Last time he was in Gotham City, Jason Todd pretended to be a master criminal in the underworld. This time it's for real! With Suzie Su scared of what her new boss at the Iceberg Lounge might be capable of and Bunker questioning his own loyalty to Jason, the Red Hood's house of cards could be headed for a collapse. And if that isn't bad enough, Jason comes face to face with the teacher who taught him everything he knows about death and life, and Ducra isn't at all happy about this latest twist in Jason's story...
As this arc come hurtling to a close, Jason gets an unpleasant surprise and I get a increasingly bad feeling about his end game. Read Full Review
The creative team is really treading new ground here. Every month they push it even further. There is no status quo and that's perfectly fine by me. It's truly exciting to read and take in. When you combine it all with a ton of funny and emotional moments , it's easy to see that this is one of the most consistently great books on the stands month after month. Read Full Review
Yes, please. More. Thank you. I don't think I will ever get sick of reading about Jason and his various exploits, definitely won't happen before I see how this story line ends. There's so much that still needs to be tied up, and with that cliff hanger ending I need to read the next issue ASAP. Until then, Jason my boy, I'll be guessing my heart out as to what happens next. Read Full Review
The fight with essence was great, too. Lokus did an excellent job with creating a fluid transition. Now, the "one little thing" I appreciated from Woods in the course of this fight was the very beginning of it. When Jason drops his katana and crowbar, I thought he wasn't fighting Essence. For some reason, I thought he might try to talk it out, given their history. (Stupid me.) And this could have been a decision by Lobdell, but Woods did an excellent job emphasizing Red Hood had thrown down his weapons " only to exchange them for the All-Blades soon after! Read Full Review
I would be disappointed if that was the last we saw of Essence because otherwise what would the point of all that be, but Lobdell doesn't waste characters. Overall it's a solid issue. Artwork is great and it does a good job keeping the audience on what really happens next. Read Full Review
A decent issue in possibly my favorite arc in some time for Red Hood Read Full Review
While the title's plot really isn't furthered until the very end of the issue, it's still an enjoyable read that gives a little bit of a refreshment to a title that's been feeling stale. Read Full Review
While the art remains strong this issue, the story just kind of moves from place to place, where Jason looks more and more like a jerk. This would be fine if it felt set up, but this feels out of nowhere and only leads to a fight that was fun, but a little too convenient in the end. I'm all about the cliffhanger though and can't wait to see what happens in the next issue. Read Full Review
Like most of this title's issues of late, Red Hood: Outlaw #35 feels like treading water. There's a visually exciting battle, and a promising final page, but if things don't start picking up soon, I might lose faith. Read Full Review
Red Hood: Outlaw #35 is not the worst issue of the series, but it continues to be an odd run with no real defining ideas. Read Full Review
I would consider this chapter to be the calm before the storm, reinforcing charactersand filling the void to pad the story out to its obligatory six-chapter format.However, seeds are planted that may blossom in the near future, so I encourageus all to maintain an open mind. Read Full Review
I'm worried Lobdell is getting bored with writing Jason and is just throwing whatever he can get away with at this point. Hopefully, Penguin brings with him his usual wit next issue. Read Full Review