Action Comics #968

Writer: Dan Jurgens Artist: Tyler Kirkham Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: November 23, 2016 Cover Price: $2.99 Critic Reviews: 10 User Reviews: 35
7.2Critic Rating
8.1User Rating

+ Pull List

"MEN OF STEEL" part two! Superman must find and protect his oldest, most conniving enemy. But are the Godslayer's actions justified? Will stopping Lex Luthor prevent catastrophe later? Plus, Lois' investigation of the human Clark Kent takes a startling turn!

  • 8.6
    IGN - Joe Ruggirello Nov 24, 2016

    "Men of Steel" shares a few similarities with Marvel's Civil War II event, including apocalyptic visions of the future and the "Kill baby Hitler?" morality question. Parallels aside, the execution here is far superior to Marvel's series. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    ComiConverse - Kyle King Nov 27, 2016

    Self-appointed Superman Lex Luthor is under attack from alien assassins convinced that the battle-suited billionaire is destined to become the new Darkseid. Is it the pre-Flashpoint Supermans duty to save his archenemy or to let LCall execute the ultimate judgment against the nefarious supervillain? Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Supergirl Comic Box Commentary - Anj Nov 28, 2016

    So overall, I think this was a very good issue in building up the motivations of the characters of this arc. We didn't take a giant leap forward. But we certainly filled in some holes, making this a much more complete feeling story. Hopefully some of the hints and hooks we read here will be fleshed out moving forward. And those hooks made me want to read the next issue now. Read Full Review

  • 7.8
    Comicsverse - Aaron Berke Nov 23, 2016

    Action Comics #968Overall, ACTION COMICS#968 ismostly action and set-up, but it certainly points the series in a fascinating direction. Jurgens' run on Action Comics has mostly been a joy to read, with pulse pounding action and wonderfully realized characters helping to balance things out. On occasion the series has veered too heavily to the action side, and this issue is one such example, but it does manage to place a renewed focus on the plot towards the end. And the reader can hardly fault a comic with the word “Action” in the title for drawing out a conflict to epic proportions. But with the big brawl out of the way, we have some very intriguing questions left that the comic will need to slow down in order to answer. The question of Luthor's fate, and how Superman will deal with it, is completely up in the air. Read Full Review

  • 7.5
    Lyles Movie Files - Jeffrey Lyles Nov 23, 2016

    Action Comics has rebounded nicely after a sluggish start. Jurgens has the book trending upward and hopefully the art will follow. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    AIPT - Matthew J. Theriault Nov 23, 2016

    I don't expect future issues of Action Comics to delve deeper into the ethical distinctions between deontology and consequentialism or the metaphysical implications of the Remnants' time-travel. This issue is hardly the first in the medium's history to dip the tip of a toe into the waters of morality and metaphysics, and hardly ever do mainstream comics wade in any further. This is unfortunate. Many other media have managed to tell utterly enthralling time-travel stories filled with morally complex characters while still working within the current concepts of spacetime; simply confer Lost, Oxenfree, Quantum Break, or The Last Question. And DC Comics have even managed such in the past, particularly Morrison's Final Crisis and Return of Bruce Wayne " even his run on Action Comics! Jurgens is spinning an enjoyable enough yarn, but Superman comics could stand for more sophisticated storytelling. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    GWW - Agasicles Stamas Nov 27, 2016

    Solid work, just shy of greatness, results in what is still a great pull in my stack for this week. And it's nice to see that Action Comics is still where you want to go for the best Superman stories being told. Read Full Review

  • 6.5
    Weird Science - Eric Shea Nov 23, 2016

    While this issue is pretty much just a big ass fight scene, there are some enjoyable moments along the way and some excellent art depicting it all.  If you're like me though, you'll still be exhausted from all the fighting we got from Doomsday at the beginning of this series and feel that it's just a little overplayed here, while we're all waiting for answers to all the lingering mysteries left out there.   Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comics: The Gathering - Ian B Nov 23, 2016

    Overall, this wasn't the best issue, being devoted mostly to a few fight scenes with antagonists that we are given very little to care about. While the issue wasn't bad, it really didn't stand out at all either, being generally pretty bland. I enjoyed the ending, even if it was a little cliche, but unfortunately that one moment of good was not enough to outweigh the rest of the book being just okay. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    DC Comics News - Matthew Lloyd Nov 23, 2016

    For this run of Action Comics this is one of the weaker issues. The overall concept of this story still gets high marks, but this episode seems to stall out until the final sequence. However, this does make it an ideal issue for new readers to jump aboard. The arc remains promising as it seems that Superman will be faced with a real moral quandary. Read Full Review

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