What does this even mean? What's the broader implication? The criticism?
Will the Dark Sector die? With trillions of lives in peril, John battles the DEISTORM and the challenge of its FUTURE STATES! Meanwhile, Jo Mullein solves the mystery of the Battery’s destruction in time to see the rise of a new and ancient enemy. Is this the final end of Oa and the Green Lanterns?!
Even the big reveal ended up being compelling, so if this storyline can stick the landing and bring these two stories together in a big way, this is shaping up to be quite the adventure. Read Full Review
It's a fast-paced, tense story that's torn in many different directions so far, but it's definitely holding my interest. Read Full Review
Green Lantern #8 is a balanced issue between plot and character. John faces perhaps his greatest challenge as he must view things differently. This theme underlies the entire issue creating a cohesive theme. The surprises are here as well with both storylines suggesting that we must change our perspective to see the truth. Read Full Review
This is a thick body of work, but when things happen, it's less than spectacular, and when they don't, it seems very dramatic but accomplishes little. This book is still good, quite good … but not as good as it has been, nor as its story indicates it can become. Not this month, anyway. Read Full Review
As usual, we've got two stories here and for our art, it's a mixed bag where I really only enjoyed the Jo Mullein art and as for the stories...... Well, there were a lot of problems with both aspects to that but the Jo Mullein story pulled out some interesting aspects, even if it felt a bit confusing throughout. This issue is a bit of a miss overall even though we ended on a kind of interesting cliffhanger. Read Full Review
Green Lanterns is reaching a point of diminishing returns with neither the John Stewart or Jo Mullein storylines getting enough time to fully warrant the investment. Read Full Review
The cover of Green Lantern #8 poses the question of “Who is John Stewart?”. Sadly, eight issues into this series we are only now getting our first glimpses of the answer to this question. Unfortunately, this book has squandered too much time dancing around what the main story is and at this point it's hard to be interested in it. Four out of ten lanterns. Read Full Review
This is competent, I guess but I really had trouble staying interested in this one.
"Jo Mullein solves the mystery of the Battery’s destruction..." Of course she does. Did we expect anything less? Save your money kids the Craptacular story telling continues.
Again, not a very compelling or well written issue. I'd like to say that I'm surprised that Jo & Simon have forgotten that Hal Jordan is on Earth and could lend a much needed hand, but the author is blinded by his own hatred of the character to realize that it looks pretty stupid to have the most experienced Green Lantern out of the picture.
As for the John Stewart half, eh - this could have been accomplished just as easily in a couple of pages and there wasn't anything here that added anything to the story to warrant the wasted space.
This series has been lackluster from the get-to and I hope at some point DC finally realizes the lost audience for a franchise that at one time was one of the gems of their catalog.
I literally fell asleep when I read this issue.
God this is so boring. The first half part is nothing but Thorne trying so hard to canonize John Stewart. The second half part is Jo watching a PowerPoint presentation. And why are all aliens speaking English? So stupid.