"THE OZ EFFECT" part five! After being revealed as [REDACTED], Mr. Oz makes his last moves against the Man of Steel and his family and leaves the Man of Tomorrow wondering what other secrets and lies await him in the future as "The Oz Effect" comes to a close.
This issue gets at the heart of Superman's character, despite placing him in an extreme situation. To challenge Superman effectively, the writer must find a way to make it about emotion or philosophical outlook. This issue manages to do both. As we approach Action Comics #1000, it is particularly appropriate that this story arc addresses the core of Superman's values and motivation. Read Full Review
But the big surprise is that Jurgens provides a clear answer to Ozs identity with the biggest lead-in to Doomsday Clock yet. The final two pages are some of the absolute best Superman pages Ive read. Jurgens masterfully sums up Supermans mission statement and revitalizes the never-ending battle in a fresh, contemporary manner. This was a great read and one that sets Action Comics up strong for its next big milestone. Read Full Review
Dan Jurgens closes "The Oz Effect" with a poignant story about a father of Krypton and son of Earth, whose symbolic battle is fueled with pain and resonance. Read Full Review
The conclusion will make or break one's love of this issue, though the visuals are top notch. I was mildly disappointed in the ending, much like the recent “The Button” stories in Batman and The Flash. Much is teased, but not much is really revealed. I loved the visuals, but wanting something more solid with the story. Read Full Review
“The Oz Effect” challenged Kal-El and his family like never before and the bittersweet ending feels more like a proper finale with enough strings attached to keep you coming back to see what else is in store for the Super Family. Read Full Review
What was the purpose of Superman's encounter with Jor-El? A filler story or a set up to Doomsday Clock? Is something big coming? Was Jor-El telling the truth? What remains clear is Superman's resolve to defend earth against whatever threat might be looming and this is the best thing possible for its inhabitants. Read Full Review
With emotional moments throughout the issue, Action Comics #991 ends the Oz Effect storyline on a high note. Read Full Review
The jury is still out on whether it was a good idea to make Mr. Oz that particular character, but Viktor Bogdanovic stepped up with his best art in the story to date. That goes a long way towards making this a strong conclusion to a somewhat uneven arc. Read Full Review
Being Superman is a tough job. And the fact that it doesnt break him shines an inspiration out of the pages that makes it impossible to regret reading. Read Full Review
Superman proves in this arc that he still will always strive to be the better man that society should aim to be, to Never give up and always have hope for the best in everyone. Read Full Review
Wow… what an interesting issue but it also created more questions as Jurgens successfully ends this arc and once again adds to the Superman mythos. Supporting the story was the majestic art of Viktor Bogdanovic who was truly born to draw Superman and added some great emotional panels into the story, not to mention flawless action scenes. Read Full Review
As with previous issues, this story is written/drawn by the exact same creative team. Its almost as if they worked on them concurrently, with no break in between.Its helped maintain a consistency of narrative, but of course its seldom sustainable, so as the story continues, I wonder who will be at the drawing board. If it is someone different, now seems as a good a place as any to changeup the art roster. (ESPECIALLY on the cover. This issue by Nick Bradshaw and Brad Anderson is awful). Read Full Review
The comic is an interesting one. The arc as a whole will be a key one building to the eventual confrontation between the DC Universe and the mysterious manipulator but on its own it's a little hard to recommend. While I recognize there's a great storyline some have been able to balance self-contained arcs with the greater narrative. This however leans a little too much one way. Read Full Review
The back and forth at the beginning was very good. That half face panel is brilliant. Even the arc up to know has been intriguing. But the ending... Read Full Review
The Oz Effect finale comes at us this issue and while the majority of this arc just seemed like filler to get us here, this issue at least answers some questions that have been plaguing me since this arc began and leads us pretty decently into the Doomsday Clock. The art in this issue was great, but all in all I just wish that this arc would have had more weight behind it because while I enjoyed the ending, it didn't seem as big as it should. Read Full Review
Action Comics #991 is worth your time if you're fully invested in this arc specifically, but there's nothing here that can't be summed up quickly on a recap page. Read Full Review
The great climax to the story of Mr. Oz fits with the rest of the arc in that it was long winded, boring, and ultimately just a prequel to a larger story. Read Full Review
Another great issue.
A nice ending.
Seeing the last few panels where Jor-El's words are shown truth and Superman still has no hesitation into taking action... truly one of the best moments of the run. It's always good when DC gets Superman right.
Part 5 of The Oz Effect seemed way too rushed. Getting Superman from disbelief that Jor-El is Oz to whole-hearted acceptance was too cheap a journey after what Oz set in motion, and the conceit that it was his staff all along that was corrupting his mind is too trite and deus-ex-machina to wipe it all away. It's cheap, lazy and insulting and out-of-nowhere non-foreshadowed writing that could have been much more expertly handled. Jurgens, you're better than this! Really! The emotional side of the house is handled much better than the plot, with some gut wrenching writing once Jor-El is back to normal and is being whisked away by He Who Shall Not Be (yet) Named. That scene rings true emotionally -- Clark never got to meet his father in the flmore
A very nice ending to this story with some emotional moments. Glad that the story didn't drag any longer and, at the same time, that it's not over yet. I'm pretty sure that most of the stuff will be a buildup for 1000th issue from now on, and I am excited about that.
This issue felt a little rushed with the quick about face of Jor-El. I know it’s explained with Superman breaking his staff, but to all of a sudden switch from one panel to the next seemed far fetched. However, great issue. I thought everything was explained and made sense EXCEPT the reason for the name Mr. Oz. I think Dr Manhattan snatched Jor-El from Krypton and used him with the hope of taking Superman off the table by having him leave earth with Jor-El, which didn’t work and I hope his motivations are explained in Doomsday Clock. The end panel of Superman hearing all the cries for help and desperate people and him flying off to help is everything Superman is about. Art was great too. Can anyone write Superman better than Jurgmore
***spoilers in this review***All of this, everytime we saw Mr. Oz since the New 52, all of the hype around the mystery, because of a Staff? Well, more or less, but still, I hoped it wouldn't be so simplistic as "he made me do it". I know this all leads to Doomsday Clock and it will (maybe) make more sense when we get there. The pacing was better than parts 1-4 and it still is a decent comic, but it's all about expectations and this one does not even begins so reach it. It's rushed and leaves to many questions behind. The "sad old man Jor-El" scene at the end does not feel natural and left me cold and unimpressed. The art does little to redeem all of this. If it's doing one thing, it's just keeping it afloat by being decent, but not great.
This arc wasn't good for me, and this end isn't too.
Too much things are unclear. Oz tell that what happen isn't is work. But at the same time tell he show people a choice.
I didn't like the fact that the spear altering is mind, and that he can fire Cryptonite with is eye.
I find the end too light, Oz disappearing and Clark can't help him.
We didn't see if he lie to Jon. We didn't have a clue of what will happen ...
And I have a problem with Oz using Dr Fate house, now that Fate is back in Metal.
We see Doomsday, but not if Oz have other prisoner.
Cover - 1/2 - The lenticular are less effective on this one. I have trouble to see both picture.
Writing - 1/3 - Not interesting. The end of Oz too ea more