Superman #48

Writer: Gene Luen Yang Artist: Howard Porter Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: January 27, 2016 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 10 User Reviews: 8
6.4Critic Rating
6.7User Rating

The Savage Dawn continues! Time is running out, and Superman must make a fateful choice! Can he risk exposing himself to the one thing that could save him: Kryptonite?

  • 8.0
    Wednesday Comics - Garrett Walz Jan 31, 2016

    Porter, Don Ho, and Moore's art in this issue is incredibly detailed, it makes Clark and Steve Trevor look like they have both been through the ringer but persevering to accomplish their goals. Read Full Review

  • 7.5
    Multiversity Comics - Keith Dooley Jan 29, 2016

    "Superman" #48 is another example of the current Superman family of books attempting and succeeding at trying something new and imaginative with a character that has a decades-long history. With the classic villain Vandal Savage, Yang and the rest of the "Superman" team have built a story that has that familiar Silver Age touch added to something that feels fresh and new for the Man of Steel. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    AIPT - David Brooke Jan 27, 2016

    Nothing beats Superman vs. Kryptonite and you get an intense scene of that here. While the book reads like it's split into two shorter tales it's still a solid read due to strong art and compelling moments. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Dark Knight News - Eric Joseph Jan 28, 2016

    This issue is kind of like an action sandwich with some solid character interactions occupying the middle, which I think are the real highlights. I would also have to say this issue feels like the eye of the "Savage Dawn" storm. Now that you've had enough of my analogies, be sure to follow the story toAction Comics#49. Read Full Review

  • 6.5
    Weird Science - Eric Shea Jan 27, 2016

    While you might be trembling with anticipation at finding out what Hermes meant by "Mortal" in the last part of this story in Superman/Wonder Woman.......... well, you can knock that trembling shit off because you won't get an explanation here.  What you do get though is a cool concept at how Superman will get his powers back, but even with this the story is bogged down by a bunch of side bits going on that don't really feel needed and in my opinion only hinder the story overall.  It's a bit of a mixed bag, but at least the art is on point so you can get some solace out of that.  Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    ComiConverse - Kyle King Jan 31, 2016

    Gene Luen Yang continues to reinvent the resurgent Man of Steel in creative ways. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comic Book Resources - Greg McElhatton Jan 29, 2016

    Yang's understanding of Superman makes me that much more eager to see this storyline hit its conclusion, so that the title isn't bogged down by plots spanning multiple titles. For now, this installment is overall a bit average, but what's still to come that will get readers excited. Read Full Review

  • 5.7
    IGN - Jesse Schedeen Jan 28, 2016

    Hopefully DC plans to keep Gene Luen Yang on board Superman after this "Savage Dawn" crossover, because it would be nice to see what Yang can bring to the series when he isn't stuck participating in one crossover or another. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Supergirl Comic Box Commentary - Anj Feb 1, 2016

    Worse than that, the understanding of his condition and the K-cure seem to have come out of nowhere. This was dropped in our laps, never hinted at in any other place. I have said it in other reviews and I'll say it here. I am ready for this mega-arc to be over. And, given some snippets I've seen, I am interested in seeing Yang on a more classic Superman. Thankfully we'll get there soon. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Newsarama - Pierce Lydon Jan 27, 2016

    For full issue, this one is a little light. The highlight might be he Clark/Steve Trevor soap opera dramatics, but I think that Diana would be rolling her eyes if she heard Steve's speech. I want to say that Porter doesn't give the script the turn that it deserves, but the script isn't even particularly inspiring so who can blame him. Maybe I'm giving him too much credit, but it feels like there's a story that Yang is trying to tell somewhere underneath all the back and forth about Superman's powers and his identity. On some level, comic books are escapist fantasies, and the thing about Superman was that we could never be like him. He's super. We're not. Unfortunately, as we've seen these past few months, putting Clark Kent down to our level hasn't humanize him - it's just made him boring. Read Full Review

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