In the wake of a second attempt on her life, Lois takes the unprecedented step of...telling Superman to back off. As the Kiss of Death circles for another try, Lois's search for answers takes her back into the political spotlight, while Renee uses a Gotham connection in an attempt to undo the damage she's done and find answers to another set of questions entirely.
This issue feels like the result of deep research and daring improvisation. Each character feels true to their every appearance, yet the things they say feel fresh and new. This creative team is at their best. Read Full Review
Lois Lane #9 isnt afraid to get on its soapbox and talk about very real issues. That within of itself is applause-worthy. But it also finds time to have some fun, with great character work and furthering the narrative. Read Full Review
Mike Perkins makes this story come to life with the beautiful and dynamic art. Every page has the visual trappings of an awesome noir film or mystery and that art keeps me transfixed on the characters, the story and the dark corners of the environment. Read Full Review
And for a book called Lois Lane, almost all the action is done by Renee. Couldn't Lois be in this last scene instead? We are heading into the home stretch here. Can Rucka bring it all together in a satisfying way? Read Full Review
Lois Lane" #9 is packed with clever dialogue and serene silent sequences. Read Full Review
It's tightly plotted and the craft is top-notch, but with only three issues to go it's hard to see how he can tie everything up. I wouldn't be surprised if the ending is as ambiguous and frustrating as real-life often is. Read Full Review
On a whole, the issue does little more than move the story along, but the individual character bits and pieces are fun. Read Full Review
A lack of momentum combined with a struggle to engage with deportation policies in a meaningful or substantive fashion makes Lois Lane #9 appear like filler"stretching out a shorter story to fill a 12-issue maxi-series label. Combine that with increasingly messy linework and there are plenty of reasons to give this issue a pass. Read Full Review
Besides Alejandra's incarceration, Greg Rucka used this issue as a set up for next month's confrontation with Kiss of Death. While Rucka has never shied away from the book's political reflection of the times, making various statements for the sake of making them without being appropriately woven into the narrative runs the risk of turning away readers. There are ways to balance messages with the story, and this series did a pretty good job of that until now. Read Full Review
Lois Lane continues to bore me as the series feels like it still doesn't know what it wants to be and as Lois seems to solely do anything here just to say that she doesn't need Superman's help. I'm not a fan of the art and the progression to what we're dealing with now feels so strange and completely different from where we started, but not in a natural way. Read Full Review
"No contact"
I like this book. I'm not waiting with bated breath for every new issue. But when they come out and I finally get around to reading them, I enjoy every single one of them.
No matter the continuity mandates Greg Ruck is a great writer and Lois Lane is a great character, one that I became very fond of.
This issue was better than the previous one, but I feel like the overarching story is getting lost more and more each issue.
Rucka and Perkins are having trouble seeing the forest through the trees. The trees are great, but the forest is getting lost.
While Lois Lane started out well, it has taken a dip recently.
The Good:
Batman was cool.
The Bad:
Maybe I'm just getting used to it, but I'm not liking the art as much as I used to.
Going occult isn't a good idea for a Lois Lane story.
I feel like we've strayed too far from what the story was originally about.
There are some good and bad but it feels like this is a whole different story or arc than where the series started out and that's concerning for a 12 issue mini.
This series is really all over the place. It's bad when a few pages of Batman are better than the last 8 issues of Lois Lane, plus the pages she's in this time around. This series feels almost enthusiastically uninterested in Lois Lane herself. Which, y'know, I can see, when she's doing her Instagram pose on the cover to show how hard she cares. She's an increasingly arrogant character that never really shows, even in her own series, why she's so full of herself. Or why we should like her. Or why she deserves the praise she constantly gets. I don't know what the plot is anymore beyond the assassination attempt and the tendrils of plot outreaching from that, but I know that's not how this series started. We've got 3 issues before this is ovemore
I just don’t really like Lois Lane. And the rest of this is muddied by the art. Bleh.
If the goal was to make Lois Lane unlikable, then mission accomplished.Garbage Series!