All-Star Batman #4

Writer: Scott Snyder Artist: John Romita Jr., Declan Shalvey Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: November 9, 2016 Cover Price: $4.99 Critic Reviews: 20 User Reviews: 56
7.9Critic Rating
6.9User Rating

"My Own Worst Enemy" part four! So close and yet so far from his goal, Batman must now wrangle Two-Face out of his own assassin-filled riverboat casino before it plunges over Niagara Falls to their deaths! The Dark Knight will have to go all-in on the most deadly gamble of his life if he intends to make it out alive.

  • 10
    Comic Vine - Tony 'G-Man' Guerrero Nov 9, 2016

    For a character that's been around close to 80 years, we've seen countless different stories take place. Scott Snyder has been writing the character for the past few years, yet he keeps finding new ways to approach the storytelling. Snyder and Romita are delivering a high-action story with different twists and turns. The back-up story gives us more on Duke Thomas and continues to flesh him out. If you want a Batman story crammed with action where he's taken out of his element, this is the one for you. Read Full Review

  • 10
    CourtOfNerds - Benjamin Raven Nov 10, 2016

    It doesn't get better than this for Batman fans. The slow progression of the relationship between Batman and Duke are the things that make Snyder stand out as THE Batman writer of our generation. He knows this character like none other, and he proves it with each passing page. Read Full Review

  • 9.7
    Heroes Direct - Eammon Jacobs Nov 9, 2016

    If you've ever been a fan of Bruce Wayne –All-Star Batman #4 is part of a story you should not be missing. Everything about this series is absolutely stellar. The writing, the art and the characters are all completely enthralling. It's hard not to get wrapped up in the struggle between Bruce and Harvey. They both manipulate each other, they both strive to out manoeuvre the other in an attempt at escape – only to wind up in the same situation as before. It seems like it could become repetitive, but it just keeps the audience firmly in it's grasp at all times. We're completely head over heels for All-Star Batman. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Comics: The Gathering - Nick Liu Nov 9, 2016

    In the penultimate issue of “My Own Worst Enemy”, Batman smashes, blasts, and rock-and-rolls his away to a short-lived victory in one of the most bombastic, kinetic comic book action scenes in recent memory. Bringing the series’ high-octane energy together with incredible art, continuing character development and a gut-wrenching cliffhanger, All Star Batman continues to be one of the best books in DC’s current lineup. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    GWW - Mark Delaney Nov 10, 2016

    There are a few slip-ups where villains do stupid villain things — stop leaving Batman "to die" if you want him dead — but overwhelmingly, I'd be surprised if this isn't shaping up to be one of 2016's best comics. I read Batman almost exclusively when it comes to comics, so while I understand his character greatly, I'm not privy to the status of the rest of the comicsphere. If there are many comics out there right now better than All-Star Batman, I'd love to hear about them, because reading something as well done as A-SB is simply awesome. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Lyles Movie Files - Jeffrey Lyles Nov 9, 2016

    The issue ends with possibly the most over the top scenario for Batman and Duke yet. One thing is for sure. It won't possibly play out like I expect. Read Full Review

  • 8.7
    IGN - Jesse Schedeen Nov 10, 2016

    Needless to say, a story that already felt plenty timely is only growing more so in light of recent political developments. But this issue also has plenty of brutal, hard-hitting action to offer as Batman's physical gauntlet grows more harrowing and The Beast re-enters the fray. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    Comic Book Revolution - Kevin Nov 12, 2016

    All-Star Batman #4 is yet further proof that Scott Snyder is hands down one of the best modern day Batman writers. His understanding of the character and his world is second to none. This latest Two-Face story is yet another example of how Snyder finds new ways to challenge Batman that feels fresh. John Romita Jr. deserves just as much credit for executing the chaotic nature of Snyder's story with his artwork. If you're a Batman fan than All-Star Batman is a must buy. Read Full Review

  • 8.2
    Comicsverse - A. Chowder Nov 10, 2016

    ALL-STAR BATMAN #4 delivers in action and dialogue while lacking balance in artistic choices and story. A visually impaired Batman test his wits against Two-Face as Scott Snyder showcases more fun Bat gadgets and shines a beam of hope in the Dark Knight. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Book Bin - Avi Weinryb Nov 12, 2016

    As always, John Romita Jr.s pencils are a joy to behold. The fight sequences are well choreographed and movement is fluid and bold. The level of detail, from cracks on Batmans helmet, to the graininess of flashback sequences is top-notch. This is an artist who cares about his craft and isnt rushing to hit a page goal. I mean, come on, its Romita Junior. Danny Mikis ink work is understated and dangerously effective. This book is easy on the eyes. Batman fans owe it to themselves to give this series a read. Start with #1 and get caught up. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Newsarama - David Pepose Nov 10, 2016

    In some ways, it feels like All-Star Batman #4 is eerily prescient - and depending on your political stance, perhaps even more unrealistic than a guy who already dresses up in a Bat-suit and fights criminals for fun. But the Batman’s mission isn’t just one of hope - it’s about trudging through the darkness, about pushing through the pain, and not letting even the worst horrors keep him from fighting back. Yes, humanity has a dark side - and at times, they even succumb to it. But All-Star Batman #4 is a book that is about persistence, about commitment, about seeing things through even past the bitter end. If Bruce Wayne can take the pain and still keep standing, Snyder and Romita might be asking the most timely premise of all: if he can do it, maybe so can we. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    The Batman Universe - Corbin Pool Nov 9, 2016

    Backup Analysis: Declan Shalvey's art continues to be rock solid. Jordie Bellaire's colors are perfect for his style. These guys rocked this backup. And you even get to see Declan draw some tiny versions of the Bat-Family. Snyder's script was on point this issue, and while I was assuming the woman died, I don't know for sure. But that was plot and not the story, so I'm not distraught over not knowing for sure. I'm surprised they ended with one issue to spare, so I'm excited to see the finale. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Dark Knight News - Ryan Lower Nov 9, 2016

    Overall, the story progresses a little and the art remains top notch. Despite my needfor some resolution next month, it's still one of DC's top titles. Read Full Review

  • 7.5
    We The Nerdy - Jean-Luc Botbyl Nov 10, 2016

    Overall, Im not entirely sure I can recommend All Star Batman. It isnt quite living up to the promise of the first couple issues, and yet, there are parts of it Im really enjoying. Its just that those parts arent being pushed far enough. Theres a really original, quirky Batman story in here somewhere. Its just not quite showed its face yet. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Fortress of Solitude - Sergio Pereira Nov 9, 2016

    If All-Star Batman #4 proves one thing, it's that Two-Face remains one helluva of a wild card for any Batman story. You know there's another twist coming and it's bound to be insane. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Weird Science - Eric Shea Nov 9, 2016

    While this issue doesn't have the punch that the previous issues have had on me, there's still a lot to enjoy about it and a hell of a lot of action that just shows how prepared Batman really is for any situation.  Yeah, the backup still feels off, but the art there was probably the best I've seen so far.  All in all, this is still an interesting series, but by the end of the issue I just wanted more. Read Full Review

  • 6.5
    Capeless Crusader - Jeremy Radick Nov 9, 2016

    All-Star Batman #4 finds the characters continuing to run a gauntlet. And they've been doing that for four issues now. Despite some brilliant over the top action, the little tidbits of story progression that we're being fed should start to feel meatier soon. Or else what started off as so refreshing an approach is going to feel stale and stalled. Read Full Review

  • 6.5
    Batman-News - Jay Yaws Nov 9, 2016

    Taken as an out-of-continuitystory, this is pure, crazy fun. There are bits of genuine greatness here and there and lots of laughs to be had, but the overall lacking visuals drag the story down. Even so, All-Star Batman is pure escapism, and sometimes that's exactly what we need. Read Full Review

  • 6.5
    AIPT - Nick Nafpliotis Nov 9, 2016

    If you've been enjoying All-Star Batman so far (like I have), then this issue is definitely still worth picking up. Let's just hope that next month sees it return to its previous exemplary form. Read Full Review

  • 2.0
    Comic Bastards - Justin Wood Nov 9, 2016

    My favorite ongoing series this year was my favorite ongoing series last year, from someone I am already a committed fan of. I don't gamble on Image or Black Mask titles anymore, because, despite the of diversity, there is a creeping sense of sameness to what is actually being written. Young Animal is a thing, and the Warren Ellis Wildstorm announcement is vaguely attention-nabbing, but so far what little I've read of Animal feels like a bunch of 30-year-olds forming a cover band after work, not the New Music. Comics, like any artform or movement of history, moves in tides. The tide is going out for me, but it'll return eventually. In the meantime, though, I'm just left with wet sand and something misshapen and formerly alive that got left behind, twisted in knots of kelp. I'll stare at it, at least for one issue more, before leaving it behind, hoping that the tide returns quickly to whisk it way, from the sand and memory. Read Full Review

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