It's the ultimate betrayal! But what could make Hal Jordan turn on the Templar Guardians and the Corps? Setting the stage for a status quo change that will impact all the Green Lantern titles!
Green Lantern #40 is a fitting "end of an era" of sorts and, as much as it creates yet another turning point in Hal Jordan's saga, the issue is perhaps at it's most rewarding when it comes to the personal moments between Jordan and Kilowog. While it's clear that Hal Jordan isn't stepping away from headlining the series this issue does send both the book and the character off a path that leads away from the future of the Green Lantern Corps. Robert Venditti has much more in store for the greatest Green Lantern of all and this issue creates some new opportunities for readers to join Hal Jordan as "a bold new era begins". Five out of five lanterns. Read Full Review
This issue of Green Lantern has totally changed the status quo of the book and I don't know what will be harder; seeing Hal Jordan in this new role or having to wait two months to actually see it. This is a great issue that explores the deep friendship between Hal Jordan and Kilowog and it's told through excellent art. Certainly an issue that keeps this series fresh and makes me curse the name of Convergence for getting in the way of my stories. Read Full Review
Green Lantern #40 wrapped up Hal Jordan’s major character arc in the most satisfying way possible. Robert Venditti has made his mark on the Green Lantern universe and with this issue, he’s made his mark on Hal Jordan. I’m beyond excited to see where this story is headed in June as Venditti has set-up an incredible new status-quo that feels true to his protagonist while opening the doors for so many great stories. Read Full Review
Green Lantern #40 goes in an unexpected direction as Hal does some unspeakable things in the name of the Corps. Read Full Review
As frustrating a conclusion as it is, I'm happy with where Billy Tan left Green Lantern. There's still a lot more story to tell, and Hal's escape shows that he doesn't need a ring to battle evil. Although his new mode of power probably has its own set of problems. Plus, if he thinks the Corps is going to let him get away with beating up one of its greatest members, he's in for a rude awakening. There are bound to be repercussions from his most recent actions, and while we have to wait a while to see what they are, I have no doubt we'll be both surprised and pleased. Robert Venditti has proven both his love of the character and his ability to write solid Green Lantern stories, so while the Hal may be without a ring, the series looks like it has a bright future ahead of it. Read Full Review
This was Billy Tan's best art yet, I could read a book with his storytelling skills for hours. In two different scenes involving Hal and Kilowog, his simple poses for the characters in talking and action sequences tell the tale of what cannot be conveyed with words. The best example of this is the splash page of Hal hugging a bloodied Kilowog. Letting an artist tell the story is something more comics need to do. I know Tan doesn't render the prettiest or most stylized comic out there, but I personally prefer an artist who can tell a story before he can wow me with layouts and details. Read Full Review
Is this the end for Hal as a Green Lantern? We've seen him go off in his own direction before and there's no telling what might happen after this. The Green Lantern Corps has been dealing with problems about the way they're perceived by the outside universe. Hal has his some ideas and we're seeing the Guardians have one of their own as well. We may not know what's next for Hal Jordan after Convergence but at least we know Robert Venditti and Billy Tan will return. We get a good sense of an "end of an era" here and that will leave you hanging until June comes along. Read Full Review
The story underwhelms, but the visuals are good. Read Full Review
Venditti and Tan have done an admirable job stepping into a title that had a massive creative departure, and they deserve to be commended for it, but hopefully we see the title truly enter a new chapter of storytelling with issue 41 rather than following a fairly predictable status quo. Read Full Review
This was a very great Beginning to the upcoming story arc
This issue felt like a new beginning. While we don't get all the details, (some of it is just downright fuzzy), Hal is definitely questioning the Corps as an establishment. It would be interesting if Hal decides to lead a crusade against the Corps and even the Templar Guardians who are still kinda shady if you ask me. It looks like the Lost Army title will answer some of those questions. I actually like this idea, it shakes things up with new ideas and for too long, the Green Lantern title has relied on event after event to keep it from feeling like a book of recycled material (content-wise not paper-wise). Ever since Blackest night (although that was an epic event). I'm just curious on how they are going about the timeline because in the Jmore
Great story and amazing art.
The only downside is that we don't actually witness how Hal comes to the decision to go in this direction, but it's a very intriguing direction to go in and I love the difficulty Hal and Kilowog go through together as a result. Now, if only Hal looked correct at the end of the last Justice League issue.