Starfire #2

Writer: Amanda Conner, Jimmy Palmiotti Artist: Emanuela Lupacchino, Hi-Fi Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: July 8, 2015 Cover Price: $2.99 Critic Reviews: 18 User Reviews: 15
7.8Critic Rating
7.5User Rating

Florida is so nice this time of yearthe warm weatherthe beachand Starfire beating the crud out of the bad guys! You should really try to get down there and see for yourself.

  • 10
    SciFiPulse - Patrick Hayes Jul 14, 2015

    Quirky action and adventure that's an absolute joy to read. Highest possible recommendation. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Chuck's Comic Of The Day - Chuck Jul 13, 2015

    The series is fun and refreshing - if only there were more books like it! Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Word Of The Nerd - Rachel Greeman Jul 9, 2015

    Overall, a great issue that captures the pure heart and strong will of the most adorable alien princess in comics. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Fox Force Five News - Troy Komanac Jul 9, 2015

    In summary, this issue doesn't have the most thrilling content but is redeemed by incredible and engaging writing that really brings the characters to life and give Kroiand'r the book she deserves and a great supporting cast to go along with her. The art is nothing short of brilliance and a welcome change from such heavy and dark DC comic scene. There is still plenty of room for this book to grow but it's built an incredible foundation. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    Comicosity - Aaron Long Jul 8, 2015

    This comic is a breath of fresh air. Starfire #2 is a fun comic with clever writing, great art and a strong female lead. These characters are engaging and entertaining, and I never thought I would be praising a comic about Starfire and a hurricane, but here I am. It deserves every bit of praise heaped upon it, and if you liked any aspects of the first issue, the second issue will be a winner for you. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    Comic Book Revolution - Rokk Jul 8, 2015

    Starfire #2 was another wonderful read. Starfire is a welcoming fresh summer breeze that washes over the reader whisks away the stench that the New 52 has left on most of DC's titles. Starfire is easily one of the most unique super hero titles on the market. The emphasis on fun, positivity and honest heroism makes this title stand out among the other super hero titles crowding the shelves at your local comic book store. I would highly recommend buying Starfire #2. This is a title that deserves strong support. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Nerds Unchained - Connor Frigon Jul 14, 2015

    Even with the warm Key West sun blotted out by Hurricane Betty, Lupacchino's strong expressions and Hi-Fi's bright colours keep Starfire #2 visually engaging. The physical humor and caricatures complement the wordplay and running gags. The end of the issue teases the proceeding half of the arc. It's not particularly moving but Conner and Palmiotti's voice is a big draw. I'll keep reading if they keep writing. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    The Fandom Post - Chris Beveridge Jul 9, 2015

    Starfire continues to find the right mix of action and humor to work and I suspect it'll take a few more issues to truly shake out. I've always liked Kori so I'm enjoying seeing her in a solo book and having fun with things through her typically innocent view of the world and simple turns of phrase as she deals with what she sees. The rest of the cast is starting to find their bearings as well, with Stella being the big one here, and the fun of she and Kori living together for awhile could be a book all on its own in a way. I was frustrated by the pacing of the first issue and how it throw us to the storm so quickly, but this issue worked a lot better for me overall and was simply fun all around. Now to see what was created from within the sinkhole next time around. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Henchman-4-Hire - Sean Ian Mills Jul 11, 2015

    I'm happy to report that the second issue of Starfire is just as much fun as the first, so DC might have a solid new series on their hands. Everything is still kind of in Introduction Mode, everything still a little surface level, but hopefully that's going to change real soon. Read Full Review

  • 7.9
    Multiversity Comics - Ken Godberson III Jul 10, 2015

    I know it sounds like I just massively ragged on the book for its humor and that I must come off as a joyless "hurm durm grimmdark" parasite, but there was some humorous wordplay in dialogue that I appreciated and, for those subjective faults, the positives to this issue were really positive! Read Full Review

  • 7.8
    IGN - Jesse Schedeen Jul 9, 2015

    This series makes for a light, breezy addition to DC's new lineup. Read Full Review

  • 7.6
    Comicsverse - Brian Delpozo Jul 13, 2015

    STARFIRE #1 was one of my favorite single issues of any comic I've read this year and I had high expectations going into this second issue. While this second issue falls short of the first in terms of its characterization, it matches the first in plot and art-work, making STARFIRE #2 a definite must-read, and the tease of a future villain should keep readers coming back for more. Read Full Review

  • 7.5
    Graphic Policy - Edward Wendt Jul 8, 2015

    While the representation of the character has improved here, it is apparently still a work in progress. Starfire got to save some strange residents of Key West, and so doing provided some comedic relief, but equally it was so non sequitur that it broke up the sequence of the story. The writing team seems to be fascinated with Key West, and while there is nothing wrong with that, the series equally cannot be simply a string of strange characters from Key West that they can dream up. Starfire as a character deserves more. This issue represents a step in the direction towards what she should be, but there is still some distance to go. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Weekly Comic Book Review - Noah Sharma Jul 15, 2015

    Starfire continues to bring fun and optimism to DC. Hurricane Betty proves a surprisingly fun challenge for our resident Tamaranian, but something still feels off. Starfire is incredibly adept at capturing the spirit of its protagonist in the tone of its stories, but Koriand'r is still finding herself and her series is to. The pieces haven't quite clicked yet, but if these are the title's growing pains, I look forward to its final form. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comic Book Resources - Matt Little Jul 8, 2015

    Once the world is finally settled around Starfire and the writers can spend less time introducing readers to their ideas, this book has the potential to grow to "Harley Quinn" levels of fun. Combined with some gorgeous art, "Starfire" #2 is a mechanically sound installment of the series that shows the potential of not only the storytelling but the characters as well. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Newsarama - David Pepose Jul 8, 2015

    While there may be some that are turned off by the either the writing or the art, I think there's going to be far more people who latch on to one or the other - in a lot of ways, I think Starfire may be appealing to more audiences than one by this mismatched approach. It's unclear if Starfire's move to Miami will ultimately be the best for her as a character, but as far as sophomore issues go, this is a strong, simple plot with some truly gorgeous artwork. In other words, not even a hurricane can rain on this girl's parade. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Weird Science - Eric Shea Aug 11, 2015

    While I can't say that I didn't like this issue, I still find it a bit hard to get into this series due to Starfire's gigantic shift towards being a complete oblivious alien.  It just feels so odd because it's written as if she's never interacted with humans before in her life, yet I find myself caring about the humans that she is interacting with........ So yeah, it's a bit weird for me.  The art continues to be great and I find myself so happy that Emanuela Lupacchino is on this book.  Hopefully in further issues I can get a clear idea of what this series is going to be because right now, I don't have any strong feelings towards it. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Newsarama - Kelly Richards Jul 13, 2015

    There seems to be some sort of disconnect that prevents Starfire from really hitting the mark. It is, for example, rather difficult to gauge who the book is really aimed at. It is potentially too adult for the Teen Titans fan base, and too teenaged and female focused for fans of Red Hood and The Outlaws. While not a stand-out issue, Starfire was not entirely unenjoyable, and longtime fans of the character will most likely be able to find something to love. Read Full Review

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