He-Man: The Eternity War #9

Writer: Dan Abnett Artist: Pop Mhan Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: August 26, 2015 Cover Price: $2.99 Critic Reviews: 4 User Reviews: 1
8.6Critic Rating
10User Rating

Snake Men cant save you. He-Man cant save you. The Past, the present, the futurethere is no escape from Hordak. He isthe Master of the Universe! Teelas visions show destruction and fear throughout the cosmos and the fabric of creationonly those with darkness already in their hearts are spared by joining the Horde in its anarchy. But with these visions clouded, King Adam may still be able to turn the tides of time to save us allbut by attack, or surrender?

  • 9.0
    Weird Science - Eric Shea Aug 27, 2015

    Dan Abnett is at it with his black magic again as he gives us another tale of epicness that just continues to wow me month after month.  Speaking of the witchery that is this creative team, the whole lot of them just knocked this issue out of the park and issue after issue they keep evolving what you thought you knew about He-Man in the best of ways.  So if you haven't already, go get some Eternity War! Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Big Comic Page - Craig Neilson-Adams Aug 28, 2015

    Overall, while some casual passers-by may sneer and turn up their noses at the comic based on the cheesy 80s cartoon series, what theyre actually doing is denying themselves the opportunity to pick up one of the most dramatic, unpredictable and visually striking fantasy comics on the shelves today. Abnett and Mhan have the power, and this issue is undeniable proof of that. Read Full Review

  • 8.8
    Graphic Policy - Edward Wendt Aug 27, 2015

    If this series is attempting to push the boundaries of what it means to be the heroes and villains inside this particular world, then it is succeeding. The creative team is playing out an epic story that would really be epic under any circumstances, only that this one is acted out by He-Man and the Masters of the Universe. What will be perhaps most interesting is the buildup to the conclusion of this series, because of all the big characters that have been re-examined, it is the titular hero who has been mostly ignored thus far in the incorporation into this epic story. Of course the resolution of that will likely mean the end of this series, but the creative team has not yet failed to impress or to surprise, and the setting for the finale is being well established with issues such as this one. Read Full Review

  • 7.5
    Front Towards Gamer - Lido Aug 28, 2015

    It's also really nice to have Skeletor back as a major villain. I like the idea of Hordak as a primary antagonist for He-Man The Eternity War, especially given that he always represented a more cosmic level threat, but it would feel wrong for the ultimate showdown not to involve He-Man's archenemy. The only real problem with the series is that sometimes the innumerous twists and turns of the plot tend to strain credulity. There gets to be a point where only so many close calls and last minute reversals can be accepted and He-Man The Eternity War is getting close to that moment. Still this is a great series for He-Man fans looking for something more substantial or people who've only admired the series from afar. Read Full Review

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