Convergence #3

Event\Storyline: Convergence Writer: Jeff King Artist: Stephen Segovia Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: April 22, 2015 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 21 User Reviews: 19
5.2Critic Rating
5.4User Rating

Death comes calling as an injured Telos takes out his rage on the people of Kandor, while the Earth-2 team endures another brutal casualty. And major plans are set in motion as Green Lantern and the others follow Deimos into the lost city of Skartaris to find Rip Hunter and the missing Time Masters, who could be their only hope of escape from this apocalypse for Infinite Earths!

  • 8.0
    The Batman Universe - TBU Contributor Apr 24, 2015

    4. I would implore anyone who is overwhelmed by this series and needs help understanding that before they read the next issue they should read Future's End/Convergence: Booster Gold and Justice League #40. Those 3 issues aside from explaining who Deimos is will really help you understand the stakes of what is happening here. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    DC Comics News - Matthew Lloyd Apr 24, 2015

    The continued focus on character makes this story enjoyable and accessible to all readers. The meaningful death is in line with the character development in the issue. King is building towards something, and it is enjoyable. The nostalgic components are a bonus. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Major Spoilers - Stephen Schleicher Apr 22, 2015

    Perhaps I'm having an aneurysm and the flow of blood is causing me to adjust my attitude, or perhaps there is more to Convergence than the first two weeks have lead us to believe. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Weird Science - Eric Shea Apr 22, 2015

    Things are happening in this event and they have nothing to do with re-explained information or walks down the World's End memory lane............ and I'm so happy.  This issue explodes with actions and consequence, death and destruction........ It's everything that I had hoped this event could be and I really hope it continues on this path.  A real step up from the last two issues and I think this will really get people on board with Convergence. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Infinite Comix - Max Dweck Apr 23, 2015

    Convergence #3 is the first step toward redeeming this series. All of the setup has concluded and the story can finally start to play out. What worlds, cities, and faces readers will see are still unknown, but Jeff King certainly has the chance to make this a great and memorable comic, and it's starting to look like he may just pull it off. Read Full Review

  • 6.5
    GWW - Brad Bell Apr 22, 2015

    As strongly as King handles the villains of Convergence in issue #3, his story unravels a bit when it shifts focus to the team dynamic of the Earth 2Justice League. The obstacles that he throws at the teamdo notfeel organic at all outside of Batman and Dick Grayson. As all of sudden heroes encounter new allies, and quickly find themselves in new locations just because the story calls for it. As the Justice League'sstory begins to unfold story elements begin to feel less natural making the reader ponder for the first time if television writer Jeff King should have been handed this major DC event as his first project. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Fanboys Inc - Jeff Ayers Apr 22, 2015

    Hopefully, with the midway point happening next issue, the story will pick up a little bit more. Action is exciting, but it can't save the day. At this point it begs the question: can anything save this series? Read Full Review

  • 5.5
    Nerds Unchained - Michael Bowie Apr 28, 2015

    Between Earth 2, Earth 2: Worlds End and now Convergence, there has been a lot of time spent building Thomas Wayne and Dick Grayson into something and this issue is the first time ive actually felt worried that it was all leading to nothing. Yes, I can see where things might be going, but that doesnt make it feel like any less of a waste. Thats kind of my opinion of convergence as a whole up to this point. Whats the point of the whole thing? Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Comic Booked - Julien Loeper Apr 23, 2015

    Convergence is problematic, but Ive been appreciating the event as a catalyst for all of the great nostalgic tie-ins weve been getting. About 75% of them have all been very good so far, and thats such a weird thing because it usually applies to Marvel. The actual event book itself is a mistake, but I can see ways of how it could be fixed. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    SciFiPulse - Patrick Hayes Apr 24, 2015

    Pass on this. It's average in practically every way. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    ComicBuzz - ChrisG Apr 27, 2015

    There are some nice panels including one image of Brainiac that shows a terrifying Monster that has a great design. But this issue, and the series itself, fails to do anything but frustrate. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Weekly Comic Book Review - Loukas Apr 28, 2015

    The chief conceit of Convergence is that time lines are living things. They are born, they grow and mature, they age and decay, and then they die. Braniac is in the business of saving pieces of dead timelines, like cell cultures harvested from terminal patients moments before they expire. To extend the metaphor, Telos,Braniac's planetary lab assistant,even performs research on the harvested remains of the perished universes, probing and testing and examining the effects of different stimuli. Read Full Review

  • 4.5
    AIPT - Tyler Sewell Apr 23, 2015

    While Convergence shows signs of life in this issue, those moments are heavily outweighed by the lows and continued wasted moments. A large portion of the story isn't new-reader friendly and will require some DC historical knowledge. If you're this far into the series you're probably committed solely for collecting purposes; if not, you must have a lot more faith in this series than I do. Read Full Review

  • 4.4
    IGN - Jesse Schedeen Apr 23, 2015

    Convergence is getting worse, not better, as it continues trudging along. There's ample potential in this story, particularly in its focus on the Thomas Wayne/Dick Grayson dynamic, but that potential is rarely fulfilled. The series suffers from both clunky dialogue and a general lack of excitement. Now even the art quality isn't a strength. Is there any hope at this point that this series can rebound? Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Bloody Disgusting - Zac Thompson Apr 22, 2015

    At this point “Convergence” is hard to recommend. It shows absolutely no signs of course correction and consistently drowns under its own weight. The result is an event without nuance, or even a proofread. That's right, Green Lantern's dialogue actually has a misspelling of “Telos” calling the villain “Tellos” it's not just a quirk either, it's a real deal one time error. It's almost the cherry on top of this embarrassingly bad piece. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    ComicList - Brandon Borzelli Apr 25, 2015

    Convergence is an okay story with obscure characters. The plot is fairly thin but the action is heavy. The comic puts familiar names with unfamiliar faces into a tough situation. The comic struggles to make sense to the unseasoned reader but will probably be a great read for those that know the ins and outs of these characters. This is an okay comic book. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Yet Another Media Site - Kevin Finnigan Apr 23, 2015

    Stephen Segovia takes over on art this issue, and his work is decent enough. The action looks well, but the lack of background/sky makes it difficult to tell where everyone is in relation to each other. This an issue with the event though, not Segovia's artwork itself. Segovia doesn't have a wide arrange of faces, sometimes not matching the dialogue as well as it could. Segovia does (somewhat) solve one of my gripes with CONVERGENCE, and that is not knowing which version of characters we are seeing. Segovia makes a point of showing that Earth 2 Batman is fighting Pre-Flashpoint Batman villains. It started to see the fun that CONVERGENCE originally promised and got excited. Unfortunately the issue ended and my excitement was cut short. Read Full Review

  • 3.5
    Batman-News - Brandon Mulholand Apr 23, 2015

    The headliner of DC's current company wide event proves this week that the tie-ins are where the real enjoyment of Convergence is to be found. This issue is filled with hollow gestures and meaningless conflict. On top of that, throw in a general lack of empathy for the characters, and I'm finding little worthwhile to recommended where this issue is concerned. The only thing it managed to do was remind me of other stories, that quite frankly, I would rather be reading. Read Full Review

  • 3.0
    Comic Book Resources - Doug Zawisza Apr 24, 2015

    Midway through "Convergence" #3, I found myself comparing the plot of this to the "Super Powers" miniseries from the 1980s. Why else would Telos, with the powers of a god, be reduced to laying hands on characters? Four issues into the adventure, not a whole lot has happened outside of the deaths in this issue. Shock deaths are not something I buy comics for, and events need to have some emotional draw. Right now, the prime "Convergence" title doesn't offer the emotional investment to make the shock deaths anything more than a bloody gimmick. Read Full Review

  • 3.0
    Newsarama - Pierce Lydon Apr 22, 2015

    Better art can't save this issue, though. The plot is meandering. The villain might as well be made of cardboard, he's so two-dimensional. There are still no stakes, and it's easy to see why. This is filler through and through. Why else would the event's main title not carry A-list talent? Don't get me wrong - these creators are capable, but their names don't exactly carry the weight that a Geoff Johns or a Jeff Lemire or a Scott Snyder might. Convergence is a disappointment that doesn't seem too concerned with righting the ship. It's bad, but not bad enough, and in a few month's time, when the small publishing changes that come out of it are written away, we'll forget it ever happened. Read Full Review

  • 2.0
    All-Comic - Derek Baker Apr 22, 2015

    As a huge DC Comics junkie, this reviewer is going to read the rest of this hot garbage. However, you should not. At this point, the main story doesnt have enough redeeming qualities. Except for when Doctor Hurt shows up. Maybe this should all be all about Doctor Hurt. That would save Convergence in a hurry. Read Full Review

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