“Warworld Rising” part two! After a war-torn battleship escapes Warworld and makes the perilous journey to Earth, Superman searches for answers about the identities of its mysterious refugees and their apparent link to the planet Krypton. Could there be other Kryptonians in the universe? Meanwhile, Atlantean scientists study the wreckage of the Warworld vessel…and make a shocking discovery that could change the balance of power on Earth.
And in the backup story, stuck in the wrong timeline, Midnighter continues to gather intel on the Chrysalis in hopes of finding an answer. But will it cost him his relationship with Apollo? And who is being held captive at Trojan Solutions? more
Johnson writes a very sharp script and Sampere really comes alive on the art. Read Full Review
From the action to the exposition, to the mysteries, it is a very entertaining read. Read Full Review
These issues feel like the first winds of an incoming storm growing in intensity, gathering force as the thunder begins to roll in and the clouds gather above. It is riveting work with the promise of even more compelling storytelling to come, and I cant stress enough how here for it I am. Read Full Review
Action Comics remains a solid, enjoyable read and this creative team is doing essential work restoring the luster of a title that had been tarnished with the previous writer. Read Full Review
Johnson doesn't seem to be trying to make huge changes to Superman's mythos here, just to tell a great story, and he's succeeding. Read Full Review
Actions Comics is starting to form its new identity. The creative team here is carving a new status quo for Superman, and the hook is intriguing. It will be interesting to see how Action Comics and Superman become two wildly different titles. Read Full Review
Give this one to your friend if they aren't reading Action Comics. Both features are being produced at a high level and will keep you coming back for more. Interestingly, both features are doing the same things well. Character, mystery, surprise and excellent pacing and storytelling make for an extremely strong issue. Jon may not be finding his way, but Superman is feeling nearly perfect and Midnghter is right there with him. Read Full Review
Action Comics, and really all Superman stories, work best when they're not trying to reinvent the Superman mythos but instead use it ways that drive story, feel authentic, but are also fresh and in this week's Action Comics #1031, Phillip Kennedy Johnson knocks that out of the park. Read Full Review
In total, Johnson and Sampere have delivered a simple followup to Action Comics #1030, which better details the mystery at hand. It also does that with so much style and skill that simple developments feel like revelations, and decades-old characters feel brand new. Read Full Review
Superman's whole world starts to crumble. It's an interesting story full of plot, some great character moments, and some great art. In only two issues, it's already shaping up to be one of the most interesting Superman stories in years. Read Full Review
Action Comics #1031 is a solid issue. Both stories end on nice cliffhangers that bode well for the future. The main story is action-packed and intriguing, and the backup's ending finishes the whole thing with a lot of questions. The fact the stories oddly mirror each other is icing on the cake. Read Full Review
Sampere delivers some stunning art in this issue. All of the action is beautifully framed and full of energy. The character moments are wonderfully detailed and eye-catching. Read Full Review
The concept of our Superman section of Action Comics feels very familiar to the concept that the Superman title is doing right now, but thankfully it feels like this title is doing it better. I just wish that this book felt like it had more substance and was dropping its backup, because while I love the art and the concept of the Superman parts of this book, the backup isn't bringing me anything Read Full Review
Johnson's writing is epic; He's making an incredible worldbuilding. I can't stress enough how perfect Sampere's art is for this book.
This is becoming one of my favorite books being published today. This is gonna be a run to remember.
Amazing world building of Krypton and Atlantis, it really hurts to see how mentally damaged are the victims of Mongul
Artwork is fantastic.
PKJ run on the Superman books have finally pick up stream. I'm impressed he actually made Mongul a credible villain after being portrayed as a clown for the last decade.
Not a bad issue.
PKJ's elevation of Mongul in only two issues is stunning.
Sampere and Lucas are great. And Johnson is doing a good job. Saddly the backup holds this issue back.
The refugee story in this issue mirrors somewhat recent politics in an interesting way, while reinforcing Mongul's status as a significant and formidable Superman villain.
This is far better than the story in Superman, but alas, that's not saying much. Johnson isn't much of an improvement over Bendis. I hate to say, but it looks like by year's end I'll be out as far as Superman books are concerned.
I loathe that '90s look for Aquaman returning, so he brought nothing to this issue. I suppose this new character will be a new regular for a while. Too bad I'm not impressed with her.
All in all I consider this another utter disappointment in the long line of disappointing Superman issues since Bendis took the reigns of both titles.