The shocking conclusion of Batgirl: Wanted! Can Barbara save her fathers life without compromising the truth about her brothers death?
Gail Simone and her creative team have given us something they should be really proud of. I've always thought of the 'other' Bat-family members as inferior to Bruce but this series has shown me quite the opposite. While I'll never connect with any of them on the same level that I do Batman, each and every member of his family is great for their own reason. Barbara is a strong, intelligent young woman trying to carve out her own place in the world. Whether that be as Batgirl or just as Barbara, either is just as good! While the Wanted arc is now over, I can't help but feel that Gail Simone is planning something much bigger with the big reveal at the end of the issue. I guess we won't know until the next one comes out, but I'll be there reading it. Proudly, I might add! Read Full Review
Gail Simone is a wonderful internet troll (follow her on twitter she's hilarious) and an even better writer. Sampere, Glapion and Blond do some of the best artwork for this series since the relaunch and I couldn't have been more pleased. It took a while to get to the end but man was it worth it, this is definitely my pick for best issue of the week. Read Full Review
Overall though, I loved this issue. Easily my pick for the best issue of the week, you can be certain of that, if nothing else. Read Full Review
Sampere's art is at its best during the book's action sequences, and the energy and violence of Batgirl's fight is practically palpable. Stylistically, the scenes between Barbara and her father could have been played with a softer touch, but the intensity of emotion was there all the same. While the end of Wanted did wrap up a few loose ends on a personal level for our eponymous hero, there were no clear winners or losers. Simone and company are trading in moral ambiguity, and the issue's open-ended resolution leaves the door wide open for Batgirl's foes to rear their ugly heads yet again. Read Full Review
Gail Simone gets Barbara Gordon. It's as simple as that. Read Full Review
While next month promises another interruption to the flow in the "Gothtopia" tie-in, perhaps a shiny happy interlude is exactly what Batgirl needs after all this darkness. Treating this issue as an end point in Simone's extended arc, it gives the character some modicum of redemption in the eyes of her father, and as was always the case from beginning, from Batgirl's own exacting standards as well. Read Full Review
"Get it over with" was pretty much my tune through this whole arc, I thought the first two issues were just too melodramatic, couldn't buy into it knowing the dead son wasn't dead, and the characterizations were just all over the place... Well, this issue did get it over with, and in a pretty positive way. On top of being a really fun, action packed issue, the conclusion to Batgirl: Wanted didn't leave much room for any lingering melodrama that I wasn't a fan of. Add the fact that I thought it was also a visually stronger issue than we've received lately, and overall, it was a pretty strong issue, despite not being a fan of the story in general. Read Full Review
With a highly satisfying ending, Batgirl #26 might be the books strongest showing to date. Read Full Review
Long overdue, “Ambush” has its problems but it rises above them to become the best finale any New 52 Batgirl story has had to date. Read Full Review
I have really not liked this Batgirl: Wanted story arc, but this final issue has certainly caught my attention, and like Batgirl at the end, I finally feel hope again. The real star of these books for me has been Alex Garner the cover artist. Who has given me a new understanding in how good a comic can look. So go out, and get this last issue of Batgirl: Wanted, which took forever to get to because of Villain's Month, and Zero Year, to complete your Batgirl experience. But mostly just get it to remind yourself that new things are on the way, and we'll never have to see Batgirl going around dressed as a ninja again. Read Full Review
An excellent conclusion to Wanted. We see Barbara channeling her frustration and hatred into this showdown against Knightfall's cronies. As a result she seems to really grow into the cowl, as they say she seems "darker." Great read.