artwork and Jason Wright's textured use of color, Gail Simone's strong and intriguing script makes Secret Six #2 an unmissable issue. Read Full Review
It's fun, action-packed, and full of new mysteries. With the set up out of the way, Simone also has a lot more time to let her characters play and interact with one another. This is where this new series is truly beginning to shine just as the original one did. Read Full Review
This is a nice installment that builds on its previous issue, and does a lot to progress the story while opening up new questions. Was it worth the wait? I would say yes! Simone is a masterclass at writing interesting characters and ensembles, and she's only getting better. Read Full Review
Except for how long it's taken to come out, Secret Six continues to be a really cool and fun book. Catman takes center stage in this issue as we learn a bit more about him and why he doesn't like closed spaces and if a character get's their own background explained a bit in each issue, well I'm all for that. If you're like me and actually forgot about Secret Six due to it's lateness of release, do yourself a favor and go back and read the first issue first as a refresher and jump head first into this issue. I had a good time and I think you will too. Read Full Review
Rejoice, fans and lovers alike, the Secret Six have returned and the DC Universe is all the better/weirder for it. Gail Simone made a bold choice bringing back the Six for the New 52, but based on the first two issues, she has made the most of it by tossing the majority of the first title out and striking out to tell a new story with a new set of characters. Secret Six #2 has all the hallmarks of what made the last series so easy to connect to; a large, slightly insane main story populated by interesting characters that are shippable as all hell. We still have miles to go with this new Secret Six title, but this second issue confidently shows that Simone and her team are walking the right path. Read Full Review
The pacing of Secret Six #2 is pretty solid and its clear that were still in the early stages of the series yet so theres still plenty more to come, and there are certainly promising signs here to say the least as it continues its mostly strong quality that the first issue was given us, fleshing out some great characters that readers perhaps might not be too familiar with otherwise, as well as giving further depth to ones that they are. Itll be very interesting to see where Simone, Lashley, Geraci and Wright can take this book going forward and hopefully the wait for the next issue wont be as long as the wait for this one was. Read Full Review
The issue ends with the escape of the villains who it seems are going to stick together long enough to get some answers and take some vengeance on the hidden voice responsible for their capture and torture. Worth a look. Read Full Review
Unfortunately, this book is let down somewhat by Lashley's artwork. There seems to be some disconnect in the visual storytelling with regards to both the line work and colour that makes it difficult to follow the story. Some panels, and indeed pages, are fairly minimal in their use of colour and detail, while others are completely overwrought, resulting in the imagery becoming confused and unclear. Read Full Review
I still miss the old team, but this one has a lot of potential. I'm along for the ride for the foreseeable future. Read Full Review
The new 52 Secret Six is on the right track, but its launch is uneven and wobbly. The series desperately needs an artist that can hit the deadlines. Dale Eaglesham is taking over after the Convergence hiatus, the prognosis is excellent. With luck Secret Six will find its footing. Read Full Review
A much stronger installment than the first issue, but still lots of room for improvement. Read Full Review
Overall, Secret Six #2 may not be as good as Dale Eaglesham's stunning cover work, but it isn't the half-baked mess that the first issue delivered. If the series continues to improve at its current rate, this could become a bright spot in the post-Convergence DC Universe. Read Full Review
The book was delayed and the art is sub-par, but there's something about SECRET SIX that is extremely appealing. That something is the writing of Gail Simone. There's a lot of love for these characters (mainly Catman, obviously) and this book takes a slower approach to the story in order to really work on developing the characters and how they interact with each other. Slow stars aside, these characters are great and the story is pretty interesting, especially all the Catman captivity stuff. We have one issue left with the current artist until Convergence, then Dale Eaglesham takes over. Understandably, art is not an easy thing to accomplish, but Lashley's just isn't right for this book. Keep reading SECRET SIX or Catman will apparently pee on your ashes. Read Full Review
Like nearly all DC concepts, the Secret Six have gone through several incarnations, changing guise and motivation while all the time sticking to a single basic premise: a team formed by the mysterious Mockingbird for his/her own unknown purposes. The last time Simone worked with the Six, Mockingbird turned out to be Lex Luthor then later Amanda Waller, each of whom were particularly suited to the task of keeping the volatile group in line. Read Full Review
Now that the Six are loose, what mayhem will ensue, only time will tell. I still have to get over the Ventriloquists presence and maybe she will have a better role to play in the future. Read Full Review
This is a series worth keeping an eye on. Based on the current rate of improvement, by issue five we'll be calling it the next Watchmen. Secret Six is a series rife with potential, possessing a clear vision, smart dialog, and a definite tone. The ingredients are there, but somehow it's not being mixed quite right. Read Full Review
"Secret Six" #2 improves on issue #1 despite its struggles. I'm rooting for this series, which could be a lot of fun. Read Full Review
Secret Six is off to a rocky start, which is really disappointing. With lacklustre artwork and massive delays killing all momentum between issues, it feels like the series has been set up to fail, and considering the eclectic cast is amusing and full of potential, I'm hoping that it manages to overcome these teething problems and come back with a vengeance (and a regular shipping schedule) once Convergence has concluded. Read Full Review
Art is an acquired taste. Comic books should at least stay consistent within the covers. This book does not do that. Compounding that, the story doesn't help the reader to know the character's depictions and their powers. This makes scenes like the action sequences seem like a mess or a blur. The book's ending is a great one and this helps to push the book into a good direction. Being a fan of this concept and of the writer makes this issue a huge disappointment. I've waited years for this launch, I would have waited another month for a solid second issue. Read Full Review
Hopefully this is simply because it is only issue 2. I wont be giving up on this series just yet. Read Full Review
The new Secret Six is not a good comic so far. It's an ugly, overly-gritty attempt to replace the magic of the original series with something new. But that something new is just dreary violence and a desperate wish for lightning to strike twice. Read Full Review