In this issue, it's kaiju versus giant robot versus the Metal Men! After killing off one of the Metal Men, Nth Metal gets placed into a holding cell at the lab so Doc Magnus can learn exactly how dangerous it is! That is, until a giant, flying manta with lasers coming out of its eyes attacks the lab-and now the Metal Men must team up with a giant robot in order to save the day!
A bizarre yet satisfying take on the Metal Men but one that will have you on the edge of your seat wondering what comes next. Read Full Review
Didios Magnus is seriously depressed, which fits Didios overall history of writing characters consistently having the worst day of their lives. The Nth Metal Man is an OK character although his entire purpose so far seems to be to add to Magnus guilt trip. Read Full Review
This is an odd comic that doesn't quite know what it wants to be, but the jumbled mess is pretty fun anyway. Read Full Review
Instead of getting more information to our story, Dan Didio decides to give us a redo of the original appearance of the Metal Men and the Devil Ray monster, but doesn't tell us why this monster is here in the first place. Yeah, there's some great action and some amazing art, not to mention a cliffhanger that I'm interested in, but in the end I really was looking for more out of this story. Read Full Review
Thus far, this maxi-series is playing out like a comic from ten years ago, and it's unclear if that's a good thing or a bad thing. Read Full Review