Earth-2's Batman is Dick Grayson. Does he have what it takes to be a true Batman and follow in the legacy of Bruce and Thomas Wayne before him? Or will he only ever be a stand-in? Beyond anything else, he has one overriding find his missing son. Is that a job for the Batman...or is it something only Dick Grayson can do? The Wayne legacy is at stake. This is an epic turning point in the history of Earth-2's Batman.
Earth 2: Society Annual is well worth your time if you dig action and character work. There's a meaningful conversation about sons and fathers and it's a must buy for fans of Earth 2: Society. Read Full Review
All in all, the first annual for Earth 2: Society succeeds in both bringing us closer to the end of the arc without taking away or halting what the main title has given us thus far. You can't go wrong with Dan taking the time to "smell the roses" with some of the actually normal Wonders and displaying why these guys deserve to be here. While Earth 2: Society hasn't felt the touch of DC Rebirth quite just yet, here's nothing wrong with recognizing the past legacies while looking towards a new future all your own. Read Full Review
If youve never read Earth 2: Society, this may be the issue with which to start. If you are a long time reader, this should inspire confidence in the future of this title. At the very least, this is wonderful issue. Perhaps, unintentionally, it also makes one pine for a Huntress solo series. Well done, well done. Read Full Review
Thanks for reading our latest review of Earth 2: Society Annual #1. We at the BGCP appreciate your viewership. Check back with us weekly for the latest reviews. Or you can like and follow us on our Facebook page or on our Twitter account of the same name for regular updates on all things comics. Read Full Review
Bruce Redondo's work on Injustice makes him a good fit for this alt-version of the Dark Knight, though he occasionally lays the shadow on a bit too thick. Diogenes Neves handles the aforementioned Huntress fight scenes, his slightly more cartoonish style working well to balance with Redondo's more thoughtful scenes. Read Full Review
Overall,Earth 2: Society Annual #1 is an action packed ride with lots of heart. Not too much happens in the grand scheme of things, but it was an enjoyable read. Read Full Review
If you were looking for a little insight into Dick Grayson as Batman....... well, you'll get it here about three times because as it turns out, Dick doesn't have a lot to say on the subject and feels that he has to tell us all about it over and over again, but you'll get it with some awesome looking action and some fantastic looking art. Read Full Review
All in all, this is a great first issue. Sets a good storyline for future issues to follow. If you are not a fan of the idea of having someone other than Bruce Wayne in the Bat suit, then I'd stay away from this series. If you can see past that then there is no reason you cannot enjoy this alternate storyline where Dick Grayson is taking on the responsibilities of the Batman. Last note, $4.99 seems a bit steep for this series. Maybe a price tag of $2.99 would attract more customers, but $4.99 would keep me from picking the issue up. Read Full Review
I loved this comic but not for the usual reasons. It was very personal and touched on why DC embraces legacy so much in their stories. It's refreshing to see Grayson from another perspective and this Earth 2 version nails it. He is not the Nightwing character of Earth Prime full of bravado that we know and yet you can believe that this is indeed Grayson.
I really enjoyed this story. And what a significantly different batman Dick is; one who speaks with his son. And the Huntress fight was badass. Loved the final panel too.
This is actually really good!