Chris Tresson's Profile

Joined: Sep 14, 2016

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Chris Tresson rated All-Star Batman #4 Dec 1, 2016

All-Star Batman #4

By: Scott Snyder, John Romita Jr.
Released: Nov 9, 2016

"My Own Worst Enemy" part four! So close and yet so far from his goal, Batman must now wrangle Two-Face out of his own assassin-filled riverboat casino before it plunges over Niagara Falls to their deaths! The Dark Knight will have to go all-in on the most deadly gamble of his life if he intends to make it out alive.

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Chris Tresson reviewed All-Star Batman #3 Oct 13, 2016

Never again.

All-Star Batman #3

By: Scott Snyder, John Romita Jr.
Released: Oct 12, 2016

"MY OWN WORST ENEMY" part three! Now on the run from both bounty hunters and cops, Batman and Duke must find a safe place to hide out with Two-Face before they can continue their journey to the cure. Batman might soon realize his worst nightmare: that Two-Face is right...and nowhere is safe.

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Ssnyder1835 - Jan 18, 2017

Sorry it didn't hit for you but thanks anyway for the look

Chris Tresson reviewed All-Star Batman #2 Sep 14, 2016


All-Star Batman #2

By: Scott Snyder, John Romita Jr.
Released: Sep 14, 2016

"My Own Worst Enemy" part 2! All aboard the train ride from hell! Batman and Two-Face continue their journey to Harvey Dent's cure through an assassin-infested landscape. But can the Dark Knight continue his crusade across the countryside when Two Face turns one of his greatest allies against him?

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