Titans Hunt #6

Writer: Dan Abnett Artist: Paulo Siqueira Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: March 16, 2016 Cover Price: $2.99 Critic Reviews: 3 User Reviews: 8
7.5Critic Rating
7.8User Rating

A traitor in their midst! As Mister Twister relentlessly tightens his grip, our heroes band together to crack open one of the greatest mysteries in DC history! But if they cant trust their own memories, they certainly cant trust each otherand with good reason. One of them is not who they seem to be!

  • 9.0
    The Batman Universe - Jim Remolde Mar 18, 2016

    I did like the fight that was interspersed with this exposition. We learn that the beast is Mammoth and since he is under Twisters influence, it can be inferred that Twister was behind the beast all along. It was good to finally see Donna and Garth take Mammoth down together. The only question I have is Roy and Dick do not have super powers so how is Twister able to entice them. What latent abilities do they and Karen have since she to is able to hear Mals song. I also am interested in this Diablo group. Who are they? How do they fit in with these events? Read Full Review

  • 7.5
    Batman-News - Brittany Anne Mar 17, 2016

    It's getting there" it's slowly getting there. If you really think about it though, technically it already happened, right? Because Mr. Twister has already done this in the past so, history is repeating itself? Anyway, Abnett is really spicing up the story with some new characters and twists in the comic book, but will our Titans be able to fight off Mr. Twister? They've lost the battle once before (remember, someone died in the past " we still don't know who), so I guess we'll find out if they can win this time around. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Weird Science - Eric Shea Mar 16, 2016

    In this issue of Titans Hunt we get a explanation about what's going on in this series...... kinda.  Yeah, our characters talk a whole lot, but in the end I'm still left scratching my head at the inconsistencies with the New 52 continuity and with what this series tries to convey.  It's not a bad issue, especially if everything is cleared up in the next two issues, it's just not being very forthcoming with it's information about how reality, or our heroes' minds or time itself was actually affected because with every issue it seems that it could go between either of those things when talking about why none of our heroes remember being Titans.  The art was fantastic though in this issue and I still enjoy reading about the Titans that never were. Read Full Review

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