Power Girl, Batman, Red Tornado and the new E2 Superman take on the Super Clones of Apokolips!
Elsewhere, Green Lantern and Grundy locate the Avatar of the White. I won't spoil their identity, as it is yet another one of World's End's crazy cliffhangers. This book maintains a consistent quality week in and week out and I can't wait to see what happens next. Keep 'em coming, DC. Read Full Review
Right from the get go the art in this book grabbed me. There's a ton of artists and I don't know who does what, but for some reason this issue just really shined and I hope it continues. Like the art, the writing here was top notch. I got all the characters I wanted to see featured in this book....... actually featured. I know I was shocked too. All the battles we saw during the first five issues have somehow become stories and they're actually stories I want to read. So for all my bitching the last five weeks, I guess I can just shut my jerk off mouth, because this book is really heading some place that I want to see. You definitely gotta check this one out. Read Full Review
Earth 2: World's End is quickly becoming a favorite title, and the first weekly series I've actually made the effort to follow as it's published. The title continues to get tighter and more exciting with each entry… and we're only a month and a half in! Can't wait for next week. Read Full Review
My same praises and complaints that I usually have for the book still apply here: Good plot points, way too much happening, interesting characters, slow pace and artwork that's drawn well, but done with so many contrasting styles/artists that it doesn't mix together well. It's the same thing as always for this comic and while it's nice that there's no dip in quality, the comic still seems to be missing something. I wouldn't mind seeing something big or shocking to really change things up or conversely" a nice slow down and a focus shift on only a few plot points. (For one issue at least). Read Full Review
I swear, if the writers could figure out their weird pacing issue and stop jumping from scene to scene like they have ADD then this might very well become my favorite out of these weekly books. As it stands, though, this issue is just okay. Read Full Review
At its best, this issue is jumbled mix of team-ups. At its worst, it's a near-incomprehensible book that reads like someone grabs chunks of different issues and threw them together. While I'd like to place the majority of the blame on editors, inconsistent and unreliable writing has continued to bring this series down. Read Full Review
Best issue yet.
Still enjoying this weekly more than Future's End. It meshes perfectly with the Earth 2 monthly and the seamless way the books are woven together is fine by me. There's a surprise twist at the end again and unlike last week's this one will have some immediate consequences. I'm really enjoying the side story with Dick and Barbara but for some reason Earth 2 Dick Grayson is somewhat of a pushover while Earth 2 Babs is pure bad@ss. I'm curious to see what happens with their new bodybuilder friend we encounter this issue. I can't wait for the Darkseid appearance!
Good pacing with this issue. It's tough to manage the multiple storylines, but all of them have their important parts here.
Decent enough.
Strongest of the series so far but there is room for improvement. There has been a little too much jumping around in previous issues and while the same can be said here, it was much easier to follow.