Troy Komanac's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: Fox Force Five News Reviews: 4
7.8Avg. Review Rating

Batman Beyond (2015) #1

Jun 4, 2015

I sound like I really hated the issue andI didn't hate it. I'm just a big fan of Batman Beyond and not a fan of Futures End, I found this new comic had a slow and awkward setup that was too similar to Futures End for my taste. But if you are a fan of Futures End then I'm sure you'll love this new comic. If you are a new reader or unfamiliar with the events leading up to this new issue but had an interest in reading it then I would suggest picking it upbecause it does hint at taking a new direction that could be exciting to explore with familiar characters and intriguing new ones new ones.

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Starfire #1

Jun 12, 2015

I would have to say that I am very impressed with the new Starfire series. It was well written, had incredible art and I look forwardto picking up a few more and see where the story heads. I would recommend this book to people looking for something lighthearted or if you are a fan of the writing in Harley Quinn. I would not recommend it for people who want dark and gnarly crime fighting or young children.

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Starfire #2

Jul 9, 2015

In summary, this issue doesn't have the most thrilling content but is redeemed by incredible and engaging writing that really brings the characters to life and give Kroiand'r the book she deserves and a great supporting cast to go along with her. The art is nothing short of brilliance and a welcome change from such heavy and dark DC comic scene. There is still plenty of room for this book to grow but it's built an incredible foundation.

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Starfire #3

Aug 14, 2015

In the end I found this to be the most interesting Starfire issue.The future for this comic is looking even brighter thanks to the developments in that took place this month. This issue has set the bar for this series and I look forward to seeing how they are going to raise it again. With what's going on in this comic now,I can only imagine that bar is just going to keep going up.

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