Supergirl #40
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Supergirl #40

Writer: Mike Johnson, K. Perkins Artist: Emanuela Lupacchino Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: March 18, 2015 Cover Price: $2.99 Critic Reviews: 6 User Reviews: 2
8.5Critic Rating
9.5User Rating

Its time for final exams at the Crucible Academy and they may just spell the death of Supergirl!

  • 10
    Supergirl Comic Box Commentary - Anj Mar 20, 2015

    But seriously, I want to read more of this Kara! This team has finally brought her to a place Supergirl fans want to be. They want her to be a young hero learning the ropes, filled with optimism and striving to help people. They want her to have a fierce sense of justice and a willingness to act first when there is need. And we finally have it! This issue showcased how far Supergirl has gone down the hero's journey. I don't want a new title to put her back at the beginning! I certainly don't want another 'bitter loner' take. Anyways, I  should focus on the positive and thank this creative team for bringing me this wonderful story and this fabulous Supergirl. I can only hope that when DC does bring back Supergirl that they hand the reins back to Perkins and Johnson. I can only thank them and Lupacchino, McCarthy, and Hi-Fi (and Tony Bedard, Charles Soule, and Yildiray Cinar before them) for giving me back the Supergirl I love. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Word Of The Nerd - Hollie Cumberland Mar 20, 2015

    As much as I loved this Crucible conclusion, I do have a negative comment to make: Why the hell would you leave it on such a cliff hanger? As if we haven't been through enough in this past arc, now you have to leave us with that?! Not cool DC . . . not cool. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Geeked Out Nation - Jideobi Odunze Mar 18, 2015

    Despite the ending, Supergirl #40 is an amazing issue that proves there is much to look forward to from Kara in the DC Universe when she's just plain being a hero. Hopefully the next story arc doesn't fall into the same pattern as with the other stories and House of El, but we'll just have to wait till the next issue for that. Read Full Review

  • 8.2
    Graphic Policy - Edward Wendt Mar 18, 2015

    This accomplishes that this does not really feel like a final issue. In retrospect after finding this out, a little bit of the plot seems to be shoe-horned in, but equally it felt almost like the lead up into a new story arc. One might say that this series ends much as it started, with a lot of missed potential, but at the very least this series ends on a relative high note, maybe not accomplishing what it could have, but having been a mostly entertaining run throughout, including this issue. It is likely that Supergirl will not be gone for long as the character inevitably resurfaces, and to carry on from where it left off might not be the worst for the series or the character. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Weird Science - Jim Werner Mar 20, 2015

    How many times can I say I'm going to miss this book.  In a perfect world (or alternate one...say Earth 93), this book would continue and we'd get the full Crucible story.  If I've learned anything, though,  this isn't a perfect world and we'll have to be happy with what we got...a cool Supergirl story with great art.  Man, I wish this was Earth 93! Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    DC Comics News - Renee Montoya Mar 23, 2015

    If you have change to spare despite the DC price hike, its not a bad one to grab. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Supes' soups Mar 20, 2015

    This was an extremely well done story arc for Supergirl and it will be one that might actually stick. So many memorable characters and I hope Lupacchino gets her excellent work recognized because she has some beautiful art, (Excited for her pencils on Starfire's solo book, this summer). I checked the solicitations for June and it looks like this book isn't coming back which is odd because we are left on a cliffhanger note and the book has so much potential that I'm surprised it isn't one of the books staying. Spoiler, Kara experiences something similar to what her cousin Kal is experiencing in Superman #39 but for her we don't know if it's temporary or permanent. Also I was hoping that Comet and Kara's relationship gets fleshed out because more

  • 9.0
    cgz Mar 20, 2015

    A very good conclusion to a great story arc - only downside is that I wish this creative team could continue.

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