When Pariah and his forces of the Great Darkness laid waste to the most powerful superheroes of all time, all hope was lost...until now. To power his weapons of war, Pariah has captured each member of the Justice League and trapped them on worlds suited to their every dream and desire...while the planets themselves slowly eat away at their respective inhabitants. When the Justice League went toe-to-toe with Pariah's Dark Army, Green Arrow was fatally wounded by Doomsday...so how did he wake up on a world tailored to his every desire? And what dark bargain has Black Canary made to will these worlds into existence? Where there's life there's homore
It's a mysterious issue with some great twists along the way, but it's also one of the best looks at the passionate dynamic that animates these two. Read Full Review
For better or for worse, this issue absolutely proves that Green Arrow and Black Canary are vital to the DC universe and that we should be getting a lot more stories involving them and the "Arrowfam" than an offhand one-shot. Read Full Review
This issue's release really was hurt by the larger Dark Crisis storyline moving ahead. There's not much reason to check this one out unless you're a big fan of Green Arrow or Black Canary. Read Full Review
As a fan of Black Canary and Green Arrow, I loved this issue. I must admit, however, that there's little to hold the interest of those who aren't already fans of Black Canary and Green Arrow. There's no grand revelations about Dark Crisis that make it essential reading for the collectors and continuity buffs. It is, however, a good love story, for those who enjoy those. Read Full Review
While I appreciate the great art we got in this issue, I'm just left shaking my head at another tie-in that felt pointless by the end. A love story is nice, especially for how little we hardly see Black Canary and Green Arrow together. Still, we could have looked at what each character's inner mind would portray as a perfect world, but that aspect of the book just came off as lackluster, kind of silly, and downright confusing......, especially for the ending to our main story. Read Full Review
After some great tie-in issues, this one about the Emerald Archer focuses less on character insights and development and more on a trite love story. Read Full Review
I enjoyed this story and the concept of GA and BC knowing something is missing in world’s without the other. I do wish each character’s ideal worlds outside of each other were explored more. I loved the Robin Hood theme for the Arrow family.