Robin: Son of Batman #12

Writer: Ray Fawkes Artist: Ramon Bachs Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: May 18, 2016 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 4 User Reviews: 4
6.3Critic Rating
7.4User Rating

Robin, Batman and Talia al Ghul team up on Dinosaur Island! But can Damian's dream of his family finally coming together survive the rising power of the Lu'un Darga?

  • 8.0
    DC Comics News - Konrad May 21, 2016

    Overall, Robin: Son of Batman #12 is great! Having started reading comics around the time he appeared it is great to see how he would react to himself from all those years ago. I can't wait to see how he interacts to Jonathan Kent in Supersons! Read Full Review

  • 6.4
    Comicsverse - Brian Delpozo May 23, 2016

    Overall, ROBIN: SON OF BATMAN #12 feels like a filler issue that's just counting down the proverbial ticks of the clock until Rebirth launches. I'd recommend it to anyone who's a big fan of the Damian Wayne/Talia Al Ghul relationship, but frankly no one else. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Batman-News - Brandon Mulholand May 19, 2016

    This pretty much falls in line with what I have come to expect from the DC books while otherwise waiting for Rebirth to get here. It's entertaining enough, but lacks any kind of real significance: all flash with little substance. Oddly enough, while most everyone else is wrapping up their stories and presenting fresh titles come June, Robin: Son of Batman has one more issue coming out on June 22nd. To be honest, I'm not really sure why DC felt the need to extend this filler story past the beginning of Rebirth. Seems to me this could have easily been wrapped up right here and now. But maybe I'll be blindsided by a truly fantastic finale. I'm not holding my breath or anything…but it could happen. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Weird Science - Eric Shea May 19, 2016

    Damian continues his Year of Blood atonement with this penultimate issue and at this point in the story I kind of checked out because it got a little tedious for me, what with the take the artifacts, return the artifacts and then stopping the artifacts from being returned.......... it's just not for me, but even with that I could dig aspects of this book and found myself enjoying the art more than I did in the previous issue.   Read Full Review

  • 10
    S.J Mar 15, 2022

    I love him ❤️

  • 6.0
    myconius May 18, 2016

    i feel very conflicted with this issue! . . . . . . . . . . . . on one hand i really enjoyed the story elements, all the pieces were there for a pretty exciting conclusion to a ride i've been having an absolute BLAST with. . . . . . . . . . . . . but i honestly feel it could have been handled a LOT better! . . . . . . first off - (and most importantly) - the handling of Batman!!!! - Batman as a character commands a certain INTENSITY, a feeling of gravitas, Batman is LEGENDARY. . . . . . . but in this issue he just felt like a 2 dimensional character that didn't really even express any sort of emotion towards his own son. VERY disappointing. . . . . . . . . . . . . as for the dialog as a whole, it just felt like characters were all jus more

  • 7.0
    Serverarbengan Jul 9, 2016

  • 6.5
    Gunnarthehuman May 21, 2016

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