Renee Montoya's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: DC Comics News Reviews: 21
6.9Avg. Review Rating

Aquaman And The Others #10

Feb 15, 2015

Again my only complaint was the 5 pages of the same preview of a new series that is in EVERY issue for the past few weeks taking up pages I would prefer more story.

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Batman: Eternal #37

Dec 21, 2014

This issue is definitely no disappointment and this series is worth sticking through.

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Batman: Eternal #38

Dec 26, 2014

Looking forward to seeing how this all plays out. I suggest you go grab the new big Volume that contains #1-#21 if you are new, catch up and come for a rather different ride.

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Catwoman (2011) #37

Dec 21, 2014

I missed a few issues of Catwoman and as a result I was very confused reading this. I recommend readers that are newer to the series to jump back a few issues, so that this will make more sense. I did enjoy that Selina is still very grey, very dark grey but not black and white. Its one of the reasons a lot of readers enjoy Catwoman, having that rock and a hard place moments is something we can all associate with.

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Earth 2 #29

Dec 5, 2014

I am hoping that this issue was simply a filler.

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Green Arrow (2011) #38

Jan 29, 2015

While I wont rush out to buy this it is definitely not a disappointment and well worth it for fans of the Men in Tights.

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Harley Quinn (2013) #12

Nov 23, 2014

This is a team that is magic and I cant wait for next month!

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Harley Quinn (2013) #13

Dec 26, 2014

This is definitely a stocking stuffer, a late present, any excuse get your hands on this!

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Harley Quinn (2013) #15

Mar 4, 2015

Get out there, buy, by 8 of them, this team deserves the support, give it to your friends, hell, give it to your mum she would probably get a good chuckle too!

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Harley Quinn Holiday Special #1

Dec 15, 2014

I loved this issue. The only thing I didn't like really was story 2's art. I really did feel reluctant to read it, as it just wasn't the usual BOOM look. While chibi styles are cute I think Harley needs that adult look.

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Justice League United #6

Nov 13, 2014

I found myself getting a touch confused about where each sets of characters were located. It was jumpy and with so many characters I found it a touch confusing. This series has only just started, not quite a full volume yet and I can see what its trying to do, I think its going to be one worth sticking out for a while longer still.

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Secret Origins #7

Dec 2, 2014

As a first time reader of Superboy I first thought here we go cloning how very predictable and done to death. As I read through and that last panel actually had me wanting to see just what that 10% was on the screen. I wanted to know did he figure what path he wants to follow on a long term basis and will that clarity of a moment hold out or buckle at the first sign of trouble.

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Secret Origins #8

Dec 31, 2014

This story was the one thing saving this issue of Secret Origins from being in the "don't bother" pile. I hope Mona Shards is in the regular series also.

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Secret Origins #10

Feb 26, 2015

This was worth waiting for and honestly makes this whole book worth forking out the money for.

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Secret Six (2014) #1

Dec 5, 2014

Regardless, this a series I suggest you get on board with. This is only the first issue and we have no idea just what is in store. Pick it up and get ready, because we are going to be asking

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Secret Six (2014) #2

Feb 15, 2015

Hopefully this is simply because it is only issue 2. I wont be giving up on this series just yet.

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Supergirl (2011) #37

Dec 21, 2014

I would give it a few more issues to really warm up.

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Supergirl (2011) #38

Jan 29, 2015

The convention scene as a background, while cute for Superboy to pop up in and find himself a little, was just a clich when the fight breaks out and just cant hold a candle to the only recently released Harley Quinn goes to Comic-con. It gave off a vibe of trying too hard.

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Supergirl (2011) #40

Mar 23, 2015

If you have change to spare despite the DC price hike, its not a bad one to grab.

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Superman / Wonder Woman (2013) #13

Nov 23, 2014

This is a series I think I will be happy to the regular read list for a while and see how it develops.

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World's Finest (2012) #30

Jan 22, 2015

While I wouldn't be rushing out to get this on the day of release, I would still pick this up within the month.

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