Wonder Woman #43

Writer: Meredith Finch Artist: David Finch, Jonathan Glapion Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: August 19, 2015 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 13 User Reviews: 5
6.2Critic Rating
6.8User Rating

Donna Troys fate becomes more clear as she embarks on a journey that will either end her life or begin a new one, while Wonder Woman draws closer to the Amazon who tried to depose Diana as queen!

  • 9.4
    Word Of The Nerd - Hollie Cumberland Aug 20, 2015

    Overall, this is a very well put together comic. It's got everything you'd expect from a Wonder Woman comic"action, adventure, and a little bit of emotion. It's a very good addition to the series, even with the devastating cliff hanger it leaves us on. I definitely can't wait until next month now. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    Weird Science - Eric Shea Aug 19, 2015

    This story really picks up in this issue as we explore Donna Troy and the real power that she holds due to how she was created, all this and the battle for who will be the God of War really make this an excellent issue and another great installment to this series' run.  While some might miss David Finch on art for this issue, Ian Churchill does an awesome job filling in and with Brad Anderson lending his brilliant colors, you'll wonder why Churchill isn't on more books by the time you're finished.   Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    SnapPow.com - Harrison Rawdin Aug 20, 2015

    Wonder Woman #43 suffers from a few hiccups here and therebut ultimately the script more than saves itself as the entire endeavor earns a recommendation from me. So by all means go out and buy yourself a copy because you won't regret it. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Weekly Comic Book Review - Loukas Aug 26, 2015

    There is a great mystery at DC Entertainment, and her name is Donna Troy. I know, I know, Donna and her troubles with origins have been a controversy, or at least a curiosity, for over half a century. Wherever superhero fans gather and the conversation flags, whenever less dangerous topics like politics and religion have run their course, the tangled saga of Donna Troy inevitably arises. But now the topic has taken on new urgency as DC has chosen to embrace the contradictions in Donna's history, rather than downplaying them. Read Full Review

  • 7.4
    Comicsverse - Gabriella Tutino Sep 3, 2015

    The rewarding part of this issue, however, is the small dive into Donna's backstory, and the hints of how she and Diana are connected in more ways than one. Historically, Donna Troy's superheroine identities have been known as Wonder Girl and Darkstar, and her origin stories have been retconned and revisited multiple times. With the words from the Fates in mind, it seems that this next arc will explore both Donna's myths as well as Amazonian history, which will in turn build a richer, more complex series. Read Full Review

  • 6.7
    Graphic Policy - Edward Wendt Aug 19, 2015

    Jim Lee has likened Wonder Woman to someone's grandmother, likable and approachable, but not someone that would probably ever be considered cool or edgy. While on the one hand there is not really that much wrong with Wonder Woman from a creative standpoint, even if the stories seem to be stuck a little bit in between various influences, the main problem with this series is becoming evident that it is simply falling behind the times. Wonder Woman is recognizable to all, but favored by few, and while change is underway in other titles for other characters to make them more approachable than ever to all fans, it is the same old thing for Wonder Woman. The character deserves not only better stories than what this series is presently offering but also a better outlook overall. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    PopMatters - Jack Fisher Aug 25, 2015

    There is still hope for Donna Troy as a character. Her journey is one that has the potential to be something unique and intriguing. She just has to find out how to circumvent self-hatred and meddling gods. If she can do that, she can be an inspiration for melodramatic teenagers everywhere. And in this day and age, there can never be too many of those. Read Full Review

  • 5.5
    IGN - Levi Hunt Aug 20, 2015

    An issue dedicated to Donna Troy is something that we've been hoping for since she was re-introduced in Wonder Woman. The character is so drastically different than her former-self that it demanded further examination. Unfortunately, this issue fails to shed much light on Donna or grow her character in any substantial way. Read Full Review

  • 5.5
    AIPT - Tyler Sewell Aug 20, 2015

    As expected, this issue centers on Donna Troy and more of her personal problems. However it does incorporate more mythological aspects which is a nice touch. While Finchs' art will be missed, Churchhill demonstrates some different, but quality artwork for the God of War. Hopefully next issue will show a more distinct and straightforward plot without the dichotomy between Donna's struggles and Wonder Woman's assassin. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    The Rainbow Hub - Sam Riedel Aug 22, 2015

    Overall, I'm just disappointed in how the Moirai were wasted in this issue. They're an incredibly powerful and interesting aspect of Greek mythology, and to kill them all off-panel to advance a half-baked version of Donna Troy is what I'd call a huge misstep. Here's hoping Meredith Finch can coax some chemistry out of Donna and Aegeus when they inevitably meet up, because this plot is going downhill in a hurry. Read Full Review

  • 4.3
    The Latest Pull - Marcus Orchard Aug 20, 2015

    This run has had its share of issues, and while there was hope that the title could improve, it seems that fans of the character will only find more disappointment. At this point it almost seems like Wonder Woman is being wasted, especially when you compare her to other female superheroes as of late. Diana can be great again, I'm just doubting that the Finch's are the creators to elevate her to where she belongs. Read Full Review

  • 3.0
    Comic Book Resources - Doug Zawisza Aug 24, 2015

    Churchill, Anderson and Leigh are all capable of work that shines brighter than what is presented in "Wonder Woman" #43. This issue simply feels rushed, uneven and confusing with items of convenience that pop into the story. I see what Finch and crew are trying to do, but it's not coming together, at least not yet. There are bits of the original direction of this series coming in, emphasizing the dynamic and pace of the world around Diana, but there just isn't enough appeal or pizzazz in "Wonder Woman" #43 to make it a memorable tale. Read Full Review

  • 3.0
    Newsarama - Oscar Maltby Aug 20, 2015

    Finch often uses an entire paragraph of dialogue when a single line would have done the job; a page of Donna walking the streets of London is especially over-wrought, as she spouts words and words of "woe-is-me" monologue to recap plot that is already well established earlier within the issue. Read Full Review

  • 7.5
    Supes' soups Aug 19, 2015

    Wonder Woman still feels stuck in a rut. For a title I once considered second to Batman in the New 52 continuity, it now has fallen off quite a bit. The only reason I'm giving this an above average score is because Finch is starting to use characters I found intriguing during Azzarello's run. But she's doing little to further develop them, which is a damn shame. Furthermore, Finch seems lost on how to characterize Donna Troy. Donna Troy is a weak, meandering soul with no grasp on her own life. It would be tragic if it wasn't so pathetic. When she talks with the Fates, she's effectively requesting suicide over being a brainwashed puppet that was forced to kill people. I had a hard time coming to grips with that. Sure it could work if Finch d more

  • 8.0
    Yippeekiyay Dec 14, 2015

  • 7.5
    Monné Oct 5, 2017

  • 6.5
    Kho7000 Jan 2, 2016

  • 4.5
    Redeadhood Aug 23, 2015

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