VideoGamerTJM's Profile

Joined: Feb 24, 2015

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VideoGamerTJM rated Doctor Fate #3 Aug 20, 2015

Doctor Fate #3

By: Paul Levitz, Sonny Liew
Released: Aug 19, 2015

Its literally raining cats and dogs as the mystic forces of Anubis and Bastet use a tidal wave to settle an ancient score, and only the new, hopelessly inexperienced Doctor Fate can save a city from drowning.

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VideoGamerTJM rated Doctor Fate #2 Jul 15, 2015

Doctor Fate #2

By: Paul Levitz, Sonny Liew
Released: Jul 15, 2015

The new Dr. Fate is already having trouble controlling the power of Nabu - and time is of the essence because he's about to be tested by an ancient evil!

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VideoGamerTJM rated Flash #41 Jun 25, 2015

Flash #41

By: Van Jensen, Norm Rapmund
Released: Jun 24, 2015

Professor Zoom is back, and hes not alone! Whos along for the ride to kill the fastest man alive? Find out here!

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VideoGamerTJM rated Doctor Fate #1 Jun 17, 2015

Doctor Fate #1

By: Paul Levitz, Sonny Liew
Released: Jun 17, 2015

You thought global warming was bad? Anubis, the Egyptian Lord of Dead, is preparing the flood to wash the world away. Standing in his way? An overwhelmed Brooklyn med student whos been handed the helmet of Fate, without an instruction manual.

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VideoGamerTJM rated Green Lantern #41 Jun 3, 2015

Green Lantern #41

By: Robert Venditti, Mark Irwin
Released: Jun 3, 2015

Renegade! Beginning a new chapter in Hal Jordans life as he becomes the universes most wanted outlaw! And wait till you meet Hals new partner, Darlene shes definitely not what youre expecting!

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Convergence: Justice Society Of America #2

By: Dan Abnett, Trevor Scott
Released: May 27, 2015

STARRING HEROES FROM CRISIS ON INFINITE EARTHS! The original Justice Society is powered up and ready to fight the Weaponers of Qward but with youth and power comes the ultimate cost!This extra-sized issue includes a sneak peek at whats coming up in the DC Universe!

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Injustice: Year Four #4

By: Brian Buccellato, Mike S. Miller
Released: May 27, 2015

A super-powered Renee Montoya goes one-on-one with Superman on the streets of Washington, D.C.

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Batman: Earth One #2

By: Geoff Johns, Gary Frank
Released: May 6, 2015

It's here - the sequel to the #1 New York Times bestseller and critically acclaimed BATMAN: EARTH ONE by the superstar creative team of writer Geoff Johns and artist Gary Frank! While Gotham City is plunged into terror by an enigmatic anarchist and killer calling himself The Riddler, the Dark Knight must reconcile the increasingly conflicting ideol...

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Convergence: The Flash #1

By: Dan Abnett, Federico Dallocchio
Released: Apr 22, 2015

STARRING HEROES FROM CRISIS ON INFINITE EARTHS! Trapped in Gotham City, Barry Allen has nowhere to run. He fights on, seeking justice as well as a way to save the city, but he faces a Tangent Universe foe who thinks faster than even The Flash can run!

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Convergence: Green Lantern Corps #1

By: David Gallaher, Ande Parks
Released: Apr 22, 2015

STARRING HEROES FROM CRISIS ON INFINITE EARTHS! Say the Oath, save the world! If only being in the Green Lantern Corps was that easy. Hal has resigned, John is busy, and Guy is pissed. Together for the first time, theyll save Gotham City or die trying!

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Convergence: Superman #1

By: Dan Jurgens, Lee Weeks
Released: Apr 8, 2015

STARRING HEROES FROM THE PRE-FLASHPOINT DCU! A powerless Superman is called upon to protect Gotham City...and his pregnant wife Lois Lane!

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VideoGamerTJM rated Convergence #1 Apr 8, 2015

Convergence #1

By: Scott Lobdell, Jason Paz
Released: Apr 8, 2015

This is it! The entire DC Universe, from the dawn of time through The New 52, must fight to survive against a threat that bends the Multiverse to its will. Your favorite characters from every era and every forgotten series are all here! But are you going to say hello again just to say goodbye forever? The stakes have never been higher as the heroes...

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Gotham By Midnight #1

By: Ray Fawkes, Ben Templesmith
Released: Nov 26, 2014

Strange doings are afoot in Gotham City! Look out, though Jim Corrigan is on the case in this new series by writer Ray Fawkes (CONSTANTINE, BATMAN ETERNAL) and artist Ben Templesmith (30 Days of Night, Ten Grand)!

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VideoGamerTJM rated Wonder Woman #38 Apr 4, 2015

Wonder Woman #38

By: Meredith Finch, Richard Friend
Released: Jan 21, 2015

With her people against her, Wonder Woman has left Paradise Island more uncertain of her intentions than ever before! And with only the mantle of God of War to turn to, shes challenged to give that up!

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VideoGamerTJM rated Wonder Woman #40 Apr 4, 2015

Wonder Woman #40

By: Meredith Finch, Batt
Released: Apr 1, 2015

Its the penultimate chapter of the series-altering first story arc by the new creative team of writer Meredith Finch and penciller David Finch as Wonder Woman faces a challenger to her throne created solely to defeat her. But how can Diana stop a foe whose every strength is matched to her every weakness?

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VideoGamerTJM reviewed Green Lantern #40 Apr 4, 2015

This was a very great Beginning to the upcoming story arc

Green Lantern #40

By: Robert Venditti, Billy Tan
Released: Mar 4, 2015

It's the ultimate betrayal! But what could make Hal Jordan turn on the Templar Guardians and the Corps? Setting the stage for a status quo change that will impact all the Green Lantern titles!

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VideoGamerTJM rated Flash #40 Apr 4, 2015

Flash #40

By: Van Jensen, Norm Rapmund
Released: Mar 25, 2015

Barry Allen finds a way to escape the Speed Force but can the Fastest Man Alive return home and stop Future Flashs murderous plans?

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Supes' soups reviewed Wonder Woman #40 Apr 2, 2015

I really don't know what Meredith Finch wants to do with Wonder Woman. After five issues in, I'm still confused on what she's trying to do. Diana is just bickering with random Amazons about how she is not taking her responsibilities seriously. Also getting way too many guest appearances in a title that previously was guest appearance free. IMO, too many guest appearances is a sign of weak writing. more

Wonder Woman #40

By: Meredith Finch, Batt
Released: Apr 1, 2015

Its the penultimate chapter of the series-altering first story arc by the new creative team of writer Meredith Finch and penciller David Finch as Wonder Woman faces a challenger to her throne created solely to defeat her. But how can Diana stop a foe whose every strength is matched to her every weakness?

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VideoGamerTJM added Uncanny Inhumans to their pull list Apr 4, 2015

Uncanny Inhumans

Meet the Uncanny Inhumans. MEDUSA! BLACK BOLT! TRITON! READER! HUMAN TORCH?! BEAST?! It's eight months later and everything is different for the Inhumans. Medusa and Johnny Storm are an item. Black Bolt is running covert missions of his own. And something so big happened between the Inhumans and the X-Men that Beast is now on the side of the Inhuma...

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VideoGamerTJM reviewed Convergence #0 Apr 3, 2015

Overall a good start to convergence

Convergence #0

By: Dan Jurgens, Ethan Van Sciver
Released: Apr 1, 2015

Where do worlds go when they die?The Earthquakes felt round the Multiverse, Supermans lost days after Doomed, the Worlds End all these points will converge as the history of the DCU is spun from a new perspective, the perspective of a mad god and his arrogant child. The biggest story in DC history ties into literally every DC story ever told and ...

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VideoGamerTJM reviewed Ant-Man #1 Feb 26, 2015

A very enjoyable issue that sets up the rest of the series very well

Overall rating: really good

Ant-Man #1

By: Nick Spencer, Ramon Rosanas
Released: Jan 7, 2015

• Scott Lang has never exactly been the world's best super hero. Heck, most people don't even think he's been the best ANT-MAN -- and the last guy invented Ultron and joined the Masters of Evil, so that's saying something.
•  But when the SUPERIOR IRON MAN calls with a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, Scott's going to ge...

VideoGamerTJM added Batman (2011) to their pull list Feb 26, 2015

Batman (2011)

Be here for the start of a new era for The Dark Knight from writer Scott Snyder (AMERICAN VAMPIRE, BATMAN: GATES OF GOTHAM) and artist Greg Capullo (Spawn)! A series of brutal killings hints at an ancient conspiracy, and Batman learns that Gotham City is deadlier than he knew.

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